Comprehensive List of
Past Sunday Programs
1967 to 2024
This listing of Prairie programs from the society's beginings to the present is searchable for program speaker and title using Control F or Command F. Digital copies of available cassette tape recordings of full services made between 1984 and 2010 (with a few from 1976) are available on request. This feature is under development and is temporarily marked with "f_" in the Endnotes column. That last column also provides links to orders of service when available. These became routinely available starting in 2012.

Jump to 1967 | June 1976 | July 1978 | Sept 1979 | Sept 1980 | Sept 1981 | Sept 1982 | Sept 1983 | Sept 1984 | Sept 1985 | Sept 1986 | Sept 1987 | 1993 | June 1996 | June 1998 | June 2000 | June 2002 | June 2004 | June 2006 | June 2008 | June 2010 | June 2012 | June 2014 | June 2016 | June 2018 | June 2019 | June 2020 | June 2021 | June 2022 | June 2023 | June 2024

Lay Ministries
Dan and Barbara Willard: Ecology
Bruce Bashore: Basic Values in One-to-one Relationships
Bob Koehl: Individual Sensitivities
George Calden: Marriage, Music and Madness
Pat Cautley: A look at some of the problems of society
Orie Loucks: Learning from the Social Organization of Animals
Al Nettleton and Steve Friedman: Community, Myth, and Society
Rebecca French: mostly poetry
Fred and Ann Seidl: "About Your Sexuality" for middle schoolers
Richard Perry: Religion: Prairie & UU, varieties of religious expression
Joe Hoffman: The Meaning of Life as Revealed through the Works of the Great Masters
Annis Pratt: quilts, poetry, women
Mike Briggs: Roots
Warren Hagstrom: Exploration of What Religion Is
Pat Watkins: Exploration of Unseen and Undervalued Dependencies/Relationships
David Lisman: Idealists Confront Authority
David Carson: Personal Testimony: Listening to Our Inner Voices
Basic Choices, Inc.: Social Consciousness and Social Action
Theron Caldwell: Where Prairie Is at this Point in Time
Laura & John Smail: Scott in the Antarctic, Epics, and Mystics
Metje Butler & Lois Hagstrom: Art
Mary Lou Munts: Politics
Rod Stevenson: energy and related topics
Social Action and Program Committees: Program Committee stresses Unitarianism-Universalism
George Calden: Marriage, Music & Miscellaneous
John Grindrod: Issues Facing Society in the Area of Medicine
Peg Stevenson: the family
Dave Zakem: Various Aspects of Culture & Personality
Alice & Lee Bullen: The Magnificent Invention: The U.S. Bill of Rights
Barb Park: "The Disagreements that Unite Us" as UUs
Bob West: Contemporary Problems in American Society
Shirley Grindrod: Aging
Mary Mullen: the environment, ecology, and the E-Way, including a program on bird and frog songs
Marty Drapkin: Criminal Justice System
Lois & Warren Hagstrom: Music & Art
Diane Worzalla: History of Feminist Issues
Les Lyons: music, peace, Bertrand Russell, etc.
David McKee, Geoff Bonser, Rick Ruecking: The Male Experience
Doleta Chapru: The Many Faces of Madison
Elizabeth Jones: Spirituality & Intellect
Judy Spring: Unanswered Questions
Marty Drapkin and Pat Watkins: Working
Barbara James: Bureaucracy; A Deeper Look
Carolyn DeJoie: Tackling Tough Topics
George Calden: Eight Who Dared
Lynda Lewis: Children of Change
Lance Green: A Humanist Search for Religion
Julie Bonser: Alcoholism / UU Concept of Evil
Alan Nettleton: Unitarian Universalist Principles
Jack Jallings: Fundamental Changes are Necessary
Sally Henshaw and Mary Mullen: East Asia
Warren Hagstrom: religions
Orange Schroeder: Biophilia
Mike and Norma Briggs: Man, Woman, and Machine
Mary Mullen and Fredericka Schilling: Gay and Lesbian issues
Orton Gray: Death and Dying
Ann Forbes and Jim Lorman: Focus on the Environment
Bill Robbins and Michele Honoré: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage
Mark Wagler: Storytelling
Scott Savage: Spirituality
Peg Barratt: on the theme "let us reach out to touch and be one
with the natural world, and with one another"
Diane Derouen and friends: Ecofeminism
Dick Bonser: Modern Rites of Passage
Terry Krause: Solving Problems
Anne Urbanski: Myths
Barb Park: Universalism
Carolyn DeJoie: Racism
Judy Skog: Unplug the Christmas Machine
Warren Hagstrom and Doleta Chapru: Everyday Morality, and music
Cinda LaMar: UU Principles Through the Visual Arts
Jack Jallings: Alternatives for Creating a Just Society
Barbara Rames: UU History and Thought
Michael Sheehy: The Web of Life
Betty Jallings: influential Books
Al Nettleton: the benefits and dangers of information technology
Mary Mullen: The Welcoming Congregation
Gail Coover: Race and Ethnicity
Barbara Golden: Issues in Public Education
Cindy Haq: Health & Justice
Phoebe Rosebear: When Your Heart Opens
Steve Pierce: Poverty in Dane County
Cindy Haq and Gary Giorgi: Health and Social Justice
Anne Pryor: Art and Religion
Orange Schroeder: The Church Across the Street
Rick and Marilyn Ruecking: Hunting for Hope
Kay Frazier and Marilyn Ruecking: Hunting for Hope
Pat Watkins: Going About Denominational Business
Robin Carré: Our Whole Lives (OWL)
Lisa Glueck and Larry Nahlik: Eastern Religions
Nancy Schraufnagel: Healthy Congregations and Conflict
Susan Hagstrom: Skepticism
Judith Strasser: The Reason/Unreason Project
Jean Matos: Creativity and the Arts
Deep Ecology Study Group: Ecology
Sandy Ingham: UU Connections
Bev Cann: LGBT issues
Doleta Chapru: Politics/Democracy and Religion
Rose Smith: Immigrant Stories
John Lewis: Science and Spirituality
Al Nettleton: The Living Tradition
Amy Owen: Journey of Healing
Bob Lawrence: Islam
Bob Lawrence: Islam (concluded)
Rev. Sara Oelberg: Humanism
Rachel Long with Rebecca Malke: World Religions
Steve Vorass: Evangelicalism
Kathy Converse: Evolution
Andy Somers: Freedom of Speech or Propaganda
Anne Lundin: “This I Believe” panel series
Rick Ruecking: Ways of Seeing
Anne Lundin: “This I Believe” panel series cont.
Rachel Long: GA’s Greatest Hits
Ingrid West: Earth-centered Religions
Green Sanctuary Committee: Environmental Awareness
Rebecca Malke: How the World’s Religions Promote the Seventh Principle
Rachel Long: Mental Health
Peter Anderson: Death and Dying
Putting your faith into action; empathy and compassion
Environmental topics; anti-incarceration topics
Program Committee: The Seven Principles; local social action initiatives
Program Committee: The Seven Principles; local social action initiatives
Program Committee: The Six Sources

Prairie Sunday Programs and Events Starting in 1967
Sunday Programs 1967-70
Sept. 17, 1967 A Chance To Grow Bruce Bashore
Sept. 24, 1967 The Church and Today's Youth Msgr. Wirz and Howard Custer
Oct. 1, 1967 The Family's Contribution to a "Chance to Grow" Ray Redding
Oct. 8, 1967 World Peace Through Law William Rice
Oct. 15, 1967 Are Marriages Made in Heaven? George Calden
Oct. 22, 1967 The Hippies: A Sub Culture Discussion
Oct. 29, 1967 Evaluation Discussion
Nov. 5, 1967 Bach to Baez - Varieties of Worship Music George Calden and John Grindrod
Nov. 12, 1967 Why Unitarians Abandon Causes Frank French, Andrew Grimes
Nov. 19, 1967 Govt Computers: Boon or Threat to Privacy? Charles Holt
Nov. 26, 1967 Liberal Values in a Radical World Max Gaebler
Dec. 3, 1967 Racial Confrontation Within Unitarianism June Spencer, Rochelle Lester
Dec. 10, 1967 Techniques of Dissent Jim Greenwald, Mike Josefowicz
Dec. 17, 1967 Our Response to the Black Caucus Ann Patton
Dec. 24, 1967 Family Xmas Program
Dec. 31, 1967 International Brunch
Jan. 7, 1968 Whither 1968? Discussion
Jan. 14, 21, 1968 Unitarian Youth and Tomorrow's Community Tom Savage and MUY
Jan. 28, 1968 Music and Religious Experience Karlos Moser, Junior Choir
Feb. 4, 1968 The Natural Community: Space, Resources and People Jim Zimmerman
Feb. 11, 1968 Up From the Apes, Downed by Pollution Bob Dott
Feb. 18, 1968 Religion and the Natural Environment Lloyd Bitzer
Feb. 25, 1968 Catholicism in Tradition and Change Msgr. Wirz
March 3, 1968 Catholic Folk Mass
March 10, 1968 Dance, Religion and Bodies Maxine Sheets
March 17, 1968 Euthanasia Dr. Gene Bastian
March 24, 1968 Exploring Inner Space Frank French
March 31, 1968 Organization and By Laws
April 7, 1968 Techniques of Influence Pat Cautley
April 14, 1968 Voices of Spring George Calden
April 21, 1968 Images of War Bob Koehl
April 28, 1968 Solidarity with Whom? Hilton Hanna, Henry Hawkins (Meat Cutters Union)
May 5, 1968 Must I Kill? Bob Koehl, Lloyd Bitzer, Eugene Boardman
May 12, 1968 Must I. Kill? - Discussion Bob Koehl
May 19, 1968 A Psychologist Looks at Viet Nam George Calden
May 26, 1968 Television Violence Boris Frank
June 2, 1968 Charting a Course on the Lone Prairie Charlie Davidson
June 9, 1968 Brunch on the Prairie
Nov. 17, 1968 Science and Religion Sir Alister Hardy
Nov. 24, 1968 Science and Religion Orie Loucks
Dec. 1, 1968 Ecology Hugh Iltis
Dec. 8, 1968 The Population Problem Risser and Kabler
Dec. 15, 1968 Commercial Christmas Boris Frank
Dec. 22, 1968 Christmas in Music and Word Lloyd Bitzer and Bob Siegfried
Dec. 29, 1968 Christmas Service (1st Society)
Jan. 5, 1969 Changing Religions - Unitarian Max Gaebler
Jan. 12, 1969 The Jew Rabbi Swarsensky
Jan. 19, 1969 The Protestant Steve Krueger
Jan. 26, 1969 The Catholic John 23rd Society
Feb. 2, 1969 How Changing Religion Affects Us Marv Woerpel
April 6, 1969 Easter Sunday oos
April 13, 1969 Service with John 23rd
April 20, 1969 An Experiment In Decision Making Marcia Geer oos
April 27, 1969 The Celebration of Life: The Times They Are a'chang'ng or Why I am not a liberalLanier Clance
May 4, 1969 An Adventure in Space (kite flying at Prairie site) Marcia Geer
Sept. 7, 1969 Mifflin St. and the City Council Alderman Eugene Parks
Sept. 14, 1969 The Police View the Student Disorders Cap't Earl Sorenson
Sept. 21, 1969 Mifflin St. "Committee of 30" - panel discussion Bob Siegfried, Roland Parrish, Ted Peters
Sept. 28, 1969 The Psychologist Looks at Community Problems Pat Cautley
Oct. 5, 1969 3 Days With the Community of Brothers Lilo Koehl
Oct. 12, 1969 Issues Behind the Issues in Welfare Ray Munts
Oct. 19, 1969 Fiddler on the Roof, Revisited: The Jewish Celebration of Life George Calden oos
Oct. 26, 1969 What is Afro-American Culture? Okon Uya
Nov. 2, 1969 The Church in Perpetual Revolution - Report from the Central Midwest District Conference of the UUA Bob Siegfried
Nov. 9, 1969 Sex Education in our Schools Ted Rosenbaum
Nov. 16, 1969 Family Planning and Population Control Hugh Davis
Nov. 23, 1969 Lincoln Center, Chicago Ghetto Mr. Ellis
Nov. 30, 1969 Who's Right in Viet Nam - film David Schoenbrun
Dec. 1, 1969 A Trip to North Viet Nam Joseph Elder
Dec. 14, 1969 The Whole Earth Co-op Co-op members
Dec. 21, 1969 The Family of Man - Christmas Service
Dec. 28, 1969 no service held
Jan. 4, 1970 Reflections on Hinduism Raj Shukla
Jan. 11, 1970 The Essence of Islam Bashir Ahmad
Jan. 18, 1970 The Baha'i World Religion Baha'i members
Feb. 1, 1970 "The Meaning of Life" - based on a presentation of "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett Bob Koehl, Bob Siegfried, John Miller
Feb. 8, 1970 The Suburban Commune and Prairie People John Miller
Feb. 15, 1970 Ingredients of an Optimum Human Environment Orie Loucks
Feb. 22, 1970 Beethoven - Is He Relevant Today? - a psychologist looks at the composer George Calden
March 1, 1970 Decision Making - a look at some of our values Betty French, Ted Peters and the 5th and 6th grade class
March 8, 1970 Transcendental Meditation Jeff Zavik and group
March 15, 1970 The Madison Community School Community school students
March 22, 1970 Bob Dylan - A Search for Meaning through Modern Folk Music Harold Rogers
March 29, 1970 A Celebration of Life - Family Easter Service oos
Aprril 5, 1970 The Thing and I - Prairie Members show their "Bag" Betty Jallings
April 12, 1970 Urban Aesthetics and Cultural Crowding Barrie Greenbie
April 19, 1970 Discussion led by Barrie Greenbie on previous week's subject Barrie Greenbie
April 26, 1970 Truth as Seen in a Moment of Time Clark Edwards
May 3, 1970 Biological Roots of our Aesthetic Appreciation Hugh Iltis
May 10, 1970 Where are our Priorities? Rachel Siegfried, Pete Guest, Steve Friedman
May 17, 1970 Good (Last of the 5 services on Beauty, Truth and Good) Bob Koehl
May 24, 1970 Second Annual "Go Fly a Kite" Sunday (at Prairie site)
May 31, 1970 The Power of the Individual - Environmental and Political Mary Cunningham, Shirley Abrahamson

Sunday Programs 1970-71
Sept. 13, 1970 Women's Liberation Ann Fitzgerald and Rena Gelman (Madison's Women's Coalition)
Sept. 20, 1970 Child Rearing, Day Care and Women's Liberation Jan Roache, Kathy Block and Susan Blakslee
Sept. 27, 1970 Abortion Counseling Dr. Alfred Kennan, Ruth Minter and Elaine Reubin
Oct. 4, 1970 The Armored University Dave Meyer
Oct. 11, 1970 Up Against the Wall - Or where Do We Go From Here Dave Meyer
Oct. 18, 1970 Celebrating the International Community - UNESCO Dave Meyer and Hermine Davidson
Oct. 25, 1970 Simple Gifts - Service at Upham Woods Dave Meyer
Nov. 1, 1970 Installation Service of Dave Meyer as Minister
Nov. 8, 1970 Science - The Center of CuIture Bob Siegfried
Nov. 15, 1970 The New Sexual Morality John Zahn
Nov. 22, 1970 Medical Science and the Unborn Child Dr. Mike McCann
Nov. 29, 1970 Does the Afterlife Begin at 30? George Calden
Dec. 6, 1970 100 and 1 Ways to Argue Boris Frank and the 6, 7, 8th graders
Dec. 13, 1970 Traditional Values in Xmas Dave Meyer
Dec. 20, 1970 Family Xmas Service
Jan. 3, 1971 Quaker Meeting - Thoughts of 1971 Steve Friedman
Jan. 10, 1971 A Unitarian Treasure Hunt Dave Meyer
Jan. 17, 1971 Let Freedom, Truth and Good be Sung George Calden
Jan, 24, 1971 Some Thoughts on Aggression Clark Edwards
Jan. 31, 1971 Therefore a Striped Painted Horse is Not a Zebra Glenn Cox
Feb. 1, 1971 City Steve Friedman
Feb. 14, 1971 Oh Man - Oh Woman Bob and Lilo Koehl
Feb. 21, 1971 Art for Pete's Sake Ted and Rebecca Clark

Sunday Programs 1971-72
Sept. 12, 1971 Suzanne and God Dave Meyer
Sept. 19, 1971 Middle Class Values - Introduction Boris Frank
Sept. 26, 1971 Arts of the Prairie Richard Roznoy
Oct. 3, 1971 Computers and Privacy Charles Davidson
Oct. 10, 1971 Middle Class Values - 2 Boris Frank
Oct. 17, 1971 Upham Woods Retreat
Oct. 24, 1971 The Freeze - UNICEF Dinner Boris Frank
Oct. 31, 1971 Halloween - Spirits or Spiritual Pat Meyer
Nov. 7, 1971 Of War and Violence Dave Meyer
Nov. 14, 1971 Middle Class Values Bob Hoffstetter
Nov. 21, 1971 Reflections on Civil Rights William Gorham Rice
Nov. 28, 1971 On Death and Dying Melinda Roznoy
Dec. 5, 1971 A Tribute to Mikis Theodorakis, composer of 'Zorba the Greek' George Calden
Dec. 12, 1971 Christmas Program Dave Meyer
Jan. 2, 1972 Chatty Sunday
Jan. 9, 1972 Racism Marlene Cummings
Jan. 16, 1972 Prairie Program Dave Meyer
Jan . 23, 1972 Problems of Youth Judge Ervin Bruner
Jan. 30, 1972 Middle Class Values - Obscenity Boris Frank
Feb. 6, 1972 Musical Extravaganza Bob Koehl, Mark McElreath
Feb. 13, 1972 Love Vivian Meyer and Diane Remeika
Feb. 20, 1972 Critique of Women's Lib Orie Loucks
Feb. 27, 1972 Environment Dave Meyer
March 5, 1972 Yoga Boyce Totz
March 12, 1972 School Without Walls Baxter Richardson
March 19, 1972 Watching TV Commercials Larry Lichty
March 26, 1972 Upham Woods Retreat
March 31, 1972 Blind Leading the Blind - Good Friday Dave Meyer
April 2, 1972 Easter Service Dave Meyer
April 9, 1972 Prairie Priorities Boris Frank
April 16, 1972 Transcendental Meditation Jeff Zavik and Stella Renz
April 23, 1972 Individual Values Boris Frank
April 30, 1972 May Day Service Dave Meyer
May 7, 1972 Man, Nature and Change Darrel Morrison
May 14, 1972 Electronic Battlefield Dave Meyer
May 21, 1972 Farewell Service Dave meyer
May 29, 1972 Memorial Day Picnic Davidsons

