Recurring Services
We have several favorite participatory Sunday services throughout the year. These include:
September: Ingathering where we kick of the school year/welcome back the congregation at the conclusion of summer
October/November: All Soul’s/All Saint’s Day during which people are invited to share memories of loved ones

December: Symbol Tree service around Christmas time when people share important milestones in their lives from the past year

May/June: Bridging Ceremony recognizes RE students moving into high school, graduating from high school, and making other transitions.
June: Summer Reads, Prairie members bring book recommendations to share with others.
Date varies: Animal Blessing, we bring photos of current & past animal companions (or actual animal companions) and focus on our 7th principle, the interdependent web of life
We value our youth attending services and intentionally have one Intergenerational service about every 4-6 weeks, with a topic of interest to all ages, youth friendly songs and may include crafts, dance, music, skits
We also mark life milestones including child dedications, weddings (see Rentals for more information) and memorials.