Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society, Madison, Wisconsin, October 2008 Mission statement: To recognize and support congregational and personal commitments to the environment; to plan activities that involve all members and friends of Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society (PUU) and the wider community in new positive environmental activities; and achieve Green Sanctuary (GS) accreditation through the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth. As stated in our PUU Bond of Union: "As the prairie stretches out until it becomes one with the sky, let us reach out to touch and be one with the natural world, and with one another". Structure: The Green Committee will have representatives from PUU standing committees, members at large, and the Board. The Green Committee will select members to serve as a steering committee, which in turn, will appoint rotating conveners for the Green Committee and a liaison to the PUU Board. This Green Committee was approved by the Board on September 21, 2008. Communication: Minutes will be taken at each meeting. Committee reports will be given to the PUU Board. A Green Page will be incorporated into the PUU Web site and committee minutes, status reports, educational materials, and other communications will be posted on this Web page. When appropriate, the Prairienews (Yahoo) list serve will also be used for communications. Meeting Schedule: The committee will meet 1-2 times per month during the accreditation period. Sub-committees and work groups will meet on an ad hoc basis. Membership: Membership is open to all PUU members and friends. |