Sunday Programs 1972-73
Sept. 10, 1972 Syncretic Humanism Rebecca French
Sept. 17, 1972 Tragedy of the Commons Dan and Barbara Willardoos
Sept. 24, 1972 Limits of Growth Charles Davidson
Oct. 1, 1972 Prairie Retreat - Camp Onikijig
Oct. 8, 1972 The Drug Scene LRY group
Oct. 15, 1972 Poisons and Food and the Mind Dan and Barbara Willard
Oct. 22, 1972 The Ecology Gods Al Nettleton
Oct. 29, 1972 Awareness I Dan and Barbara Willard
Nov. 5, 1972 Politics '72 Steve Friedman
Nov . 12, 1972 Awareness II Dan and Barbara Willard
Nov. 19, 1972 The Ark Dan and Barbara Willard
Nov. 26, 1972 Music in the Prairie George Calden
Dec. 3, 1972 It Ain't Got Us Yet Dan and Barbara WillardL1
Dec. 10, 1972 Basic Needs of Man Bruce Bashore
Dec. 17, 1972 Nostalgia, Marriage and Separation Counseling Committee
Dec. 24, 1972 Christmas Program Bruce Bashore
Dec. 31, 1972 Fun and Games Al Nettleton
Jan. 7, 1973 Personal Renewal Bruce Bashore
Jan. 14, 1973 Unitarianism - 1973 Vivian Meyer, 1973
Jan. 21, 1973 Thoreau Bruce Bashore
Jan. 28, 1973 Human Sexuality Ann Bashore and Lisa Freedman
Feb. 4, 1973 Pantomine Reid Gilbert
Feb. 11, 1973 Peace of Mind - Yoga Allan Weinstock
Feb. 18, 1973 Long Term Intimate Relations Nancy and Mark McElreath
Feb. 25, 1973 Personal Meaning of Music - I George Calden
March 4, 1973 Our Parents - A Commemoration Bob Koehl
March 11, 1973 Loyalty Bob Koehl
March 18, 1973 Roots for Heroes - Appalachia Betsy Robertsoos
March 25, 1973 Celebration - The Dance Hermine Davidsonoos
April 1, 1973 Fantasy, Reality and Religion Terri Lawrence
April 8, 1973 What is Unitarianism? Max Gaebler and Bob Koehl
April 15, 1973 Relationship Rebecca French and Bob Koehl
April 22, 1973 Communion Bob Koehloos
April 27, 1973 Our Prairie Ministry Willards, Bashore and Koehl
May 6, 1973 Feelings and Intelligence Bob Koehl
May 13, 1973 Affirmation * Prairie Site Bob Koehl

L1 = lay ministry - Dan and Barbara Willard
oos = link to order of service

Sunday Programs 1973-74
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Theme: Marriage, Music and Madness -- George Calden ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sept. 9, 1973 Marriage: I Count - You Count George CaldenL2
Sept. 16, 1973 Prairie Roots - Deep and Shallow Al Nettleton,
Steve Friedman
Sept. 23, 1973 Brave New Marriage George CaldenL2
Sept. 30, 1973 It Just Won't Go Away - Frustration Tim Fast,
Rosemary Dorney
Oct. 7, 1973 Morality, Immorality, Amorality George CaldenL2
Oct. 14, 1973 The Gospel According to the Prairie Chicken Pluckers The PCPoos
Oct. 21, 1973 UN 21st Anniversary - Family Service Vivian MeyerIn
Oct. 28, 1973 The Personal Meaning of Music George CaldenL2
Nov. 4, 1973 What Now for Chile? Maurice Zeitlin
Nov. 11, 1973 The Myth of the Ecological Santa Claus Hugh Iltis
Nov. 18, 1973 A Satire on You and the Mass Media Middle school students
Nov. 25, 1973 Our Strongest Religion - Patriotism George CaldenL2?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Theme: The Individual in Social Action -- Patricia Cautley ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Dec. 2, 1973 Let the Bastards Freeze in the Dark: A Look at our Self-imposed Traps Patricia CautleyL3
Dec. 9, 1973 What Do You Really Want Anyhow? A Discussion of the Quality of Life Patricia CautleyL3
Dec. 16, 1973 The Heavens Proclaim the Glories of God Roland Parish
Dec. 23, 1973 Family Christmas Program Patricia Cautley,
Aileen Nettleton
Dec. 30, 1973 Share a Creation Patricia Cautley
Jan. 6, 1974 Ethical Issues in Medical Care David Carson
Jan. 13, 1974 Economic Issues in the Delivery of Medical Care Panel of physicians and nurses
Jan. 20, 1974 A Look at the Occult Bob Siegfried
Jan. 27, 1974 A Feast for the Eyes - Family Slide Service Patricia Cautley
Feb. 3, 1974 Sex Role Hang-ups -1 Annis Pratt, Fred Seidel, P. Cautley
Feb. 10, 1974 Sex Role Hang-ups -2 Annis Pratt, Fred Seidel, P. Cautley
Feb. 17, 1974 The New China Lorne Taichman
Feb. 24, 1974 Putting it All Together Patrica CautleyL3
March 3, 1974 Beauty and Obscenity - A Multi-Media Presentation Orie LoucksIn L4
March 10, 1974 Ethical Issues in Madison Orie LoucksL4
March 17, 1974 Bloody but Unbowed - Legal Efforts to Stop the Power Companies John Neese
March 24, 1974 The Ethological-Ecological, Socio-behavioristic Interrelationship of Marine Avian Populations - or Confusions of a Seagull Watcher Dan Willard
March 31, 1974 Love, Fear and Aggression in the Development of Young Primates Orie LoucksL4
April 7, 1974 Interpreting Animal Experiments for Human Problems Steven Suomi
April 14, 1974 Easter-Passover Sharing: Potluck Brunch Terri LaurenceIn
April 21, 1974 The Art of Lee Weiss Lee Weiss
April 28, 1974 You Owe me - I Owe You - Reciprocity in the Family Bill Gardner
May 5, 1974 Death Squared -1 - Studies of a Population Explosion Orie LoucksL4
May 12, 1974 Death Squared -2 - A Search for Alternatives Orie LoucksL4
May 19, 1974 Prairie Celebration - A Morning on the Prairie Site FellowshipIn
July 28, 1974 Water Festival at the Davidsons' In
Aug. 4, 1974 Prairie wedding of Bob Park and Debbie Doob

In = intergenerational service or activity
L2 = lay ministry on Marriage, Music and Madness - George Calden
L3 = lay ministry on some of the problems of society - Pat Cautley
L4 = lay ministry - Orie Loucks
L5 = lay ministry on Community, Myth, and Society - Al Nettleton and Steve Friedman
oos = link to order of service

Prairie Sunday Programs Sept. 1974 - May 1976

Sept. 8, 1974Mayor Paul Soglin"Power, Politics, and the Civic Center"L
Sept. 15, 1974Theron Caldwell"Focus on Prairie"In L
Sept. 22, 1974Al Nettleton/Steve Friedman"An Expert is Someone From Out of Town with Slides"L5
Sept. 29, 1974Aileen Nettleton"The Post-war War: Continuing Unrest in Indo China"
Oct. 6, 1974Steve Friedman"People in Cities"L5
Oct. 13, 1974 "Harvest Celebration"In
Oct. 20, 1974Al Nettleton"Violence and Violation"L5
Oct. 27, 1974George Calden 
Nov. 17, 1974Dan Willard"Eulogy for the Train"
Nov. 24, 1974Al Nettleton"Power and Other Worldly Virtures (sic)"L5
Dec. 1, 1974Richard Perry"Looking Through the Lens: A Philosophy of Photography"
Dec. 22, 1974Steve Friedman and Al NettletonFamily Christmas ProgramIn
Jan. 5, 1975Pat Watkins"Gold Fever: Then and Now"
Jan. 19, 1975Social Action Committee"Person to Person Action"
Jan. 26, 1975Long Range Planning Committee"Prairie Horizons: Leadership:
March 16, 1975George Calden"Music: Alive and Kicking"notes
March 23, 1975Ceremonies Committee"Death and Dying: The Dead and the Bereaved"
April 13, 1975Joe Hoffman"Michaelangelo's Conception of God"
April 27, 1975Warren Hagstrom"Homage to Leopold Mozart, Parent: with Music by his Son"oos
May 11, 1975Middle school AYS classFamily fun at the Prairie siteIn
May 18, 1975 Picnic at Theron Caldwell'sIn
June 22, 1975 Solstice picnic at the Carsons'In
July 6, 1975 Water fete at the Davidsons'In
Aug. 3, 1975 Prairie-site picnic with First Unitarian SocietyIn
Sept. 7, 1975Richard Perry"Binding Together"L7
Oct. 17-19, 1975 Fall Retreat - Upham WoodsIn
Oct 26, 1975Rita Wlodarzcyk and Social Action Committee"One World: A Celebration for the United Nations and Glen Turner"
Nov. 9, 1975David Wiley"Humanism and African Religions"
Nov. 23, 1975Richard Perry"Community in Ritual"In L7
Nov. 30, 1975Richard Perry"Bringing it All Back Home"In L7
Dec. 7, 1975Joe Hoffman"The Meaning of Life as Revealed through the Works of the Great Masters - Da Vinci"L6
Dec. 14, 1975Joe Hoffman"The Meaning of Life as Revealed through the Works of the Great Masters"L6
Jan. 11, 1976Joe Hoffman"Bernini: The Exaltation of Vulgarity" or "Why the Italians Love the Opera"L6
Jan. 25, 1976Joe Hoffman"Caravaggio: His Brutal Realism and His Unpopularity"L6
Feb. 1, 1976Joe Hoffman"Rembrandt: From Rags to Riches to Rags"L6
Feb. 8, 1976 Cross-country skiing at the Carsons'
Feb. 22, 1976Joe HoffmanFamily ServiceIn
Feb. 29, 1976Joe Hoffman"Frank Lloyd Wright Changes the Face of Architecture"L6
March 7, 1976Annis Pratt"Everything Goes in a Circular Motion"Tp L8
March 14, 1976Annis Pratt"Quilts"Tp L8
March 21, 1976Robyn Costello"Ourselves Alone...Songs of the Irish"
March 28, 1976Joe Hoffman"Order and Chaos"Tp
April 4, 1976Annis Pratt"You Can Be Anything You Want Yourself to Be"Tp L8
April 11, 1976Ruth Calden"Shaker Life and Rituals"Tp
April 18, 1976Annis PrattFamily Easter ServiceTp In L8
April 25, 1976Henry Pratt"Political Game Playing: The Chippewa River Dam Struggle"Tp
May 2, 1976Jane Cloak, David Carson, and Henry Pratt"Social Concerns and Political Responsibility"
May 9, 1976Annis Pratt"Swiss Cheese, Wormholes, and Talking Bicycles"Tp
May 16, 1976Annis Pratt"Strange Things That Go in a Circular Motion"Tp L8
May 23, 1976 "Final Spring Ritual and Prairie Ceremony"Tp
May 30, 1976 Picnic at the Prairie Site

In = intergenerational service or activity
L1 = lay ministry - Dan and Barbara Willard
L2 = lay ministry on Marriage, Music and Madness - George Calden
L3 = lay ministry on some of the problems of society - Pat Cautley
L4 = lay ministry - Orie Loucks
L5 = lay ministry on Community, Myth, and Society - Al Nettleton and Steve Friedman
L6 = lay ministry on The Meaning of Life as Revealed through the Works of the Great Masters - Joe Hoffman
L7 = lay ministry on Binding Together - Richard Perry
L8 = lay ministry - Annis Pratt
oos = link to order of service
Tp = Cassette tape provided from Mary Lou Diehl collection

Prairie Sunday Programs June 1976 - May 1977

June 19-20, 1976John LewisCanoe trip on Wisconsin River
July 18, 1976 Water Fete and picnic at Davidsons'
Sept. 12, 1976Mike Briggs"Roots"L1
Sept. 19, 1976Avis Parrish and Mike Briggs"No Place Like It"
Sept. 26, 1976Mike Briggs"The People Sing"
Oct. 3, 1976Mike Briggs"The Land & the People"L1
Oct. 8-10, 1976 Retreat at Camp Upham Woods
Oct. 17, 1976John and Laura SmailIndonesian Gamelan Music
Oct. 31, 1976Terri Laurence"Halloween, Holidays and Other Diversions"In
Nov. 7, 1976David Lisman"Our Religious Roots"
Nov. 14, 1976Anne Gaylor"Why Do We Need Freedom from Organized Religion?"
Nov. 21, 1976 Joint Meeting with the Community of John XXIII
Nov. 28, 1976Mike Briggs"Ethical Concerns and the Law"L1
Dec. 5, 1976Warren Hagstrom"The Devil is the Spirit of Gravity: Friedrich Nietzsche Against and for Religion"L2
Dec. 12, 1976Warren Hagstrom"The Decline of the Saturnalia, from Ancient Rome to Contemporary Office Xmas Parties"L2
Dec. 19, 1976 Family Christmas ServiceIn
Dec. 26, 1976George Calden"Varieties of Christmas Music: From Pope Gregory to Odetta"
Jan. 2, 1977David Lisman"Controversial Life Styles"
Jan. 9, 1977Warren Hagstrom"Religion and Social Classes: The Relevance of Karl Marx"L2
Jan. 16, 1977Warren Hagstrom"Four Hindu Holy Men"L2
Jan. 23, 1977Warren Hagstrom"What Does Religion Mean to You? Do You Define Yourself as Religious?"Tp L2
Jan. 31, 1977Warren Hagstrom"Religion and the Decline of Magic: The Relevance of Max Weber"L2
Feb. 6, 1977Warren Hagstrom"Fantasy - Realism - Despair"L2
Feb. 13, 1977Jane Farwell"Fun and Games"
Feb. 20, 1977Lois Hagstrom"Nature and the Americans"L2
Feb. 27, 1977Warren Hagstrom"Music Among Friends: Franz Schubert"L2
March 6, 1977Pat Watkins"Where I Come From is What I Am: Five Generations of a Black Family"L3
April 3, 1977Fred and Ann Seidl"The Human Sexuality Sunday School Curriculum"
April 10, 1977 Family Service and Ceremony to Welcome New Members, Potluck BrunchIn
April 24, 1977Hugh Iltis"Man, Plants, and Land: An Excursion in Latin American Ethno-botany"
May 1, 1977Austin McClendon"Alternatives to Prison"
May 8, 1977Barbara Carson"Ballet Pof_ourri"
May 14, 1977Betty Jallings in charge"Why We Boycott"
May 22, 1977 Spring Festival at the Prairie site

In = intergenerational service or activity
L1 = lay ministry - Mike Briggs
L2 = lay ministry - Warren Hagstrom
L3 = lay ministry - Pat Watkins
Tp = Cassette tape provided from Mary Lou Diehl collection

Prairie Sunday Programs June 1977 - May 1978

June 12, 1977 Potluck supper at Carsons' farmIn
June 26, 1977 Potluck lunch with the Sauk City Unitarian Universalist fellowshipIn
July 10, 1977 Water party at the Davidsons'In
Aug. 28, 1977 Joint meeting with First Unitarian Society
Sept. 11, 1977David Carson"Ho Chi Minh confronts Woodrow Wilson"L1 oos
Sept. 18, 1977David Carson"Margaret Sanger"L1
Sept. 25, 1977David Lisman"Personal Testimony: Listening to Our Inner Voices"L1
Oct. 2, 1977 Family SundayIn
Oct. 9, 1977David CarsonEugene DebsL1
Oct. 16, 1977 "Voices from the Depression"
Oct. 23, 1977John OhligerService at Upham Woods RetreatIn
Oct. 30, 1977David Carson?Rachel Carson?L1?
Nov. 6, 1977David Lisman"Self-Help Psychologies"L1
Nov. 13, 1977David Carson"Conflict Resolution in Our Prairie U.U. Society"
Nov. 20, 1977Doleta Chapru and Rose Smith"The Smokey Mountian Pioneers"
Nov. 27, 1977David Lisman"Voluntary Simplicity"
Dec. 4, 1977David Carson and panelIdealists Confront Authority: Prairie members speak of their pastsL1
Dec. 11, 1977Warren Hagstrom"J. S. Bach"oos
Dec. 18, 1977David Lisman"The Role of the Church as an Instrument of Social Policy"
Dec. 25, 1977, 4 pm "A Christmas Memory"In
Jan. 1, 1978 No service
Jan. 8, 1978George Calden, Clark Wright EdWards"Zen & the Path from Psychopath to Cyclepath"notes
Jan. 15, 1978Annis Pratt"Aunt Jennifer's Tigers: Embroidery as a Subversive Act"
Jan. 22, 1978 "Prairie Families and Their Music"In
Jan. 29, 1978Norma Briggs"The Texas Convention"
Feb. 5, 1978Arthur Lloyd, John Ohliger"Why Basic Choices?"L2
Feb. 12, 1978Basic Choices"The Search for Intimacy"L2
Feb. 19, 1978Basic Choices"Education and the Corporate State"L2
Feb. 26, 1978 "Prairie Dances"In
March 5, 1978George Cramer"My Turned on Teacher"L3
March 12, 1978Arnie Clay, Theron Caldwell"The Way We Are, Now That We Mention It"L3
March 19, 1978Warren Moon"Akhenaten; Monotheist With a Hidden Agenda"L3
March 26, 1978 Dedication ServiceIn oos
April 2, 1978Rod Stevenson"Social Action and the Church: The Role of UUA"
April 9, 1978Basic Choices"Working (for Pay) - Survival and/or Change?"L2
April 16, 1978Basic Choices"The Big (and Abstract?) Word - Technology"L2
April 23, 1978Basic Choices"The Politics of Response and Change"L2
April 30, 1978Rosemary Dorney"Tenth Anniversary Festival"
May 7, 1978Theron Caldwell"I feel and That's fine!"L3
May 14, 1978 "A Question of Time"
May 21, 1978 Family ProgramIn

