Archives: Episode
Porchlight’s Response to Pandemic by Karla Thennes
Description:Karla Thennes, Executive Director, will be sharing Porchlight’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects the homeless in Madison.
Ethics, CRISPR, and Human Genome Editing by Robert Streiffer
In November 2018, Dr. He Jiankui announced to the world the birth of the first gene-edited babies. He is now in jail for what he did. The technology Dr. He…
The Lost Art of Scripture – Karen Armstrong by Robin Proud
In her newest book, religious historian Karen Armstrong traces the rise of fundamentalism in multiple religions and how it misrepresents the original faiths. We will look at her basic premise…
Lessons in Inclusivity: What UUs Can Learn From Progressive Muslims by Katrina Daly Thompson
This talk examines language socialization in a network of inclusive Muslims involved in North American and online groups with a focus on congregants in a progressive, LGBTQ-majority mosque. Examining how…
The Climate Action Movement Today: Is It Shooting Itself in the Foot or Reaching for the Moon? by Peter Anderson
Beginning about 2014, the focus of the climate movement abruptly shifted from urgent action to avert a climate catastrophe to first rectifying racial and sexual injustice. Absolutely, the cause of…
Disinformation, Voter Suppression and What You Can Do About It by Dee J. Hall
Learn about the problem of disinformation and voter suppression and how citizens can become better news consumers. Dee J. Hall is the managing editor of Wisconsin Watch, a nonprofit investigative…
Stories in Stone by Brooke Norsted
Join us for “Stories in Stone” with Brooke Norsted, Assistant Director of the UW-Madison Geology Museum. Travel through time and discover the unexpected history of Wisconsin’s geological past including volcanoes,…
What is Active Hope through the Lens of Joanna Macy – The Work that Reconnects by Dr. Penny Andrews
Joanna Macy, teacher and scholar, has devoted her life to giving voice to the hard places and their impact on us. At the age of 90, her work continues in…