
We are meeting in person at our Meeting House at 2010 Whenona Drive. We are also streaming the service on Zoom. You can find the link to join us on the home page or on the calendar.

Our services begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 11:15am. Services are led by invited guest speakers or by individuals from our congregation. This is an example of a typical service. Several participatory services are Prairie favorites. You will find a wide variety of topics and perspectives presented, as shown by the past program listings on the Calendar below. We also have recent Recorded Services.

Guest speakers are presenters from outside Prairie membership. They are invited to speak at a Prairie Sunday service by the Program Committee. They speak on timely issues which can be related to the UU principles.

Potluck Sundays

Join us after the Sunday Service on the first Sunday of most months to share a potluck meal and sit down together for lunch and fellowship. People bring main dishes, bread, salads, desserts, and also kid-friendly dishes like mac and cheese. All are welcome.

  • Service: "All Congregation Gathering"
    June 30, 2024  10:00 am - 11:15 am

    Our congregation will meet at Vilas Zoo instead of at Prairie. We will not have a formal service; rather, we'll gather in the big white tent in the zoo between 9:30 and 10:00 to visit with each other before we disperse in small groups to explore the zoo and enjoy fellowship. 

    Consider carpooling. This map shows parking lots adjacent to the zoo near the North and South Entrances. Additional parking can be found on Vilas Park Drive (enter from Edgewood Ave) both west of the zoo and east of the zoo.

  • Service: "Thomas Jefferson: His Religious Beliefs" by Rev. Ralph Tyksinski
    July 7, 2024  10:00 am - 11:15 am

    In this reflection on Thomas Jefferson, Rev. Ralph Tyksinski will explore the complexity of Thomas Jefferson's religious beliefs and why, identified as a Unitarian, they have a bearing on today's political/culture climate.

    We will meet in person at our Meeting House at 2010 Whenona Drive.  There is also an option to watch or listen to the service on Zoom:
    Join by phone: 1(312)626-6799 Meeting ID: 863 8756 5125