In = intergenerational service or activity
L1 = lay ministry on Idealists Confront Authority - David Carson & David Lisman
L2 = lay ministry - Basic Choices
L3 = lay ministry - Theron Caldwell
oos = link to order of service

Prairie Sunday Programs July 1978 - June 1979

July 2, 1978 Wedding party at the Diehls' after the wedding of Martha Willard and Tim Diehl
July 9, 1978 Waterfront party at the Davidsons'In
Aug. 20, 1978 Joint picnic with First Unitarian Society at Canyon ParkIn
Sept. 10, 1978Metje Butler, Mary Lou Munts, John Smail, Laura Smail, Lois Hagstrom"Prairie Preview"
Sept. 17, 1978Laura Smail"Distant Places - The Farthest Place"L1
Sept. 24, 1978 "Distant Places - Getting There and Back"L1
Oct. 1, 1978Al Kadushin"Child Abuse as Parenting?"
Oct. 8, 1978Paul Zindell"The Effect of Gamma Rays on Me in the Moon Marigolds"
Oct. 15, 1978Lois Hagstrom"Mexican Revolutionary Prints and Music - and Mexican dancing"L2
Oct. 22, 1978 Upham Woods RetreatIn
Nov. 5, 1978Mike Briggs"The Risks and Joys of the Small Business Owner: Prairie Owners Tell All"
Nov. 12, 1978Fran Remeika, Pat Cautley, Mike Lyman"A Roof Overhead"
Nov. 19, 1978 "The Home Front"
Nov. 26, 1978 "Prairie Foxfire"
Dec. 3, 1978Metje Butler"Design in Everyday Life"L2
Dec. 10, 1978Metje Butler"Six Approaches to Design"L2
Dec. 17, 1978John Smail"Epic"L1
Dec. 24, 1978 Family Christmas ProgramIn
Jan. 7, 1979John Smail"Mysticism"L1
Jan. 14, 1979 Cancelled due to snow
Jan. 21, 1979Laura Smail"Fairy Tales: Where They Came From & Why They Stick Around"L1
Jan. 28, 1979Mary Lou Munts"Time Perspective of the Role of the Legislature and Executive in State Government"L3
Feb. 4, 1979Lee BullenFamily ProgramIn
Feb. 11, 1979Mary Lou Munts"A Legislator's Personel Perspective"L3
Feb. 18, 1979Charles Uphoff"Food for Thought"
March 4, 1979Terri Lawrence"Share a Creation"
March 11, 1979Mary Lou Munts"Lobbyists in the Legislature"L3
March 18, 1979David Lisman"Is Humanism Arrogant?"
March 25, 1979Warren Hagstrom"Give Me That Old-Time Religion - - Pythagoreanism! or: One of My favorite numbers iS u= 1.618034"
April 1, 1979Annis Pratt"Celebrate Lost Authors"
April 8, 1979Lois Hagstrom"Sandro Botticelli --- Renaissance Art, Religion & Magic"L2
April 15, 1979Holly Loring, Eileen NettletonFamily ProgramIn
April 22, 1979Lois Hagstrom"The Nude: A Study of Ideal form in Art"L2
April 29, 1979Julie Bonser"The Moral Dilemma of Welfare"
May 6, 1979Norma Briggs"Today's Wisconsin Law and Marriage"
May 13, 1979Alice BullenFamily ProgramIn
May 20, 1979Jack Jallings"Will You still Love Me When I'm 64"
May 27, 1979 "In Memoriam"
June 3, 1979Mike Briggs"Summer Time Is Comin' In", at the home of Dick and Julie Bonser
June 17, 1979George Calden"Is Marriage an Endangered Species?", at First Unitarian Society

In = intergenerational service or activity
L1 = lay ministry - Laura & John Smail
L2 = lay ministry - Metje Butler & Lois Hagstrom
L3 = lay ministry - Mary Lou Munts

Rod Stevenson: energy and related topics
DateServicePresented byNotes
9/9/79Passing ThroughMike Briggs,
Dodie Chapru
9/16/79Human Prospects in a Post-Industrial SocietyRod Stevenson
9/23/79Generating Inequality: The Distribution of Wealth, Income, and Power- - - Part 1Rod Stevenson
9/30/79Family Day-- Visit to Turville Point
10/7/79Generating Inequality- - - - Part 2Rod Stevenson
10/14/79The Control of Knowledge: In Early America. Part 1Lee Bullen
10/21/79The Control of Knowledge: Part 2Erwin Knoll
10/28/79Upham Woods Retreat
11/4/79Energy Future and Social Choices: Part IRod Stevenson
11/18/79Paths to Renewable EnergyMichael Ducey
11/25/79Times of Feasting, Times of FastingMike BrIggs,
Holly Loring
12/2/79Populist Movements: Democracy in Action: Part 1Rod Stevenson
12/9/79Populist Movements: Democracy in Action: Part 2Rod Stevenson
12/16/79Reflections from a Distant MirrorRod Stevenson
12/23/79Family Program
12/30/79Surprise Program
1/6/80Family Program
1/13/80Energy Actions on the Community LevelRandy Korda
1/20/80Energy as a Feminist lssueClaire Fullenweider
1/27/80Celebration for a New Homeoos
2/3/80Folk Dancing
2/10/80Prairie's Future
2/17/80Death & Dying---Part I
2/24/80Death & Dying---Part II
3/2/80Songbook SundayMike Briggs,
Holly Loring,
Dodie Chapru
3/9/80Dane County Hospice
3/30/80Clara & Robert Schumann: Music & Madness in the FamilyDodie Chapru,
Warren Hagstrom
4/6/80Go Fly a Kite
4/13/80Seeing Where We Came FromPeter L. Scott
4/20/80Transylvanian UnitariansLajos Biro
4/27/80The First Six Years of Martial Law in the Philippines
5/4/80Dedication of Prairie Meeting House: The Need for RootsMax Gaebleroos
5/11/80Rembrandt van RijnLois Hagstrom
5/18/80Women and WordsNorma Briggs
5/25/80no program
6/1/80The Consequence of the InconsequentialRobert Hoagland
6/8/80Growing Together: Family Program
6/15/80Cuban RefugeesRuth Calden,
George Calden
6/29/80Dunn's Marsh: Its Ecology & PoliticsMary Mullen,
Ron Johnson
7/6/80On PatriotismDorothy Lee
8/3/80PrisonsJulie Bonser, Betty Jallings
8/10/80Individual Environmental ResponsibilityPat W. Lehman
8/24/80Joint meeting with Sauk Free Congregation- Unitarian Fellowship at 'Sauk City.
Picnic there at 1 p.m., followed by meeting.

George Calden: Marriage, Music, & Miscellaneous
John Grindrod: Issues Facing Society in the Area of Medicine
Peg Stevenson: family concerns
DateServicePresented by
9/7/80Is Marriage an Alternate Life Style?George Calden
9/14/80For the Love of Pete (Seeger)George Calden
9/21/80Mental Health and Mental IIInessJoyce Feustel
9/28/80The Stigma of Mental IIInessWilliam Lunney
10/5/80What's So Funny About Marriage?George Calden
10/12/80Upham Woods Retreat
10/26/80Community Responsibility for Mental HealthJoyce Feustel,
William Lunney
11/2/80The Crisis Intervention Line
11/9/80Happy Birthday Ludwig (Beethoven)George Calden
11/16/80Heroines and HeroesGeorge Calden
11/23/80Afghanistan: Then and NowWilliam Spangler
11/30/80Sharing With Others- - - Thanksgiving Service
12/7/80Mexico, An Economic OverviewRobert Abbey
12/14/80Program 0n IranDave Zakem
12/28/80Books That Changed Our Lives
1/4/81Some Medical HistoryJohn Grindrod
1/11/81Holistic MedicineAIan Levine
1/18/81Medical EthicsLowell Mays
1/25/81Legal JusticeMike Briggs
2/1/81Slides on KoreaJohn Grindrod,
Shirley Grindrod
2/8/81A Religious Education for All Seasons: Family Service
2/15/81What's Wrong With Medicine?John Grindrod
2/22/81Whither MedicineJohn Grindrod
3/1/81The Crisis in El SalvadorDavid Kaimowitz
3/8/81Families in the 1980's: Research & TheoryPauline Boss
3/15/81Wisconsin & Federal Resources: In Support of Families?Bob Nelson
3/22/81Integration of Family & WorkPeg Stevenson,
Rod Stevenson
3/29/81The Ghost of Families Past and Your Family TodayJim Kerr
4/5/81Wild Maize and Wild MountainsHugh Iltis
4/12/81All Music ProgramMike Briggs
4/19/81Celebration of SpringDodie Chapru,
Pat Cautley
4/26/81The Changing Faces of FamiliesPeg Stevenson
5/3/81How Your Floor Plan Affects Your FamilyJudy Hooper
5/10/81Family Communication WorkshopPeg Stevenson
5/17/81UA Prairie Quilt
5/24/81no program
5/31/81If I Should Die Before I WakeFran Remeika,
John Grindrod,
Dorothy Lee
6/7/81Family ServicePat Cautley,
Aileen Nettleton
6/14/81The Moonie ExperienceJo Vukelich
6/21/81Hopi Summer Solstice CelebrationRachel Siegfried
6/28/81Noon-Pot-luck picnic with Sauk City Congregation
7/5/81The War PrayerDave Zakem
7/19/81Northern IrelandChuck Eikel
8/2/81New GamesDodie Chapru
8/16/81Wonderful Wetlands in General, Dunn's Marsh in ParticularMary Mullen,
Anne Forbes

Dave Zakem: Various Aspects of Culture & Personality
Alice & Lee Bullen: The Magnificent Invention: The U.S. Bill of Rights
Barb Park: The Disagreements that Unite Us
DateServicePresented by
9/6/81Willmar 8 (a film)
9/13/81Around the WorId OdysseyDave Zakem
9/20/81If You Know Our Language, You Know UsDave Zakem
9/27/81Africa, The Country We Didn't Learn About in SchoolDave Zakem
10/4/81Sufism, the Flowering of IslamDave Zakem
10/11/81The Cultures of IndiaDave Zakem
10/18/81The Troubles in IrelandCharles Fenn
10/25/81Upham Woods Retreat
11/1/81United Nations Celebration
11/8/81Where Have All the Veterans Gone?
11/15/81Turning PointsDave Zakem
11/22/81Words of InspirationDave Zakem
11/29/81Comforting the Pilgrams- - Thanksgiving Service
12/6/81Close Encounters with the Bill of RightsAlice Bullen,
Lee Bullen
12/13/81A Second Look at ReligionAnne Gaylor
12/20/81Festival of Light: Family Service
12/27/81Peace on Earth - - - What We Must DoLes Lyons
1/3/82Press Freedom: Without Exception?Alice & Lee Bullen,
John OhIiger
1/10/82The Right to Bear ArmsLarry GIeasman,
David Couper
1/17/82Excerpts from Inherit the WindPlayreaders
1/24/82Legal JusticeMike Briggs
1/31/82On Keeping a Personal JournalJudy Spring
2/7/82Economic DemocracyWilliam O. Hart
2/14/82Sending a Cosmic Valentine: Family Service
2/21/82E.R.A.Kay Clarenbach
2/28/82The Rights of the AccusedMike Briggs
3/7/82Threats to the Bill of RightsJoel Grossman
3/14/82El Salvador: What We Can DoJudy Strasma
3/21/82Rites of SpringDave Zakemoos
3/28/82Our ReIigious RootsBarb Park
4/4/82Tchaikovsky: An All-Music ServiceWarren Hagstrom
4/11/82Are We Religious?Barb Park
4/18/82Are There Closet Christians in Our Midst?Barb Park
4/25/82History of UU Movement in AmericaLionel Barker
5/2/82Kites for Everyone- - - Family ServicePeg Stevenson
5/9/82Disagreements that Divide UsBarb Park
5/16/82Play: "Judgement of Time: Four Voices of Feminism from the 19th Century"
5/23/82Our Religious Linguistic LuggageBarb Park
5/30/82"An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge"- - - Family film
6/6/82Family Service
6/20/82Folk MusicMac Robertsondes
6/27/8212:00 noon picnic with Sauk City Fellowship
7/4/82Thomas JeffersonDave Zakem
7/11/82Living SingleDave Zakem
7/25/82UUA United Nations OfficeJim Olson
8/8/82A Compassionate Peace in the Middle EastAmerican Friends ServIce CommIttee
8/15/82Cue-in on Design in Everyday LifeMetje Butler
8/22/82The Earth is One Country: Unity in the B'hai FaithPaul & Ellie Jacobi
8/29/82Expressions of Creativity and Provocation

Bob West: Contemporary Problems in American Society
Shirley Grindrod: Aging
Mary Mullen: The Environment, Ecology, and the E-way
DateServicePresented by
9/12/82Science, Humanism, FeminismBob West
9/19/82Abortion: The Ethical QuestionsMarci Bradley
9/26/82An Insider's View of the History & Culture of the PhilippinesGina Cowell
10/3/82WICCA: Life-Affirming Witch-Craft and its Relevance TodaySelena Fox,
Jim Alan
10/10/82Sociobiology - - - A Feminist CritiqueRuth Bleier
10/17/82Upham Woods Retreat
10/24/82Multi-Lateral RelationshipsJoan Constantine,
Larry Constantine
10/31/82What Scares You: Family Program
11/7/82Mobilization for Animal RightsMarty Drapkin
11/14/82Men's LiberationMichael Biernbaum,
Patrick duCharme
11/21/82Coming Apart; Divorces and Other Painful SeparationsDorothy Wetherby
11/28/82World Hunger: Impossible to End Using Our Present MethodsDave Zakem
12/5/82Men and FeminismMichael Biernbaum,
Patrick duCharme
12/12/82Alternative Ways of Growing 0ldShirley Grindrod
12/19/82Christmas Service
12/26/82Sing Out the Old - - Dance in the NewMike Briggs,
Ethnic Impurities
1/2/83Nuclear Free ZonesSam Day
1/9/83The Rights/Rites of AgeShirley Grindrod
1/16/83Celebration of New Lives and OldDorothy Wetherby
1/23/83Community Options ProgramThomas A. Fisher
1/30/83The Equal Opportunities LawMartha Fineman,
Shirley Price-Marcus
2/6/83Aging Programs in Partnership with OthersMarguita Fox
2/13/83Danger WordsDave Zakem
2/20/83Legal Aspects in AgingDeborah Kennedy
2/27/83Artificial Aids to Sustaining LifeMargaret Newton
3/6/83Housing Choices for the Elderly
3/13/83Social Problems of AgingVivian Wood
3/20/83Our Attitudes Toward the Elderly
3/27/83UUA Purposes & Principles: Should They Change With the Times?Barb Park
4/3/83Sanctuary DiscussionLes Lyons,
Barb Park
4/10/83Many Connections: Oak Leaves, Pussy Willows & YouMary Mullen
4/17/83Preserving Nature's TrailsPhillip Lewis,
David Wallner,
Mary Mullen
4/24/83The End of a TrailPhillip Salkin
5/1/83The Circle: Native American Religion & Land UseBrent Haglund
5/8/83The Issue of Phosphorous in Wisconsin WatersBob West
5/15/83Knowing by Hearing: Bird Songs & Frog SongsMary Mullen.
Marian Moran
5/22/83Recognition Day
5/29/83Making a Livable Urban EnvironmentJohn Proctor
6/5/83Keeping the World Safe for Predators & Bringing the Cranes BackJan Petrie
6/19/83In Celebration of NatureMary Mullen
6/26/83On Social HumanismFindley Campbell
7/10/83Unitarian Summer CampsRuth & George Calden,
Jacob Haum,
Les Lyons
7/17/83Nicaragua TodayMirette Siereg
7/24/83The Story of Amos & Sanctuary for Refugees from El SalvadorLes Lyons,
Barb Park,
Amos Arismendi
7/31/83Games New and OldDodie Chapru
8/7/83Wisconsin State Policy on Forest LandsGeorge Hall
8/14/8312:30p.m.--Potluck picnic at Sauk CityRev. Robert Hoaglanddes

