Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society
Prairie is a small, liberal congregation with a rich history of lay leadership and a commitment to shared ministry in recent years. As Unitarian Universalists, we draw inspiration from many sources, including religions, philosophies, and ideals of sustainability and justice. We also draw inspiration from a statement of UU principles and purposes (the Seven Principles) and a statement of values and beliefs (the Seven Values). We value being part of a community that supports the growth and ethical development of our children. As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that personal experience, conscience, and reason are the ultimate authorities in matters of faith and spirituality.

We are a Welcoming Congregation that opens our Sunday morning services with words similar to the following: “We welcome people of every ethnic and religious background, whatever your color, sexual orientation, or family structure.”
Bond of Union
We, the members of Prairie, wish to associate ourselves together in a religious community which affirms that we share a common humanity, that we need one another, and that our futures are inescapably bound together. Together we would expand our intellectual horizons, enrich our sensory experiences, and deepen our emotional sensitivities. We would sharpen our ethical awareness and broaden our sense of social responsibility. We would stand tall in our quest for integrity of life, yet not at others’ expense. As the prairie stretches out until it becomes one with the sky, let us reach out to touch and be one with the natural world, and with one another.
Prairie UU Society Mission Statement
Adopted May 19, 2024
Guided by hope and kindness, we nurture a welcoming community that fosters
caring connections, open-mindedness, lifelong learning, and spiritual growth;
while championing social justice and environmental stewardship.
Our Vision of the Prairie Community
Adopted May 19, 2024
We aspire to be a community where all voices are heard and valued,
collectively acting as a catalyst for positive change,
inspiring empathy and curiosity to champion a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.