Marty Drapkin: Criminal Justice System
Lois & Warren Hagstrom: Music & Art
Diane Worzalla: History of feminist Issues
DateServicePresented byNotes
9/4/83Second Annual Banned FiIm Festival
9/11/83Blue Knights In MadtownMarty Drapkin
9/18/83Girls in Trouble: Offenders or Victims?Patricia Warner
9/25/83Criminals and Sinners Among Us?Marty Drapkin,
Bob West
10/2/83.Just Deserts: The Criminal Sentencing ProcessJudge Mark Frankel
10/9/83Upham Woods Retreat
10/16/83Prisons: Life in the Big HouseGeorge Smullen
10/23/83Around the World in 60 Minutes
10/30/83Prisons: The Inmate Perspective
11/6/83Women Offenders: A Psychological PerspectiveJoy A. Kenworthy
11/13/83Prostitution: A Day in the LifeFai DeMark,
Iris Christensen
11/20/83Wrap-UpMarty Drapkin
11/27/83MichelangeloI was a Univenalist (More or Less)Lois & Warren Hagstrom
12/4/83Deck the Halls - - - - Family Service
12/11/83Mozart: Music in the familyWarren & Lois Hagstrom f_ oos
12/18/83Christmas/Winter Solstice CelebrationErin Boschf_ oos
1/1/84Does the Future Lie Ahead?George Calden
1/8/84Nature, Art & The Americas: The Hudson River Valley School of PaintingLois Hagstrom
1/15/84William Blake, Poet and ArtistLois Hagstrom.
Mary Mullen
1/22/84William Blake's Book of JobLois Hagstrom
1/29/84Mexican Revolution - - - Prints & MusicLois Hagstrom
2/5/84Music Among Friends: Franz SchubertWarren Hagstromf_ oos
2/12/84Valentine's DaySusie Drapkin,
Ruth Calden,
2/19/84Ethical & Spiritual Values in Rock MusicBob West
2/26/84Dimitri Shostakovich: Music, Revolution & TyrannyWarren Hagstromf_ oos
3/4/84Final ChoicesMary Lou Munts,
Arnoldus Goudsmit,
Rick Ruecking,
Marybeth Plane
3/11/84From Different TraditionsDiane Worzalla
3/18/84The Use.& Abuse of Historical Tradition:The Irish ExampleDiane Worzalla
3/25/84Welcome Spring - - - Family Service
4/1/84Our Ethnic HeritageDiane Worzalla
4/8/84Bob, Belle, & JessieDiane Worzalla
4/15/84One Man Looks at His Jewish HeritageMichael Wiedenf_
4/22/84Easter Service: Intergenerational
4/29/84Report on Trip to Texas/Mexico BorderMary Mullenf_
5/6/84Rituals, Liturgies, CeremoniesDiane Worzallaf_
5/20/84Recognition SundayLynda Lewis
6/3/84A Thousand~'lile:3 on Wisconsin's Ice Age TrailGary Werner
6/10/84Something About BreadMike Briggs
7/1/84Patriotism and Ambivalence: A Living ConstitutionRosemary Dorney
7/8/84Impressions of NicaraguaNanCheney,
Dan DiPiazza
7/15/8412:30 p.m.--Potluck picnic with the Sauk City Free Congregation (Unitarian)des
7/22/84How Do You Say It: America DialectsJoan Hallf_
7/29/84Making It On Our 0wnRachel Siegfriedf_
8/5/84Summer ConcertWarren Park,
Mike Briggs,
Joe Laurence
8/12/84General Assembly ReportBarb Park,
Les Lyons,
Neal Ewers

f_ = full service recording available on request
oos = link to order of service

Les Lyons: music, peace, Bertrand Russell
Geoff Bonser, Marty Drapkin, David McKee: The Male Experience
Doleta Chapru: The Many Faces of Madison
DateServicePresented byNotes
9/2/84Walking- - The Agony & the Ecstacy
9/9/84The WorId We WantLes Lyons
9/16/84Remembering Bertrand RussellLes Lyons
9/23/84Cultures of the Andes: Ancient &.ModernDave Zakemf_
9/30/84Are Music & Religion Strange Bedfellows?Ellsworth Snyder,
Les Lyons,
Susan Chapman
10/7/84Canada's October Crisis, 1970Les Lyonsf_
10/14/84Upham Woods Retreat
10/21/84The U.N.: Our Best Hope for a Peaceful WorldLes Lyons
10/28/84Where Have All the UU's Gone? Decline & Growth in the UUALes Lyons
11/4/84GrowthCarol Rufton
11/11/84The Great War, My Father & MeLes Lyons
11/18/84Thanksgiving Service
11/25/84Why a Woman Minister?panelf_
12/2/84The Year 2025, Peace on Earth: The First 10 YearsLes Lyons,
Dave Langland
12/9/84Are There Men's Issues?Geoff Bonser,
David McKee,
Rick Ruecking
12/16/84Male Messages: Growing Up MaleIan Harrisf_
12/23/84Holiday Programf_
12/30/84The Effect of Pornography on ManDan Linzf_
1/6/85Work Roles: "When the Going Gets Tough"Dan Langland
1/13/85William Carlos Williams: PoetNancy Hartogf_
1/20/85Violence and AggressionDan Saunderf_
1/27/85Fathers and Parenting
2/3/85Artistic Presentations: By & About Menf_
2/10/85Valentine's Dayoos
2/17/85Central Midwest District Executive, What The Denomination Is and DoesDenise Tracyf_
2/24/85Beyond The Cage: Androgency & LiberationDavid McKee,
John Ohliger
3/3/85The Future: Where Do We Go From Here?
3/10/85Refugees: Past, Present & FutureMariellen Kuehn,
Harry Kuehn
3/17/85Discovering 0urselves AgainIlda Thomasf_
3/24/85Winnebago History & Contemporary IssuesJanice Beaudinef_
3/31/85Cultural Survival: Breaking the Hidden Cycle of Cultural DestructionDave Zakem,
Lance Green
4/7/85Flower CommunionRachel Siegfried,
Elisabeth Jones
4/14/85"Toughing It Out" on the Colorado PlainsDoleta Chapruf_
4/21/85Adult Day Programs for Madison's Emotionally Disabled PeopleDoleta Chapru,
Marcus McCoy
4/28/85From the Belly of the Whale: Saga of a Black FamilyPat Watkinsf_
5/5/85Prairie CreatorsDoleta Chapru, membersf_
5/12/85Madison Adults Learn to ReadJudy Spring,
Lois Schwab
5/19/85Recognition Sunday
6/2/85Coming Of AgeRosemary Dorneyf_
6/9/85Picnic and Program at Sauk City Unitarian Fellowshipf_ des
6/16/85About QuakersDoleta Chapru,
Mary Mullen,
Joanne Elder,
Bettina B)orksten
6/23/85Quakerstyle Service
7/7/85Spiritual Bridges to PeaceLance Green,
Rod Stevenson
7/14/85Socially Responsible InvestingDoleta Chapru,
Paul Olson
8/4/85Last Night I Had The Strangest DreamJudy Spring,
Fredericka Schilling.
Mary Mullen
8/11/85Beyond PrairieCinda LaMar,
Elisabeth Jones,
Les Lyons
8/18/85You AIready Know the WayDavid McKee,
John Ohliger,
Nancy Ohliger
8/25/85How Shall We Grow?Lynda Lewis,
Carol Ives,
Bob Nelson,
Linda Nelson,
Betty Jallings

f_ = full service recording available on request

Elisabeth Jones: Spirituality & Intellect
Judy Spring: Unanswered Questions
Marty Drapkin and Pat Watkins: Working
DateServicePresented byNotes
9/8/85What is Spirituality?Elisabeth Jonesf_
9/15/85Transpersonal Psychology: A New Paradigm of MindElisabeth Jones,
Beth Wortzel,
Jim Powell
9/22/85Connections: The Earth, The People, The UniverseElisabeth Jonesf_
9/29/85Unanswered Questions- - Why Do We Keep Looking for Answers?Judy Springf_
10/6/85When Will Prejudice End? or You've Got To Be Carefully TaughtJudy Spring
Doleta Chapru
Fredericka Schilling
Pat Watkins
David Lake
Shirley Grindrod
10/13/85What Time Is It?Judy Springf_
10/20/85Upham Woods Retreat
10/27/85Life After 40 For the United NationsPat Cautleyf_
11/3/85Whaddya Wanna Be When You Grow Up?Marty Drapkinf_
11/10/85Is Work Satisfying?Marty Drapkin,
Martha Fineman,
Gerald Beroldi,
Pat Watkins
11/17/85Life Without WorkPat Watkins,
Doleta Chapru,
Jack Jallings,
Rachel Siegfried,
Marty Drapkin
11/24/85Celebration of Thanks for LifeMary Beth O'Halloranf_
12/1/85Cancelled- - -due to SNOW
12/8/85Sound & Silence: The Tuning of the WorldElisabeth Jones,
Neal Ewers
12/15/85Close Encounters: The Rationalist & The MysticElisabeth Jonesf_
12/22/85A Season for CelebrationMary Mullen,
Fredericka Schilling,
Anne Forbes
12/29/85Get Rid Of that GuiltMarty Drapkinf_
1/5/86Back to the FuturePat Watkinsf_
1/12/86Sanctuary RefugeeJose Riva,
Leslie Rothaus
1/19/86I'll Be Late Again, HoneyMarty Drapkinf_
1/26/86Reproductive Rights- - No Easy ChoiceBarbara Kavadios,
Mary Mullen,
Shirley Czoschke,
Fredericka Schilling
2/2/86A Celebration of the SunJudy Springf_
2/9/86Valentine's Intergenerational Love StoryAlice Bullen,
Mary Beth O'Halloran
2/16/86What Comes Next? On Death & Dying & Its Effects on the LivingJudy Springf_
2/23/86Where Does Creativity Come From?Judy Spring,
Christopher McKee,
Bob West,
Annis Pratt
3/2/86Gaia: The Living EarthAnne Forbes,
Jim Lorman
3/9/86Lights, Camera, Action--Spirituality in Sports, Dance, MartiaI ArtsElisabeth Jones,
Mary Mullen,
Norma Briggs,
David McKee,
Phillip Zarrilli
3/16/86Experiments in U.U. RitualElisabeth Jonesf_
3/23/86What Does Liberal Religion Mean?Elisabeth Jonesf_
3/30/86Rainbows and RenewaIJudy Springf_
4/6/86Science & Religion: Personal ConnectionsElisabeth Jones,
Lance Green
4/13/86Comes a VolunteerPat Watkinsf_
4/20/86Uncle Sam Doesn't Want You: One Woman's Struggle to Rejoin the ArmyMiriam Ben Shalomf_
4/27/86UU Service Committee----What We are DoingLee Bullenf_
5/4/86What's on the Minds of Young Adults?Judy Spring,
Channing Murray
5/11/86Where Are The Answers?Judy Springf_
5/18/86A U.U. Home CompanionGordon Gibsonf_
6/1/86Recognition Sunday
6/8/86Work & Song in LiteraturePat Watkins,
Mike Briggs,
Barb James,
Joe Lawrence
6/15/86Potluck picnic with the Sauk City Free Congregationdes
6/22/86The Printer & The BossLee Bullen,
7/13/86From Pogo to ToscaElisabeth Jonesf_
7/20/86Building Bridges With the Soviet Union through Children's ArtAnn Stoll
8/3/86Come CeIebrate PeaceLori Bose
8/10/86Growing PainsCinda LaMar,
Lynda Lewis
8/24/86"We Affirm and Promote"Gordon Gibsonf_
8/31/86Violence and Non-Violence in Central AmericaChris Smithf_

f_ = full service recording available on request

Barb James: Bureaucracy; A Deeper look
Carolyn DeJoie: Tackling Tough Topics
George Calden: Eight Who Dared
DateServicePresented byNotes
9/7/86The Gospel According to Woody AllenGeorge Calden
9/14/86The Liberation Theology of Father CarneyGeorge Caldenf_
9/21/86Barbara Savage: Around the World on a BicycleGeorge Caldenf_
9/28/86Prairie People - - - Who Are We? Warren Hagstrom
10/5/86A Refusenick Trapped in the Soviet UnionGeorge Caldenf_
10/12/86Upham Woods Retreat
10/19/86Covenant for a Nuclear - Free SocietyAnne Forbes
10/26/86Me and EleanorRachel Siegfriedf_
11/2/86Margaret Mead, One Who DaredPat Cautley
11/9/86Woodie Guthrie Or "I Ain't Gonna Be Treated Thisa-Way"George Caldenf_
11/16/86Rediscovering the Power of the TheaterTed Swetzf_
11/23/86Intergenerational Servlce -- Rite of Passage
11/30/86Dare When the Night is DarkestAnnis Prattf_
12/7/86Introducing the Musical BureaucracyBarbara Jamesf_
12/14/86Is This Bureaucracy Necessary?Barbara Jamesf_
12/21/86A U. U. Christmasf_
12/28/86We Have Met the Bureaucrat, and He is UsBarbara Jamesf_
1/4/87Resolutions for 1987f_
1/11/87If You Miss Me at the Back of the Bus: Intergenerational Servicef_
1/18/87Politicians & BureaucratsStanley Yorkf_
1/25/87Bureaucracy, Inside and OutBarbara James
2/1/87Global Theology in a Pluralistic AgeSunrit Mullickf_
2/8/87Humanizing the WorkplaceBarbara Jamesf_
2/15/87Elm Farm Ollie Day CelebrationsBarbara Jamesf_
2/22/87A Liberal Mens' Agenda for the 1980'sJim Novakf_
3/1/87Tackling Tough Topics - - - ParapsychologyCarolyn Dejoie,
Walter Uphoff
3/8/87Tackling Tough Topics - - - GamblingCarolyn Dejoie,
Fred Risser,
Debra Jenkins
3/15/87Tackling Tough Topics - - - Holistic HealthCarolyn Dejoie,
Alan Levine
3/22/87Handel's BirthdayWarren Hagstromf_ Tr oos
3/29/87Tackling Tough Topics - - - Homeless & HungryCarolyn Dejoie,
Clare Stapleton-Concord
4/5/87Tackling Tough Topics - - - AIDS and HIV InfectionCarolyn Dejoie,
Dennis Maki
4/12/87Forum on Race RelationsAngela Ramirez-Silva,
Alan Caldwell
4/19/87Intergenerational Easter Service
4/26/87Addictive BehavioursMort Pearlmutter,
Liz Briskin
5/3/87A Doctor's Experience in AfricaCynthia Haqf_
5/10/87Aging in AmericaCarol Ryfff_
5/17/87Aging: The Best is Yet to Be?f_
5/31/87Time Marches On: Intergenerational Servicef_
6/7/87Freedom and CommunityMax Gaebler
6/21/87Reflections on the Church Next Doorgroup discussionf_
6/28/87Living with Religious DifferencesCarla Blum-Aslam,
Sahail Aslam
7/19/8711 AM service with Sauk City Free Congregationf_ des
8/9/87Of Patriotism, Soldiers and WarPat Watkinsf_
8/16/87Report on Little Rock General AssemblyCinda LaMar,
Lynda Lewis
8/30/87Words from Behind Barsf_

f_ = full service recording available on request
Tr=online transcript available

1987 - 88

Lynda Lewis: Children of Change
Lance Green: A Humanist Search for Religion
Julie Bonser: Alcoholism / UU Concept of Evil
DateServicePresented byNotes
9/6/87Remembering Our TeachersDorothy Wetherbyf_
9/13/87Peace EconomicsRobert Reuschleinf_
9/20/87Locking up ChildrenLynda Lewisf_broken tape
9/27/87Report Card --- Educating Every Child?Lynda Lewisf_
10/4/87ChiIdren Don't WaitFrankie Fullerf_
10/11/87Upham Woods Retreat
10/18/87What Will I Be? : Finding One's Self at an Early AgeBetty Franklinf_
10/25/87United Nation's Celebration: Intergenerational Servicef_ In oos
11/1/87Spirits of Renewal --- Prairie Passages.f_
11/8/87Growing Up in Modern AfricaMichael Afolayanf_
11/15/87Children As Oracles of ChangeTerry Krausef_
11/22/87The Puzzle of Pondering Prairie People - Our Approach to Religious EducationKristy Spring,
David Stevenson.
Geoff Bonser
11/29/87Prairie: Past, Present and FutureRuth Caldenf_
12/6/87Searching for ReligionLance Greenf_
12/13/87What is Secular Humanism?Lance Greenf_
12/20/87Christmas Intergenerational Servicef_ In
1/3/88Exploring Unitarian PrincipIesLance Green
1/10/88A SeIf-Conversion to SecularismDan Barkerf_
1/17/88The Dream Today --- It Still Ain't Easy: Intergenerational Servicef_ In
1/24/88Our Larger Religious CommunityScotty Meek
1/31/88Religion: Legalities and LimitsRichard Jacobsonf_
2/7/88'Prairie ReIigion' In a MirrorLance Greenf_
2/14/88Scrooge 0n Valentine's DayKristy Springf_
2/21/88Humanism Through Religious EyesLance Green,
Richard Schoenherr,
David McKee
2/28/88Ecological Humanism --- Love is All You NeedLance Green
3/6/88Hitler On Trial: Was He Human?Julie Bonser,
Norma Briggs,
Dave Johnson
3/13/88Poisonous Pedagogy vs. Non-Violent TeachingAnnis Pratt,
Laura Leigh Rampey
3/20/88Who Knows What Evil Lurks Within The Heart? The Shadow Knows Julie Bonserf_
3/27/88There are Those too GentleChanning Murrayf_
4/3/88Intergenerational ServiceDorothy WetherbyIn
4/10/88The Violenee of 0ur KnowledgeParker Palmerf_
4/17/88Do You Remember Your First Drink?Julie Bonserf_
4/24/88Bewitched, Bothered and BewilderedJulie Bonserf_
5/1/88Stephen Foster: From Pittsburg to BellevueWarren Hagstromf_ oos
5/8/88Let the Sunshine InJulie Bonserf_
5/15/88Somewhere, Over the RainbowJulie Bonserf_
5/22/88Recognition Sunday: Musical Tribute to Some Special Prairie People
6/5/88Iroquois Religion: The False Face SocietyEric Hagstrom
6/12/88PerestroikaLee Bullenf_

f_ = full service recording available on request

Prairie Sunday Programs Summer 1988

June 26, 1988 Potluck picnic, hiking and outdoor sports day at Brigham County Park
July 17, 1988 Service at Unity Chapel in Spring Green
July 24, 1988 Afternoon Ice Cream Social and Dixieland Jazz music at Free Congregation of Sauk County
July 31, 1988 Afternoon beach party at the Grindrods'
Aug. 28, 1988 Potluck picnic and theater trip to American Players Theatre in Spring Green
Sept. 11, 1988 "Prairie 'Olympics' and Brat Fest" at the home of Bob and Barb Park on Lake Wisconsin
Sept. 18, 1988Warren Hagstrom  "Singing Together" at Garner Park, outdoor games, potluck lunch
Sept. 25, 1988DickBonser  "Wrestle With the Wind- - -Go Fly A Kite"

Prairie Sunday Programs Oct. 1988 - May 1989

Order of Service
Oct. 2, 1988Al Nettleton"If I Could Clone You UU"
Oct. 9, 1988Al Nettleton"Going to the Sources: An Introduction to UU Principles"oos
Oct. 16, 1988Al Nettleton"Inherent Worth and Dignity: UU PrincipIe #1"oos
Oct. 23, 1988Upham Woods Retreat
Oct. 30, 1988Al Nettleton"Justice, Equity and Compassion in Human Relations"oos
Nov. 6, 1988Al Nettleton"Acceptance of One Another and Encouragement of Spiritual Growth in Our Congregations"oos
Nov. 13, 1988Warren Hagstrom"Can the famiIy Be a Model for Morality in the Larger Society?"
Nov. 20, 1988Al Nettleton"A free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning"oos
Nov. 27, 1988Lee BullenPrairie's Own "Hyde Park Speakers' Corner"
Dec. 4, 1988Al Nettleton"The Freedom to Say "YES" Even if Everyone Else Says "NO""oos
Dec. 11, 1988Al Nettleton"The Hope for One World United, Living in Peace/with Freedom and Fairness for Everyone"oos
Dec. 18, 1988Intergenerational Holiday Service
Jan. 8, 1989Al Nettleton"The Interdependence of All Living Things"oos
Jan. 15, 1989Pat Watkins"White Women, Black Men, Brown Children"f_
Jan. 22, 1989Mary Mullen"Japan and Us: Deep Differences - and Similarities?"f_ oos
Jan. 29, 1989Mary Mullen, Sally Henshaw, Wu Weidong"East Asia --- Myths and Reality"f_
Feb. 5, 1989Mary Mullen, Sally Henshaw"Making Peace with the East"f_
Feb. 12, 1989"A Kinder, Gentler Valentine's Day"f_
Feb. 19, 1989Mary Mullen, Warren Hagstrom, Max Gaebler, Charles and Hermine Davidson, Jack Jallings, Lee Bullen, Al and Aileen Nettleton, Dick and Julie Bonser, Bob Park, Anne Urbanski, and Donna Murdock"Prairie: Past, Present, and Future" (re-dedication of the Meeting House)f_ oos
Feb. 26, 1989Warren Hagstrom"Can a Secular Humanist Love Cats?"Tr oos
March 5, 1989 Malcolm Williamson"The Glorious Revolution of 1688 & Religious Freedom"f_
March 12, 1989Norma Briggs"Children's Rights vs Parent's Rights"f_
March 19, 1989Annie Laurie Gaylor"Blind Spots"f_
March 26, 1989Anne Pryor"Rise and Shine: Easter Intergenerational Service"f_
April 2, 1989John Ohliger"If Learning Never Ends, Does Living Ever End?"f_
April 9, 1989Dan Wikler"The Ethics of Rationing Health Care"f_
April 16, 1989Sue Hensel"Introducing Amnesty International"f_
April 23, 1989Diane Greenley, Robert Mohelnitzke"The Stigma of MentaI Illness"f_
April 30, 1989Denny Caneff"Rural Wisconsin"f_
May 7, 1989Channing-Murray"Hope for the Flowers"f_
May 14, 1989Rory Nelson, Diane Derouen, Mary Mullen, Aileen Nettleton, Ruth Calden, George Calden, Brent Haglund, Elizabeth Alexander"In Celebration of Prairies" (Linking Place and PrincipIe - A Prairie Landscape for Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society)f_ oos
May 21, 1989"Celebrating Transitions: Intergenerational Service"

f_ = full service recording available on request
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs in June 1989 - Dec. 1992

Order of Service
June 4, 1989Clarence Kailin"What's the Future of Socialism?"f_
June 11, 1989Sally Franz"A Non-Violent Terrorist Prepares for the 21st Century"
June 18, 1989Madison CUUP"Father Sun's Day: Ra! Ra! Ra! (Summer Solstice)"f_
June 25, 1989Van R. Potter"Global Bioethics"f_
July 2, 1989WORLD WORSHIP SERVICE at the 10th Annual Peace Festival-at-Olin Park
July 9, 1989ANNUAL BEACH PARTY at the home of John and Shirley Grindrod
July 16, 1989Warren Hagstrom"Bastille Day Service"f_
July 23, 1989Social Action Committee"Texas Border Update: Needs & Opportunities"f_
July 30, 1989Social Action Committee"El Salvador:The Forgotten War"f_
Aug. 6, 1989 Picnic excursion to American Players Theater at Spring Green for King Lear
Aug. 13, 1989 Potluck picnic at the home of Barb and Bob Park on Lake Wisconsin
Aug. 20, 1989 Service at Meeting House
Aug. 27, 1989 Service at Free Congregation of Sauk County in Sauk Citydes
Sept. 3, 1989 No service at Meeting House
Sept. 10, 1989Warren Hagstrom"Does Religion Have Any Redeeming Value?"L1 f_ Tr
Sept. 17, 1989Warren Hagstrom"Can a U-U Be a Christian?"L1 f_ Tr
Sept. 24, 1989Warren Hagstrom"St. Paul and Power"L1 f_
Oct. 1, 1989Warren Hagstrom"Bible Stories-Good, Bad, and Awful"L1 f_ Tr
Oct. 8, 1989Malcolm Williamson and Deb Servia"Palestine, Israel, & the Intifada"f_
Oct. 15, 1989Upham Woods Retreat
Oct. 22, 1989Pat Cautley, Norma and Michael Briggs"The U.N.-A Toothless Giant?"f_
Oct. 29, 1989Warren Hagstrom"The Devil is the Spirit of Gravity-Through Him All Things Fall"L1 f_ Tr
Nov. 5, 1989Warren Hagstrom"The Politics of Original Sin"L1 f_ Tr
Nov. 12, 1989Richard Ringler"A Personal View of Buddhism"f_
Nov. 19, 1989Warren Hagstrom"U-U's and Other Denominations - Are We Still All that Different?"f_ Tr
Nov. 26, 1989Julie Bonser"The Fruits of Our Labor", an intergenerational Thanksgiving servicef_
Dec. 3, 1989Anne Pryor"No War Toys"f_
Dec. 10, 1989Mary Mullen and Fredericka Schilling"Sounds Suspiciously Like Homophobia to Me"f_
Dec. 17, 1989Mary Mullen and Fredericka Schilling"Better Gay than Grumpy-But what about the rest of the family?"f_
Dec. 24, 1989Donna Murdoch and Richard Bonser"INTERGENERATIONAL HOLIDAY CELEBRATION"
Dec. 31, 1989PRAIRIE WINTER SPORTS DAY at Elver Park
Jan. 7, 1990Rick Ruecking"Prairie-Year 2000: Resolutions For the Next Decade"f_
Jan. 14, 1990Mary Mullen and Fredericka Schilling"Dark Days and Dawn: Not a Straight History"f_
Jan. 21, 1990Mary Mullen and Fredericka Schilling"'We Are a Gentle, Angry People', But Are We Ready To Be a Welcoming Congregation?"f_
Jan. 28, 1990Sam Day"The Road to Peace Begins at the Prairie UU Society"f_
Feb. 4, 1990 "Wisconsin Treaty Rights: Can We Be Partners in Resource Management?"f_
Feb. 11, 1990Orange Schroeder"These Are a Few of My Favorite Things"L2 f_
Feb. 18, 1990Orange Schroeder"Out of Our Hands"L2 f_
Feb. 25, 1990Mike Briggs"Good Times Music"L2 f_
March 4, 1990Channing-Murray Students"Transylvania and Back: A Journey of Religious Freedom"f_
March 11, 1990Ted Swetz"The Play's the Thing"L2 f_
March 18, 1990Social Action Committee"Sharing a Vision of Justice - UUSC's 50th Anniversary"f_
March 25, 1990Mike and Norma Briggs"Women, Men, and Machines"L3 f_
April 1, 1990Matt Joseph"The Automobile: Boon, Bane, or a Bit of Both?"f_
April 8, 1990Peg Stevenson"Window From the West: A foreigner's view of Japan"f_
April 15, 1990Mike and Norma Briggs"The Dodo and the Easter Bunny", an intergenerational serviceL3 f_
April 22, 1990Mike and Norma Briggs"The Death of the Worker"L3 f_
April 29, 1990Mike and Norma Briggs"When Shall We Pull the Plug on Grandma?"L3 f_
May 6, 1990Mike and Norma Briggs"Techno-Cops"L3 f_
May 13, 1990Mike and Norma Briggs"Who Owns Life?"L3 f_
May 20, 1990Erin Bosch"Transitions: Celebrating Our Prairie Community"f_ oos
June 3, 1990George Calden"A Prairie Stir Fry"f_
June 10, 1990Julie Bonser"Sacred Space, Holy Ground"f_
June 17, 1990Mike Briggs"People of the Book"f_
June 24, 1990Service of the Living Tradition at the General ·Assembly in Milwaukee
July 1, 1990Chuck Irish"Who Really Runs the World?"f_
July 8, 1990Bill RobbinsGuided tour of the U.W. Arboretum
July 15, 1990Marcia and Dave Johnson"Peace Corps Work in Paraguay"f_
July 22, 1990Joint meeting with the Free Congregaton of Sauk Countydes
Aug. 5, 1990Picnic at Bob and Barb Park's home near Lake Wisconsin
Aug. 12, 1990Ruth Gibson"Life-span Religious Education"f_
Aug. 19, 1990Picnic and water party at John and Shirley Grindrod's home on Spring Harbor
Aug. 26, 1990Irwin Knoll"The Gulf Crisis: A New Perspective"f_
Sept. 9, 1990Orton Gray"The Bright Side of Death"L4 f_
Sept. 16, 1990Orton Gray"The Fear of Being Dead"L4 f_
Sept. 23, 1990Orton Gray"Madison AIDS Support Network"L4 f_
Sept. 30, 1990Orton Gray"Hospice Care"L4 f_
Oct. 7, 1990Upham Woods Retreat
Oct. 14, 1990Orton Gray and Rachel Siegfried"Final Choices: Living Wills, Burial Options, Costs"L4 f_
Oct. 21, 1990Orie Loucks"Lifeboat Ethics"f_
Oct. 28, 1990Orton Gray"Bereavement"L4 f_
Nov. 4, 1990Peg Stevenson"Unplug the Christmas Machine"f_
Nov. 11, 1990Annis Pratt and Ruth Calden"The Magical Child and the Art of Birdwatching"f_
Nov. 18, 1990Annis Pratt"Prairiemonies: A Reprise and Farewell"f_
Dec. 2, 1990Middle school class"Afterlife: What Do You Believe?"f_
Dec. 9, 1990Mark Wagler"Personal Growth Through Storytelling"f_
Dec. 16, 1990Mark Wagler"Building a Community With Stories"f_
Dec. 23, 1990Mike and Norma BriggsIntergenerational Holiday Servicef_
Dec. 30, 1990Jean Matos"Making Books", an intergenerational servicef_
Jan. 6, 1991Al Nettleton"Prairie Resolve"f_
Jan. 13, 1991Roger Faulkner"Hidden Issues in the Environmental Policy Debate"f_
Jan. 20, 1991Mary Mullen and Julie BonserMartin Luther King - intergenerational servicef_
Jan. 27, 1991Robert Willoughby"Homelessness"f_
Feb. 3, 1991Lee Bullen"Freedom of Conscience in America"f_
Feb. 10, 1991Elizabeth AlexanderValentine's Day servicef_
Feb. 17, 1991Bill Robbins and Michelle Honore"'Results' World Summit for Children"f_
Feb. 24, 1991Lee Bullen"Adventures in Conscience"f_
March 10, 1991Al Nettleton and Rosemarie Lester"The Music of Kurt Weill"f_
March 17, 1991Middle school class"First Amendment Rights"f_
March 24, 1991Lee Bullen"JAILED FOR PEACE"
March 31, 1991Orange Schroeder"Family Spring Celebration"f_
April 7, 1991Mark Wagler"Where Do I Fit In?: Stories of Being Outsiders"f_
April 14, 1991Ann Forbes and Jim Lorman"Sharing the Commons: Use and Misuse of Natural Resources"L5 f_
April 21, 1991Ann Forbes and Jim Lorman"SHARING THE COMMONS: Intention, Affirmation, & Action"
April 28, 1991Marsha Huemoeller"The Head Start Program"f_
May 5, 1991Prairie middle schoolers"Role Models"f_
May 12, 1991Erin Bosch"Transitions Sunday"f_ notes
May 19, 1991Douglas Strong"For My Eyes Only: on Censorship"f_ notes
May 26, 1991Peg StevensonCamping and canoe trip
June 2, 1991Beth Kaplan and Karen Timberlake"Reproductive Health Issues: What can be done at the Capitol?"f_
June 16, 1991 "Role Models: The Adults Turn to Talk"f_
June 23, 1991Dick BonserCOME FLY A KITE
June 30, 1991Warren Hagstrom"Selected Dreams"Tr
July 7, 1991Jack Jallings and Cinda LaMar"REPORT FROM THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY"
July 21, 1991Julie Bonser"ANCIENT FORESTS, an endangered ecological treasure"
July 28, 1991
Aug. 4, 1991John Grindrod, Rachel Siegfried and Beverly Theilman"The Business of Dying: A Graceful Exit"f_
Aug. 11, 1991Karen Gross"Essays About Early Religious Thinking"f_
Aug.18, 1991Rosemary Dorney"A TENTATIVE-BUT NOT CONCLUSIVE-LOOK AT DISABILITIES, or When 'Them' becomes Us"
Aug. 25, 1991Warren Hagstrom"Celebrating Our German Free Thought Heritage" (joint program with the Free Congregation of Sauk County)Tr des
Sept.1, 1991PRAIRIE BEACH PARTY AND POTLUCK at John and Shirley Grindrod's home
Sept. 8, 1991Scott Savage"An Exploration of Spirituality"L6 f_
Sept. 15, 1991Scott Savage"Another Perspective on Spirituality"L6 f_
Sept. 22, 1991Warren Hagstrom"Spirituality and its Antithesis"f_ Tr
Sept. 29, 1991Melinda P.?"Native American Spirituality"L6 f_ oos
Oct. 13, 1991Julie Bonser"The Stigma of Mental Illness"f_
Oct. 27, 1991Channing-Murray"YOU'RE UNITARIAN AND YOU BELIEVE WHAT?"
Nov. 10, 1991Warren Hagstrom"In Celebration of the Life and Music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)"f_ Tr oos
Nov. 17, 1991Selena Fox"NATURE SPIRITUALITY"
Nov. 24, 1991Lynette Delgado"Gandhi and Eco-feminism"f_ oos
Dec. 8, 1991Cindy Haq"Reflections on a Year In Pakistan"f_
Dec. 15, 1991Marty Drapkin"Prairie Photographers"f_
Dec. 22, 1991Anne Pryor"HOLIDAY INTERGENERATIONAL SERVICE" (Symbol Tree)In
Jan. 5, 1992Paul Kusoda"MEMORIES OF INJUSTICE: The Japanese-American Relocation of WW II"
Jan. 12, 1992Annie Booth"Loving Life: Ecofeminst and Native American Perspectives"f_
Jan. 19, 1992 "Celebrating America's Black Heritage in Story and Song"f_
Jan. 26, 1992Judy Skog"Abortion: Is It a Life or a Potential Life?"f_
Feb. 2, 1992John Patrick Hunter"The Bill of Rights"f_
Feb. 9, 1992Pat Watkins"It's Love that Makes the World Go Round", intergenerational servicef_
Feb. 16, 1992Dave Riley"The Role of Social Support In Our Lives"L7 f_
March 1, 1992Peg Barratt"Programs that Provide Personal Support"L7 f_
March 15, 1992Dave Zakem"Mayan Art and Culture, Past and Present"f_
March 22, 1992Peg Barratt"Our Ties To Nature" intergenerational serviceL7 f_
April 5, 1992Carol Houston"HOPE, THE BELOVED COUNTRY"
April 12, 1992Michael Schuler"Unitarian Universalist Haven't Got a Prayer"f_
April 19, 1992Susan Hagstrom and Metje Butler"The Flowers that Bloom In the Spring, Tra-la", an intergenerational servicef_
April 26, 1992Peg Barratt"Let Us Reach Out to Touch and Be One With the Natural World, and With One Another"L7 f_
May 3, 1992George Calden"ON THE OUTSIDE, LOOKING OUT"
May 17, 1992Erin BoschTRANSITION SUNDAY
May 31, 1992Shirley and John Grindrod  "Mission to Moscow"f_
June 7, 1992Pat Cautley"IS THERE STILL TIME?- a look at the UNCED"
June 14, 1992Ruth Gibson"Pentecostal Revival"f_
June 21, 1992Mike Briggs"Life Without Father"f_
July 5, 1992Erwin Knoll"Patriots and Scoundrels"f_
July 12, 1992Jean Feraca"Not Just a Way to Make a Living: Why I Like My Job"f_
July 19, 1992Julie Bonser"Building the Global Village: A Report from General Assembly"
July 26, 1992Joint meeting with the Freethinkers at Sauk Citydes
Aug. 2, 1992David Clarenbach"Who Needs Congress?"
Aug. 9, 1992Channing Murray students"Women Ministers"
Aug. 16, 1992Ada Deer"Who Needs Congress?"
Aug. 30, 1992Mike Briggs"Making a Poem"
Sept 6, 1992Fall Retreat Weekend at Bethel Horizons
Sept. 20, 1992Michael Fox"Old Testament Woman: A New View"f_
Sept. 27, 1992Jim Cavanaugh"THE STA'TE OF THE UNIONS: What they have fought for and given to today's modern world economy"oos
Oct. 4, 1992Hugh Danforth"Columbus - Myth and Reality"f_
Oct. 11, 1992guest speaker"Homophobia"f_
Oct. 25, 1992 "Gee, It Doesn't Seem that Long....Prairie's 25th Anniversary Celebration"f_ oos
Nov. 1, 1992Jackie Ziegler"Our Honored Dead" intergenerational servicef_ In
Nov. 8, 1992Kim Spear"TRADESWOMEN: Making Progress in Employment and in Their Unions"
Nov. 15, 1992Ann Crump"HUMOR AND EDUCATION"
Nov. 22, 1992 "Dear Bill...a letter to the president elect"f_
Nov. 29, 1992Mike Briggs"BREAD"
Dec. 6, 1992Metje and Geoff Butler"We Are the World"f_? oos
Dec. 13, 1992Mike Briggs"Epithets: Putting Down and Lifting Up"f_

f_ = full service recording available on request.
L1 = lay ministry - Warren Hagstrom
L2 = lay ministry on Biophilia - Orange Schroeder
L3 = lay ministry on Man, Woman, and Machine - Mike and Norma Briggs
L4 = lay ministry on Death - Orton Gray
L5 = lay ministry on Focus on the Environment - Ann Forbes and Jim Lorman
L6 = lay ministry - Scott Savage
L7 = lay ministry - Peg Barratt
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs Jan. 1993 to May 1996

Order of Service
Jan. 3, 1993Rosemarie Lester"Cowboys, Injuns, Hogan's Heroes: What Images About the 'Other' Tell Us About Ourselves"f_
Jan. 10, 1993Dave Zakem"Somalia: A Withered Beautiful Flower"
Jan. 17, 1993Cheryl and Isadora Knox"The Message of Martin Luther King"f_
Jan. 24, 1993Dick Bonser"MODERN RITES OF PASSAGE #1"
Jan. 31, 1993David Newby"THE FUTURE OF UNIONISM"
Feb. 7, 1993Judy Skog"Taking Chances: Contraceptive Risk Taking"f_
Feb. 14, 1993Mike Briggs"Valentine's Day Intergenerational Service"f_
Feb. 21, 1993Dick Bonser"Modern Rites of Passage #2"
Feb. 28, 1993Dick Bonser"Modern Rites of Passage: Coming Out Stories"
March 7, 1993Julie Bonser"Menopause/Crone - Rites of Passage"f_
March 14, 1993Dick Bonser"Modern Rites of Passage: The First Time Ever"f_
March 21, 1993Peg Barratt"Small is Still Beautiful"f_
March 28, 1993Terry Krause"Megaskills"f_
April 4, 1993Mike Briggs ""TAX RESISTANCE"f_
April 11, 1993Barbara Rames"Three Immortalities"oos
April 18, 1993Terry Krause"Breaking Out of Our Stockade: problem solving techniques"f_
April 25, 1993Jackie Ziegler"Unitarian Universalists Walking With Confucianism and Taoism"f_
May 2, 1993Terry Krause"Advice to the Needlorn: words to live by"f_
May 9, 1993Sam Day, Jr."Mordechai Vanunu, Israel's Nuclear Weapons Whistleblower, and the Problem of Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East"f_
May 16, 1993Donna Murdoch, Bob Purvis, and Rick Ruecking"NEWSPAPERS AND MUSIC:A Prairie Experience"
May 23, 1993TRANSITION SUNDAY, including a Pancake Breakfast fundraiser
June 6, 1993Randy and Kathy Converse"Living In Tune With the Environment"f_
June 13, 1993Bob Reuschlein"BOSNIA: A MORAL DILEMMA?"
June 20, 1993Terry Krause"PLAY AS LIGHT WORK"
July 11, 1993George Calden"Everyone Should Leave Tracks"f_ oos
July 18, 1993Nancy Graham"Women Peacemakers in Northern Ireland"f_ oos
July 25, 1993Mark Bernstein"The Latest in Big Bang Cosmology"f_
Aug. 1, 1993Julie Bonser, Dick Bonser, and Cinda LaMar"Universalism/Racial Justice: For Such a Time as This"f_ oos
Aug. 8, 1993Al Nettleton"UU Principles" (Sauk City)des
Aug. 15, 1993Anne Pryor"A VIEW FROM THE LAKE: UU History From Lake Geneva Summer Assembly"oos
Aug. 29, 1993Doleta Chapru"Introducing - Singing the Living Tradition"f_ oos
Sept. 5, 1993Marian Thompson"A PRAIRIE WALK IN THE ARBORETUM"f
Sept. 12, 1993Anne Urbanski"In the Beginning: A Look at Creation Myths"f_ oos
Sept. 19, 1993Anne Urbanski"The God as Archetype - Part I: The Great Goddess and the Supreme Being"f_ oos
Sept. 26, 1993"UPHAM WOODS RETREAT""f
Oct. 3, 1993Anne Urbanski"THE GOD AS ARCHETYPE-PART II: The Dying God"oos
Oct. 10, 1993Anne Urbanski"THE HERO'S JOURNEY"oos
Oct. 17, 1993Anne Urbanski"Myths In Modern Drama"f_ oos
Oct. 24, 1993Anne Urbanski"MYTHS IN MODERN LIFE: Bring Your Examples"oos
Oct. 31, 1993Pat Cautley"The International Year of the World's Indigenous People: UN Sunday"f_ oos
Nov. 7, 1993Judy Skog"Unplug the Christmas Machine: Holiday Inventory, or Who Does What?"f_
Nov. 14, 1993Judy Skog"Unplug the Christmas Machine: What's Really Important?"f_ notes
Nov. 21, 1993Judy Skog"Unplug the Christmas Machine: My Dream Holiday"
Nov. 28, 1993Anne Pryor"Random Acts of Kindness: Thanksgiving Intergenerational Service"oos
Dec. 5, 1993Judy Skog"Unplug the Christmas Machine: Plans for Change"f_ oos
Dec. 12, 1993George Calden"Precious Memories"f_ oos
Dec. 19, 1993Rick Ruecking"Why the Pygmy Dance"f_ oos
Dec. 26, 1993"YULETIDE FESTIVAL OF HOPE" (symbol tree)oos
Jan. 9, 1994Barb Park, Dick Bonser, Jackie Kaplan, Karen Shevet Dinah"Evolving Religions: Reconstructionist Jews and UU"f_ oos
Jan. 16, 1994Bob Reuschlein"Honoring Martin Luther King"f_
Jan. 23, 1994Warren Hagstrom"Music and Madness in the Family: The Schumanns and Brahms"oos
Jan. 30, 1994Nancy Graham and Rosemary Dorney"White Privilege"f_ oos
Feb. 6, 1994Cindy Haq and Gary Giorgi"HEALTH FOR ALL?"oos
Feb. 20, 1994Carolyn Dejoie"PERSONAL STORIES: Encounters with Racism"
Feb. 27, 1994Carolyn Dejoie"Impressions of Cuba"oos
March 6, 1994Bonnie-Jeanne Casey"RACISM: How Responsible Are We?"oos
March 13, 1994Jim Harvey"OUR FOOD CONNECTION"oos
March 20, 1994Pat Watkins"The Ranking Game"f_ oos
March 27, 1994Judy Skog and Nancy Graham"Environmental Justice"f_
April 3, 1994Anne Pryor"THE RITES OF SPRING"In
April 10, 1994Barb Park"Roots: Our Personal Religious Heritage"L1 f_ oos
April 17, 1994Barb Park"SINGING AND SHOUTING: Universalist History"L1
April 24, 1994Barb Park"THE EVOLUTION OF UNIVERSALIST IDEAS: How Did We Get From There To Here?"L1
May 1, 1994Aileen Nettleton"Celebrate the Earth"oos
May 8, 1994Peg Barratt"Raising Our Voices for Children"f_
May 15, 1994Barb Park"Is There Still Meaning for Today in Universalist Ideology?"L1 f_ oos
May 22, 1994Erin Bosch"Ages and Stages"f_ oos
June 12, 1994Barb Park"SINGING AND SHOUTING: Celebrating the Second 100 Years of Universalism"L1
June 19, 1994members"Stories of Our Fathers"L1 oos
June 26, 1994Caryl Terrell"Planning for the Land"f_
July 3, 1994ANNUAL PICNIC/WATER PARTY at the Grindrod's
July 10, 1994Molly Murray"AT ONE WITH THE NATURAL WORLD"
July 24, 1994Krin Haglund"UUA YOUTH AND THE UN"
July 31, 1994"THE ELEMENTS: Joint Service With Prairie, James Reeb and First Unitarian Society
at Sauk City Free Congregation Unitarian Fellowship"
Aug. 7, 1994Julie Bonser"Facing our New Frontiers"oos
Aug. 14, 1994Pat Cautley"A Look at Islam"
Aug. 21, 1994Marcia Johnson"Training for Peace Corps Service"oos
Aug. 28, 1994Brent Haglund"THE LAND ETHIC OF ALDO LEOPOLD"
Sept. 4, 1994LABOR DAY PICNIC at the Thompson's
Sept. 11, 1994Warren Hagstrom"Everyday Morality: Misrepresentation"Tr oos
Sept. 18, 1994Warren Hagstrom"Everyday Morality: Embarrassment, Poise and Tact"Tr oos
Sept. 25, 1994Doleta Chapru, Kay Frazier, Jose Rodriquez"CYBERSPACE MORALITY AND TERRORS OF DIRECT EXPERIENCE"oos
Oct. 2, 1994Cinda LaMar"THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ART"
Oct. 9, 1994Warren Hagstrom"Everyday Morality 111: Vicious Circles of Deviance"Tr oos
Oct. 16, 1994Rebecca Young"WHAT'S FAIR IN WELFARE REFORM?"
Oct. 23, 1994Bob Reuschlein"DIMENSIONS OF A PEACE ECONOMY"
Nov. 13, 1994Cinda LaMar with Jean Matos"ARTISTIC BEAUTY"oos
Nov. 20, 1994Warren Hagstrom"Music in the Family: J.S. Bach (1685-1750)"oos
Dec. 4, 1994George Calden"Lifestyles of the Not So Rich or Famous"f_ oos
Dec. 18, 1994Mike and Norma Briggs"WINTER INTERGENERATIONAL SERVICE" (Symbol Tree))oos
Jan. 8, 1995ellsworth snyder"Seeing the Aesthetic: Can It Be Religious?"f_ oos
Jan. 15, 1995Bob Reuschlein"FREDERICK DOUGLAS"
Jan. 22, 1995Anne Urbanski and Julie Bonser"COMMUNITARIANS R US?"oos
Jan. 29, 1995Cinda LaMar"The Path To Creativity"f_
Feb. 5, 1995Rachel Siegfried"Who's Calling the Shots?: Responding Effectively To Children;s Fascination With War and War Toys"f_ oos
Feb. 12, 1995Prairie middle schoolIntergenerational servicef_ oos
Feb. 19, 1995Alice and Lee Bullen"Housing for All"f_ oos
Feb. 26, 1995Tomoko Ukei"Never Again Campaign: Hiroshima Testimony through Paintings"f_ oos
March 5, 1995Jonalu Johnstone"Been In the Storm So Long: African-American Unitarian Universalists"f_ oos
March 12, 1995Ruth Conniff"What's Wrong With Welfare Reform?"L2 f_ oos
March 19, 1995Panel: Nancy Anderson;
Kathleen Crennizk;
with Betty Jallings
"Handicapped Access;" "Domestic Violence"L2 f_ oos
March 26, 1995Nan Brien"Issues in Welfare Reform"L2 f_ oos
April 2, 1995Jackie Ziegler"Process Philosophy and Theology: A Unitarian Universalist Spirituality for the 21st Century"f_
April 9, 1995Louise Trubek"Experiences In Legal Defense of Welfare"L2 f_ oos
April 16, 1995Mary Mullen"SPRING RITES"oos
April 23, 1995Charlotte Zieve"Report from Cairo Population Conference"f_
April 30, 1995Warren Hagstrom"Strike Up the Band! The Life and Music of George Gershwin (1898-1937)" Tr oos
May 7, 1995Pat Watkins"A Jury of One's Peers? What's wrong with the jury system and what Dane County is doing to fix it"f_ oos
May 14, 1995Peg Barratt"MOTHERS AROUND THE WORLD"oos
May 21, 1995Erin Bosch and Anne Pryor"Transitions", an intergenerational servicef_ oos
June 11, 1995Robert Alpern"Speaking Truth To Power"f_ oos
June 18, 1995Dietrich Gruen"Fathers"oos
June 25, 1995Dave Johnson"Fifteen Years In the Developing World"f_ oos
July 2, 1995Potluck picnic at the Grindrods
July 9, 1995Sam Lin"American Society Through Chinese Eyes"f_ oos
July 16, 1995Anne Pryor"Visions of the Virgin Mary"oos
July 23, 1995Channing-Murray"A Celebration of Friendship"f_ oos
July 30, 1995Jackson Tiffany"The Allied Drive Neighborhood"f_ oos
Aug. 6, 1995Julie Bonser, Cinda LaMar, and Pat Watkins"UU General Assembly"f_
Aug. 13, 1995Rick RueckingSauk City joint servicedes
Aug. 20, 1995Pat Watkins"Neither Abridged Nor Denied"f_ oos
Aug. 27, 1995Barb Park and Rosemarie Lester"Summer Music Special"f_ oos
Sept. 10, 1995Barbara Rames"The Road...Taken"L3 f_ oos
Sept. 17, 1995Michael Sheehy"Ecological Theatre"oos
Sept. 24, 1995Mike Boehm"Vietnam: Healing and Reconciliation"f_ oos
Oct. 1, 1995Barbara Rames"Wisdom in One Sentence"
Oct. 8, 1995Michael Sheehy"Can Humans Save the Earth from Humans?"L4 f_ oos
Oct. 15, 1995Greg Schultz"1000 Years"f_ oos
Oct. 22, 1995Pat Cautley"UN 50th Anniversary"f_ oos
Oct. 29, 1995Jane Lind and Susan Munkres"Beijing Women's Conference"f_ oos
Nov. 5, 1995Spencer Black"Ecology Politics "oos
Nov. 12, 1995Upham Woods fall retreat
Nov. 19, 1995Ed Lanphier"A Philosophy of Life"
Nov. 26, 1995Paula Pachciarz & Mary MullenThanksgiving Intergenerational
Dec. 3, 1995Robert Dahl"Land Stewardship: The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin"f_ oos
Dec. 10, 1995George Calden, Barbara Rames and Mike Briggs"Let Every Little Light Shine"f_ oos
Dec. 17, 1995John-Brian Paprock & Erin BoschChristmas intergenerational servicef_ oos
Dec. 24, 1995Barbara Park & Mike BriggsA program of traditional Christmas readings and carolsf_ oos
Dec. 31, 1995Bob Reuschlein"That Was the Year That Was"f_ oos
Jan. 7, 1996Barbara Rames"Emerson"L3 f_
Jan. 14, 1996Cephus Childs"Million Man March"L2 f_ oos
Jan. 21, 1996Arliegh Birchler"Early Unitarians"f_ oos
Jan. 28, 1996Anne Urbanski"What Does It Mean to Be A Religious Liberal in Madison, Wisconsin?"f_
Feb. 4, 1996Hugh Iltis"How To Be a Good Ancestor: An Ecological Look at Life Being Trashed"L4 f_ oos
Feb. 11, 1996Judy Skog"Speak Out for Children" - Valentine's Day
Feb. 18, 1996Leona Balek"Countering the Religious Right"f_ oos
Feb. 25, 1996Gene Farley"Community"f_ oos
March 3, 1996Betty Jallings"The Bible and the Koran"f_ oos
March 10, 1996Barbara Rames"Of Babies and Bathwater"
March 17, 1996Warren Hagstrom"Mendelssohn"f_ Tr oos
March 24, 1996Nancy Vedder-Shults"Spring Equinox"f_ oos
March 31, 1996Betty Jallings"The Chalice and the Blade"f_ oos
April 7, 1996Doleta Chapru"Fun is a Family Value", intergenerational servicef_ oos
April 14, 1996Betty Jallings"Das Capital", intergenerational service
April 21, 1996Sam Day"Mordecai Vanunu"f_ oos
April 28, 1996Nancy Vedder-Shults"Beltane: Celebrating Passion and Partnership"f_ oos
May 5, 1996Betty Jallings"Uncle Tom's Cabin"f_ oos
May 12, 1996Mike Sheehy"Nature and Philosophy" - at Picnic Point
May 19, 1996Erin Bosch"Transitions" intergenerational servicef_

f_ = full service recording available on request.
In = intergenerational service or activity
L1 = lay ministry on Universalism - Barb Park
L2 = lay ministry on welfare - Jack Jallings
L3 = lay ministry on UU History and Thought - Barbara Rames and Arliegh Birchler
L4 = lay ministry on the Web of Life - Michael Sheehy
oos = link to order of service
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 1996 to May 1997

Order of Service
June 2, 1996Bob Reuschlein"Weather, Wealth and Wars" 
June 9Kathy Kelly"Iraq After the War" 
June 16Elizabeth Bardwell"Urban Sprawl" 
June 23Barbara Herrick"W-2 - Welfare Deform"f_ oos
June 30Andrew Somers"Northern Ireland"f_ oos
July 7 Picnic potluck at Shirley Grindrod's 
July 14Mike and Norma Briggs"Contra Dancing" 
July 21Fran Zell"The Truth About Fiction"f_ oos
July 28Ruth Gibson and Feketa Bela"Unitarians in Rumania Today"f_ oos
Aug. 4Nancy Graham"Sauk Free Congregation" joint four society program"des
Aug. 11Jonalu Johnstone"Margaret Fuller" 
Aug. 18Cinda LaMar, Barb Park, and Nancy Graham"UU General Assembly" 
Aug. 25Barb Park & Rosemarie Lester"Summer Musicale"oos
Aug. 31Arleigh Birchler"Founders' Day"f_
Sept. 1 Canoeing at Wingra Canoe & Sailing Center 
Sept. 8Paul Soglin"Education Builds Futures"f_
Sept. 15Reid Miller"Dance of the Storyteller"L3 f_
Sept. 22Esther Heffernan"Criminal Justice"f_
Sept. 29Bob Dopp"Virtual Chicken Soup"L1 f_ oos
Oct. 6Judy Faulkner"The Virtual Medical Record"L1 f_ oos
Oct. 12Mary Mullen"Introduction and Expectations" (at Upham Woods fall retreat)L2
Oct. 20Mary Mullen"Twenty Questions About Homosexuality"L2
Oct. 27Mary Mullen"Gender Socialization and Homophobia"L2 f_ oos
Nov. 3George Calden"A Prairie Stir Fry"f_ oos
Nov. 10Doleta Chapru"A UU's View of Promise Keepers" 
Nov. 17Rick RueckingAnnual Meeting & servicef_
Nov. 24Reid Miller"Thanksgiving Intergenerational"In L3
Dec. 1Hans Adler"Religious Dissidents in Nineteenth Century Germany" 
Dec. 8Max Gaebler"German Free Thinkers" 
Dec. 15Mary Mullen"Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Perspectives"L2 f_ oos
Dec. 22Nancy Graham"About Yule" - Symbol Tree service 
Dec. 29Michael Sheehy"Newspaper Sunday" 
Jan. 5, 1997Al Nettleton"Time and the Crystal"L1
Jan. 12Jean Darling"Should the Devil Take the Hindmost" 
Jan. 19Mary Mullen"Biblical Perspectives on Homosexuality"L2
Jan. 26Brent Haglund"Earth's Stewardship"f_
Feb. 2Nancy Vedder-Shults"Brigid: Returning Sun" 
Feb. 9Warren Porter"UUA Resolution on Toxic Threats to Children"f_ oos
Feb. 16John-Brian Paprock"Valentine Tree" 
Feb. 23Al Nettleton"Gold Keys and Blue Ribbons: Internet Security and Censorship"L1 f_ oos
March 2Carole Doeppers"Jeopardies to Civil Liberties from New Technologies"L1 f_
March 9Sunshine Jones"What About the Kids? Challenges of Gay & Lesbian Families"L2
March 16Mary Mullen"How Homophobia Hurts Heterosexuals"L2 f_ oos
March 23Dave Cieslewicz"From Porches and Sidewalks to 6-Lanes and Cul de Sacs: The Evolution of American Neighborhoods"f_ oos
March 30Reid Miller"Swing Into Spring" intergenerational serviceIn L3 f_
April 6Rebecca Dumlao"Wellsprings: Movement to Classical Music" 
April 13Francis Hole"The Earth Beneath Our Feet" 
April 20Mary Mullen"This Little Light of Mine: Individual and Community Strategies Regarding Homophobia"L2f_ oos
April 27Al Nettleton"Being Digital Today"L1 f_ oos
May 4Gail Coover"Race in the 90s: Can't We All Just Get Along on TV?"L4 f_
May 11Warren Hagstrom"How the Irish Saved Civilization with Music"f_
May 18 "Transitions" intergenerational serviceIn f_ oos
May 25 Memorial Day weekend picnic at Carl & Marian Thompson'sIn

In = intergenerational service or activity
L1 = lay ministry on the benefits and dangers of information technology - Al Nettleton
L2 = lay ministry on The Welcoming Congregation - Mary Mullen
L3 = lay ministry - Reid Miller
L4 = lay ministry - Gail Coover
oos = link to order of service
f_ = full service recording available on request

Prairie Sunday Programs June 1997 - May 1998

Order of Service
June 8, 1997Doleta Chapru and panel"Personal Strategies for Emotional Healing"f_
June 15, 1997Rosemarie Lester and Nikki Bromberg"The Images We Live With I"f_
June 22, 1997Rosemarie Lester and Nikki Bromberg"The Images We Live With II"f_
June 29, 1997Joanne Seckman"An Indian Experience"f_
July 6, 1997 Picnic potluck at Shirley Grindrod's 
July 13, 1997Social Action Committee"What Drum Do You March To?"f_
July 20, 1997Jody Whelden"A Practical Experience In Conflict Transformation"f_
July 27, 1997 Joint program with Free Congregation of Sauk Countydes
Aug. 3, 1997Nancy Graham and Pat WatkinsReport on 1997 UU General Assemblyf_ oos
Aug. 10, 1997Channing Murray members"Community, Village and Other Buzzwords"f_ oos
Aug. 17, 1997Phran Khru Warasak"Buddhist Philosophy"f_
Aug. 24, 1997Nancy Vedder-Shults"Rise Up and Call Her Name"f_
Aug. 31, 1997Midge Miller"Whatever Happened to Social Justice"f_
Sept. 7, 1997Erin Bosch"Building Community at Prairie"f_
Sept. 14, 1997Gail Coover"Racism from a Global Perspective"L1 f_
Sept. 21, 1997Phoebe RosebearDiscussion of our pets presence in our lives
Sept. 28, 1997Ray Allen"Issues in Public Education"L2 f_
Oct. 5, 1997Gail Loder"The Homeless and the Hungry"f_
Oct. 12, 1997Upham Woods Retreat/Service
Oct. 19, 1997Gail Coover"Interethnic Community and Identity"L1 f_
Oct. 26, 1997Pat Watkins"Our Global Community: The UN and UUSC"f_
Nov. 2, 1997Karen Gross"My Communion With Nature in Door County"f_
Nov. 9, 1997Warren Hagstrom"Culinary Rituals"f_ Tr oos
Nov. 16, 1997Virginia Henderson"Issues of Diversity in Public Education"L2 f_ oos
Nov. 23, 1997Dave and Marcia Johnson"Abraham's Dream: Two and a half months in South India"f_ oos
Nov. 30, 1997Randy and Kathy Converse, Robin Carré, Mei Lien, Judy and Toby"Thanksgiving Intergenerational Program"In f_
Dec. 7, 1997Rosemarie Lester"Christmas Eve: From the Outside Looking In"f_ oos
Dec. 14, 1997Matthew Menne"El Nino and Wisconsin Weather"f_ oos
Dec. 21, 1997Erin Bosch"Intergenerational Solstice and Symbol Tree Celebration"In f_ oos
Dec. 28, 1997Christmas & Holiday Brunch
Jan. 4, 1998Rabbi Brian Field"Who ARE Those Folks Who Share Our Building?"
Jan. 11, 1998Darlene Cole"Creating a Personal Journal"L3
Jan. 18, 1998Gail Coover"Revealing the Contents of Our Character: The Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King"L1 f_ oos
Jan. 25, 1998Anne Pryor"About 'Living with Heart'"f_
Feb. 1, 1998Dennis Presser"The Spirituality of Hunting"f_
Feb. 8, 1998Pat Watkins"Suffer the Little Children"f_ oos
Feb. 15, 1998Eric Schroeder, Ian Park"Valentine's Day Intergenerational Program"In f_
Feb. 22, 1998Keri Beheler-Amass"Woman the Hunter"f_ oos
March 1, 1998Barbara Rames"Welsh Voices in Unitarianism"f_
March 8, 1998Robin Carre."What's a Guy Like Me Doing in a Place Like This?"
March 15, 1998Jackie Ziegler"Extending Equality Beyond Humanity"f_ oos
March 22, 1998Kaleem Caire"Minority Student Education in Madison"L2 f_ oos
March 29, 1998Gail Coover"Political Correctness: Using language to include versus using language to censor"L1 f_ oos
April 5, 1998Rebecca Dumlao"Moving Through Conflict: Lessons from life and research"f_ oos
April 12, 1998Anne Pryor"Easter Intergenerational Service"f_
April 19, 1998Al Nettleton"Who are you UU?"f_ oos
April 26, 1998Warren Hagstrom"Richard Rogers and his collaborators"f_ oos
May 3, 1998George Calden"To Life - L'Chaim!"f_ oos
May 10, 1998Gail Coover"Embracing Difference"L1 f_
May 17, 1998Orange Schroeder"Taking Care of Business: The Soul of Selling"f_ oos
May 24, 1998Erin Bosch and Robin CarréTransitions Intergenerational Servicef_ oos

In = intergenerational service
L1 = lay ministry - Gail Coover
L2 = lay ministry - Barbara Golden
L3 = lay ministry - Karen Gross
oos = link to order of service
f_ = full service recording available on request
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 1998 - May 1999

Order of Service
June 7, 1998Zoe Murphy"Homelessness: Realities and Relationships"oos
June 14Zoe Murphy"Homelessness: Experiencing and Responding"f_ oos
June 21Doleta Chapru"The Boy Scouts of America and the Right of Conscience"f_
June 28Metje Butler and Susan Hagstrom"Making Connection with the Natural World" 
July 5 Independence Day Picnic 
July 12Dave and Marcia JohnsonVolunteer work at Oxford federal prisonf_
July 19Molly Fifield Murray"The UW Arboretum - Green Prairie and the Savannah Project"f_
July 26 Three U-U Societies' Joint Program at Sauk Cityoos
Aug. 2Maria Hansa and Mark Rosenthal"The Realities of Sister City in the Post-Cold War Era: the Madison-Arcatao Project"f_ oos
Aug. 9Larry Nahlik"A Day in the Life of a Western Monk in Thailand"f_ oos
Aug. 16Bob Reuschlein"Why We Go To War"f_
Aug. 23Nikki Bromberg"Vippassana Meditation"f_ oos
Aug. 30Pat Watkins"If I Were a Rich Man or Woman: What and to Which Causes Would I Give?"f_
Sept. 6Betty Jallings and Karen Gross"Putting Labor Back in Labor Day"f_
Sept. 13Erin Bosch"Introduction to Prairie People, Programs, and Religious Education"f_ oos
Sept. 20George Calden"Off the Top of Your Head"f_
Sept. 27Bob Alpern"The UUA and the Struggle to Eliminate Land Mines"f_ oos
Oct. 4Cindy Haq"Health, Equity and Social Justice"f_ oos
Oct. 18Anne Urbanski"Sidney and God"f_
Oct. 25Kathy Kelly"Medical Aid to Iraq"f_ oos
Nov. 1Ruth Calden"All Souls' Day"f_ oos
Nov. 8Steve Pierce"Poverty in Dane County"L3 f_ oos
Nov. 15Cindy Haq and Gary Giorgi"Doctor/Patient Relationships"f_ oos
Nov. 22Ngawang Chojor"Religion and Art: a Buddhist Perspective"f_
Nov. 29Randy ConverseThanksgiving Intergenerational Service 
Dec. 6Gary Giorgi and Cindy Haq"Death and Dying"f_ oos
Dec. 13Deb Phelps and Mary Mullen"Transformations"f_
Dec. 20Erin BoschWinter Solstice Intergenerational Servicef_ oos
Dec. 27Arleigh Birchler"I Remember the Year..." 
Jan. 3, 1999Rick & Marilyn Ruecking"Hunting for Hope" 
Jan. 10Ken Skog"Fulfilling the Promise"L1 f_ oos
Jan. 17Allied Drive-Dunn's Marsh residents and service providers"Getting to Know You"f_ oos
Jan. 24Anne Pryor(second in her lay ministry on art and religion)L2 f_
Jan. 31Fran Zell"The Spirituality of Small Book Publishing"f_ oos
Feb. 7Steve Pierce and Jonathan Bader"Hunger and Food Security"L3 f_ oos
Feb.14Lisa Glueck and Rachel Long"Valentine's Day - Simple Acts of Love" (Intergenerational)f_ oos
Feb. 21Cindy Haq and Gary Giorgi"Ethical Issues and Quality at the End of Life"L4 f_ oos
Feb. 28Marilyn Feil"Homelessness in Dane County"L3 f_ oos
March 7Anne Pryor"Shrines and Grottoes of the Wisconsin Landscape"L2 f_ oos
March 14Will and Dot Williams"The Madison Gospelaires"L2 f_
March 21Orange SchroederIntroduction to her series, "The Church Across the Street"L5 f_ oos
March 28Speaker from the BahaiAll About BahaiL5 f_
April 4Warren Hagstrom and Co."Gonna Make This Garden Grow" (Easter Intergenerational) 
April 11Orange SchroederPrairie members visit other churchesL5
April 18Orange Schroeder Panel"Sharing in our Spiritual Community" (Panel discussion about our experiences April 11)L5 f_ oos
April 25David Giffey"Windows to the World"L2 f_ oos
May 2Doleta Chapru"Prairie People Serve: How Are We Living up to Our UU Principles?"f_ oos
May 9Warren Hagstrom, with music by members of the congregation"Franz Liszt: A Really Romantic Composer"f_ Tr oos
May 16Ken Skog"Developing a Prairie Mission Statement"f_ oos
May 23Erin BoschTransition Sunday 
May 30 Picnic at the home of Carl and Marian Thompson, no service at Meeting House 

L1 = (for the mission statement project)
L2 = lay ministry on Art and Religion - Anne Pryor
L3 = lay ministry on Poverty in Dane County - Steve Pierce
L4 = lay ministry on Health and Social Justice - Cindy Haq and Gary Giorgi
L5 = lay ministry - Orange Schroeder (The Church Across the Street)
oos = link to order of service
fp = full service recording available on request - processed copy of cassette
fr = full service recording available on request - raw copy of cassette
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 1999 - May 2000

June 6, 1999Nikki Bromberg and Warren Hagstrom"The Religious Significance of Dogs"
June 13, 1999Susan Hagstrom and Metje Butler"Making Connections with the Natural World"
June 20, 1999Rick Ruecking"Vacations: Miracles and Disasters"f_
June 27, 1999Annabelle Argand"Labor of Love"L3
July 4, 1999 Independence Day Picnic at Shirley Grindrod's
July 11, 1999Mary Sykes"Relationships: The Heart of Community"f_
July 18, 1999Mary Sykes"Protection and Advocacy For the Most Vulnerable Members of Our Community"f_
July 25, 1999Pat Watkins and Nancy Schraufnagel"Report from General Assembly" oos
Aug. 1, 1999 Joint service at Free Congregation of Sauk Countydes
Aug. 8, 1999Nancy Graham"War on Drugs"f_
Aug. 15, 1999Kay Frazier and Ben Rodriguez"Shel Silverstein's 'Missing Piece'"oos
Aug. 22, 1999Nikki Bromberg"Photographic Images of Our Lives"f_ oos
Aug. 29, 1999Mary Kay Baum"Interfaith Cooperation: The MUM Story"f_ oos
Sept. 3-5, 1999 Annual Retreat at Bethel Horizons
Sept. 12, 1999, 2:00-3:30 pmDarald Hanusa and Prairie youth"Lessons from Littleton" town meeting
Sept. 19, 1999 "Introduction to Prairie People and Programs"
Sept. 26, 1999Robin Carré"Thinking Like Leonardo"f_ oos
Oct. 3, 1999Marilyn and Rick Ruecking"Hunting for Hope: How Art Enriches Our Lives"L1 f_
Oct. 10, 1999Anthony Brown"Madison Equal Opportunity Commission"f_ oos
Oct. 17, 1999Rick Ruecking"Family Ritual: Hunting for Hope"f_
Oct. 24, 1999Tammy Baldwin"United Nations Sunday: The Honorable Tammy Baldwin, Congressional Rep. for Wis. 2nd District"f_ mp3
Oct. 31, 1999Ruth Calden and Lisa Glueck"All Souls' Day Celebration"f_
Nov. 7, 1999Karen Gross"Thoughts Before Departing the States to Join the Peace Corps"oos
Nov. 14, 1999Pat Watkins"Journey Toward Wholeness Sunday"L2 f_
Nov. 21, 1999Warren Hagstrom"Conspicuous Consumption"f_* Tr oos
Nov. 28, 1999RE Program"Squanto"
Dec. 5, 1999Mary Ann Macklin"The Welcoming Table"f_
Dec. 12, 1999Anthony Brown"The Madison Equal Opportunity Commission"L2 oos
Dec. 19, 1999High school classSymbol Tree ServiceIn f_ oos
Dec. 26, 1999Karen GrossSeasonal Sharing Circle
Jan. 2, 2000Al Nettleton"Reflections on the Millennium"oos
Jan. 9, 2000Pat Watkins"Do We Consume Things or Do They Consume Us?"L2 f_ oos
Jan. 16, 2000Warren Hagstrom and Doleta Chapru"Our Korean Friends"f_ Tr oos
Jan. 23, 2000Doleta Chapru and Warren Hagstrom"Duke Ellington: Music of the Soul"f_ oos
Jan. 30, 2000Hilde Surbaugh"Planned Parenthood"f_
Feb. 6, 2000Pat Watkins"Black History in Song, Poetry and Prose"f_
Feb. 13, 2000Randy Converse"Valentine's Day - Chinese New Year's Intergenerational Service"In
Feb. 20, 2000Warren Hagstrom"The Trickster"f_ Tr oos
Feb. 27, 2000Jennifer Parker and Doleta Chapru"Respectful Disagreement: Between Nicey-Nice and Spilling Blood"f_
March 5, 2000Kay Frazier"Regeneration Through Music"L1 f_ oos
March 12, 2000Pat Watkins"The Parish Poll: Congregational Directives for General Assembly"L2 f_ oos
March 19, 2000Warren Hagstrom and Al Nettleton"Richard Feynman: A Curious Character"f_ Tr oos
March 26, 2000Doleta Chapru and Warren Hagstrom"Emily Dickinson: Musical Settings of her Poems"f_ Tr
April 2, 2000Susan Ramspacher"Domestic Violence: Challenges We Face in the Future"f_ oos
April 9, 2000Barb Park and panel"Our Spiritual Journeys"f_
April 16, 2000Kay Frazier, Rosemarie Lester, Rachel Long, Karen Gross"Hunting for Hope - A Word or Two from Literature"L1 f_ oos
April 23, 2000Warren Hagstrom, K.K. Anderson"All About Bunnies: Easter Intergenerational Program"In
April 30, 2000Jennifer Parker"Assertive Communication: Playing with the Techniques"
May 7, 2000Karen Gross"Small Business Development in the Dominican Republic"oos
May 14, 2000Osh Anderson"In Praise of Bicycles"f_
May 21, 2000Erin Bosch"Ages and Stages"f_ oos
May 28, 2000 Memorial Day Picnic Potluck at Rick Owens and Amy Wilcox's home

In = intergenerational service
L1 = lay ministry on Hunting for Hope - Kay Frazier
L2 = lay ministry on Going About Denominational Business - Pat Watkins
L3 = lay ministry on Art and Religion - Anne Pryor
oos = link to order of service
f_ = full service recording available on request
* Due to taping error, only the last 30 min. of the 11/21/99 program was recorded.
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2000 - May 2001

June 4, 2000Helen Bishop"If Peacemakers Are Blessed, Is the Voice of the Minority Cursed?"L1 f_ oos
June 11, 2000Nancy Graham, Marty Drapkin and Warren Hagstrom"The War on Drugs"Tr oos
June 18, 2000Mary Sanderson"Colombia"f_
June 25, 2000Jack Barisonzi"Protest in Seatle, The World Trade Organization"f_ oos
July 2, 2000 Independence Day Picnic at Shirley Grindrod's homeIn
July 9, 2000Dan Rodman"Protests Against the World Bank and IMF in Washington DC"f_
July 16, 2000Alicia Leinberger"Family Farm Defender"f_
July 23, 2000Nancy Graham, Rosemarie Lester, Nancy Schraufnagel, Pat Watkins"Born Again U U's: The Report from General Assembly"oos
July 30, 2000 Joint program in Sauk City with James Reeb and the Free Congregation of Sauk Countydes
Aug. 6, 2000Dick and Julie Bonser and Nancy Graham"Living the Dream: The Census Calls Us Nomads"f_
Aug. 13, 2000Stephanie LaBella-Luke"Million Mom March, Mothers Taking Action for Gun Control"oos
Aug. 20, 2000Prairie musicians"Prairie Jam Session"f_
Aug. 27, 2000Margaret Thompson"Women and Globalization"f_
Sept. 3, 2000Erin Bosch, Mary Mullen"Experiencing Prairie"f_ Tr oos
Sept. 10, 2000Doleta Chapru and panel"Good Things About the Religions We've Left"f_ oos
Sept. 17, 2000Bruce Barrett"The Need for a National Health Care System" 
Sept. 24, 2000Dori Davenport"Owning Religious Education"f_
Oct. 1, 2000Mary Mullen"Welcoming Congregation"f_
Oct. 8, 2000Robin Carré"UUA and Sex, a History"L2
Oct. 15, 2000Fall retreat at Bethel Horizons 
Oct. 22, 2000Nancy SchraufnagelCelebrating the UN's 55th Birthdayoos
Oct. 29, 2000Ruth Calden"All Souls' Day" 
Nov. 5, 2000Robin Carré, Carin Bringelson and Arthur Thexton"UU's and Youth Sexuality Education"L2 f_
Nov. 12, 2000Larry Nahlik and Lisa Glueck(eastern religions)L3
Nov. 19, 2000Warren Hagstrom"Ruminations on Religions as Rackets"Tr oos
Nov. 26, 2000Larry NahlikThanksgiving Intergenerational ServiceIn oos
Dec. 3, 2000Lisa Glueck and Larry Nahlik"The Wings of Awakening"L3 f_
Dec. 10, 2000Warren HagstromJ. S. Bach - 250th anniversary celebration (a musical biography)f_ Tr oos
Dec. 17, 2000Nancy Schraufnagel, Larry Nahlik, Bob Reuschlein and Marilyn Ruecking"Healthy Congregations In Conflict"L1
Dec. 24, 2000Erin BoschSymbol Tree CelebrationIn f_
Dec. 31, 2000Rick Ruecking"Jubilee Day"f_
Jan. 7, 2001Susan Hagstrom"Skepticism: An Introduction"L4 f_
Jan. 14, 2001Michael and Kim O'Grady"WAVE: Grassroots Efforts to Reduce Gun Violence"f_
Jan. 21, 2001Rev. Joan Armstrong"" 
Jan. 28, 2001George and Ruth Calden, Doleta Chapru, Lee Burkholder"The Gospel According to the Ethnic Connection"f_ oos
Feb. 4, 2001Robin Carré"Introduction to Our Whole Lives for Adults"f_
Feb. 11, 2001Randy ConverseValentine's IntergenerationalIn
Feb. 18, 2001Robin Carré"Introduction to Our Whole Lives for Adults" (the sequel)f_
Feb. 25, 2001Erin Bosch"Socially Acceptable Bragging" 
March 4, 2001Susan Hagstrom"Skepticism, Character, and Joie de Vie"f_
March 11, 2001Judith Strasser"The Reason/Unreason Project: Part I (reason)"f_
March 18, 2001Judith Strasser"The Reason/Unreason Project"f_ mp3
March 25, 2001Judy Washbush"Prayers from Prison" 
April 1, 2001Susan Hagstrom"Tricks of the Mind"L4 f_ oos
April 8, 2001Nancy Schraufnagel"Congregational Norms of Behavior"L1
April 15, 2001Mary Mullen, Bev Cann and Karen Lucas"Easter Intergenerational"In
April 22, 2001Larry Nahlik"The Buddhist Family Tree"L3
April 29, 2001Susan Hagstrom"Skepticism and Literature"L4
May 6, 2001Paige ShipmanThe Politics of SexualityL2 f_
May 13, 2001Larry Nahlik, Lisa Glueck and Larry Mandt"Contemporary American Buddhism"L3 f_ oos
May 20, 2001Erin BoschTransition SundayIn f_
May 27, 2001 Memorial Day Picnic at Lawrence/Haq homeIn

In = intergenerational service or activity
L1 = lay ministry on Healthy Congregations and Conflict - Nancy Schraufnagel
L2 = lay ministry on Our Whole Lives (OWL) - Robin Carré
L3 = lay ministry on Eastern Religions - Lisa Glueck and Larry Nahlik
L4 = lay ministry on Skepticism - Susan Hagstrom
oos = link to order of service
f_ = full service recording available on request
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2001 to May 2002

June 3, 2001Larry Nahlik"Healthy Congregations and Conflict" 
June 10 "Finding Peace in Nature" at Margaret's Council Ring, UW Arboretum 
June 17Robin Carre"Advocating for Sexuality Education, Health and Justice"L4 f_ mp3
June 24Bev Cann, Karen Lucas, Denise Jess and Jani KeosterSummer solstice program 
July 1 Independence Day picnic at Grindrod/Durkin residence 
July 8Nancy Schraufnagel and Bob Reuschlein"Sinkford, Chief Wahoo, and Globalization" 
July 15 Vacation day (no meeting at Prairie) 
July 22Bev Cann"GLSEN in the Schools" 
July 29 "Ministry is All That We Do - Together", annual joint area congregations service at the Free Congregation of Sauk Countydes
Aug. 5Orie Loucks"UU Position on Responsible Consumption: What Does It Mean to Us?" 
Aug. 12 Discussion of short film, "Flight of the Stone" 
Aug. 19John Stuart and Suzanne Phillips"Starting Down the Path"oos
Aug. 26Angela MerkertPrairie parish meeting to discuss growth, 8:45 am - 3:30 pm 
Sept. 2 Canoe party 
Sept. 9Jean Matos"Textile Arts"L1
Sept. 14-16 Fall retreat at Bethel Horizons 
Sept. 23Jean Matos"Three-Dimentional Art"L1 f_
Sept. 30Per Kielland-Lund, Mike Chesney and Jennifer Olsen"Deep Ecology and the UU Resolution"L2 f_ oos
Oct. 7Sandy Ingham"An Eye For An Eye?"L3 f_
Oct. 14Jean Matos"Painting, Drawing and Printmaking"L1 f_
Oct. 21Bev Cann"How Homophobia Hurts Us All" 
Oct. 28Ruth Calden"All Soul's Day"f_
Nov. 4Jean Matos"Photography"L1
Nov. 11Sandy Ingham"Regretting, Remembering, Returning"L3 oos
Nov. 18Joseph Elder and Cindy Haq"Understanding Conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan"f_ oos
Nov. 25Larry Nahlik"Passage of Wisdom" (intergenerational service)f_
Dec. 2Warren Hagstrom"Our Personal Encounters with Christianity"Tr oos
Dec. 9Sandy Ingham"What Would Jesus Do?"L3
Dec. 16Rosemarie Lester and Doleta Chapru"Words and Music of the Season"oos
Dec. 23Erin BoschIntergenerational Symbol Tree Celebrationf_
Dec. 30Barbara ChattertonFirst annual game day 
Jan. 6, 2002Judy Skog"Spirituality: What the heck is it, anyway?" 
Jan. 13Sandy Ingham"Bridging the Gaps"L3 f_
Jan. 20Social Action Committee"Martin Luther King - Nonviolent Peace Activist"oos trn
Jan. 27Amy Owen"Risking for a Better World"f_
Feb. 3Sustainability Study Group"Choices for Sustainability"L2 f_ oos
Feb. 10Robin CarreValentine's Day Intergenerational 
Feb. 17Sandy Ingham"What's Love Got to Do With It?"L3 f_
Feb. 24Deep Ecology Study Group"Voluntary Simplicity"L2 f_ oos
March 3Frank Paynter"Iraq: Campaign of Conscience"f_ oos
March 10Dan Proud"A Celebration in Song"f_
March 17Deep Ecology Study Group"Deep Ecology"L2 oos
March 24Sandy Ingham"Why have a Church?"L3 f_
March 31Barbara ChattertonIntergenerational Service 
April 7Erin Bosch"UUs in a Nutshell"f_ oos
April 14Deep Ecology Study GroupDeep Ecology - ConclusionL2
April 21Jody Whelden"We Belong to Each Other" 
April 28Warren Hagstrom and Doleta Chapru"Cole Porter's Life and Music"f_ Tr oos
May 5Robin Proud"Margaret Fuller"f_ notes
May 12Rev. Shana Goodwin"Identity"f_ oos
May 19Erin Bosch"Transitions Sunday" 
May 26 Memorial Day Picnic 

L1 = lay ministry - Jean Matos: Creativity and the Arts
L2 = lay ministry - Rick Ruecking: Deep Ecology
L3 = lay ministry - Sandy Ingham: UU Connections
L4 = lay ministry - Robin Carre: Our Whole Lives (OWL)
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
oos = link to order of service
f_ = full service recording available on request
Tr = online transcript available
trn = link to transcript

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2002 to May 2003

June 2, 2002Peter Michie"Dowsing: A History and Practical Application"f_
June 9, 2002Dave Johnson"Teaching Literacy in Prison"
June 16, 2002Susan Hagstrom"The Music of Nature" - Outdoor Service at Picnic Point
June 23, 2002Dave Zakem"Sights and Insights of Laos"f_ oos
June 30, 2002Wendy Williams"Personal Reflections from G.A."f_ oos
July 7, 2002At Bob Durkin'sIndependence Day PicnicIn
July 14, 2002Mary Mullen"Summer Reading: Book Reviews by Prairie Folks"
July 21, 2002Doleta ChapruA Sing-along with Rise Up Singing books
July 28, 2002Ken Skog & others"... Search for... a New Religion in a Troubled World" - Four Congregation Service at Sauk Citydes
Aug. 4, 2002Judy Skog"The Seven-Fold Journey - Earth"
Aug. 11, 2002Peter Anderson"Recycling and Perils"f_
Aug. 18, 2002Larry Nahlik & Sarith Ou"A Charitable Visit to Angkor"oos
Aug. 25, 2002Nancy Graham/Doleta Chapru"Getting ALL the News: Alternatives to the Mainstream"L1? f_
Sept. 1, 2002Warren HagstromCanoe Outing and Picnic at Wingra ParkIn
Sept. 8, 2002Anne Urbanski and Barbara Chatterton"Ingathering Service/Water Communion"In?
Sept. 15, 2002John Nichols"Reclaiming our Civil Liberties"L1? f_ mp3 des
Sept. 22, 2002Jean Darling"Political as Religious"f_ mp3
Sept. 29, 2002Prairie Reps"Excited About UUA" - Pat Watkins, Brian Kuzdas, Nancy Schraulhagel, Mary Mullen, Bob Reuschlein
Oct. 4-6, 2002 Fall RetreatIn
Oct. 13, 2002Mark Ward"Jenk's Disappointment (Jenkin Lloyd Jones)"
Oct. 20, 2002Ruth Calden and Rose Smith"On Emigrating from Russia and Denmark"
Oct. 27, 2002Jane Camerini"Alfred Russell Wallace and the Evolution of Life"
Nov. 3, 2002Ruth Calden"All Souls' Day Celebration"
Nov. 10, 2002Bob Park"On Emigrating from Canada"L2 f_
Nov. 17, 2002Gabriel Laden"Doorway to the Soul: through sound and music"
Nov. 24, 2002RE Committee"Thanksgiving Intergenerational Program"In
Dec. 1, 2002Mike Briggs"Winter Reading: Book Reviews by Prairie Folks"
Dec. 8, 2002Daisy Peterson and Rosemarie Lester (Rose Smith)"On emigrating from Germany and Switzerland"L2
Dec. 15, 2002Jackson Tiffany"Conscientious Objection"oos
Dec. 22, 2002Erin Bosch and Barbara ChattertonIntergenerational Christmas ProgramIn
Dec. 29, 2002Judy SkogFamily Game DayIn
Jan. 5, 2003Doug Smith"Being Wounded Healers: Caregiving at the End of Life"
Jan. 12, 2003Rosalind Woodward, with Mary Mullen and Dan Proud"Place of Music in Peace Building and Activism"oos
Jan. 19, 2003Sarith Ou/Rose Smith"On Cambodia"L2
Jan. 26, 2003Doleta Chapru"A Posse of Giddy Girls: Wyoming's Battle for Women's Suffrage"L1 f_ oos
Feb. 2, 2003Bruce Miller"Peace Efforts in Colombia"f_
Feb. 9, 2003Amy Owen"Forgiveness: The Peace Begins at Home"oos
Feb. 16, 2003Jani Koester and Denise Jess, RE Committee"Valentine's Day Intergenerational Service"In
Feb. 23, 2003Doug Smith"Come Before Winter: Importance of Doing Things Now"oos
March 2, 2003Norman Stockwell"Role of Community Media in a Democratic Society"oos
March 9, 2003Cal DeWitt"Caring for Creation: Environmental Stewardship in Practice"
March 16, 2003Nancy Vedder-Shults"Wicca as Nature Religion"
March 23, 2003Hedi Rudd"Study Circles on Race"
March 30, 2003Doleta Chapru"Liberal Religion and the Challenge of Evangelical Politics"L1? oos
April 6, 2003Robin Proud"Elizabeth Gaskell: An Unknown Unitarian"oos
April 13, 2003Dan Proud"The Historical View of Jesus"oos
April 20, 2003Barbara Chatterton and Mary Somers"Easter Intergenerational Service"In oos
April 27, 2003Scott Prinster"Coming Out as Sacrament"
May 4, 2003Paula Pachciarz"Caring for the Homeless", two speakers from the Interfaith Hospitality Network
May 11, 2003Doleta Chapru"The Parent in All of Us - Kristi Sprague, Bob Lawrence, Denise Jess, Jani Koester"
May 18, 2003RE Committee"Transition Sunday"In oos
May 25, 2003At the Briggs'Memorial Day Weekend PicnicIn

In = intergenerational service or activity
L1 = lay ministry - Doleta Chapru
L2 = lay ministry - Rose Smith
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
oos = link to order of service
f_ = full service recording available on request

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2003 to May 2004

June 1, 2003Allison Kent"The UUSC Promotes Human Rights in Latin America"
June 8Mary MullenSummer Reading: Book Reviewsoos
June 15Rev. Gordon Gibson"Small Acts of Great Courage"
June 22Warren Hagstrom and Doleta ChapruSummer Outdoor Service at Picnic PointIn
June 29J. Baird Callicott"Nature as God in Contemporary and Ancient Religions"L1
July 6 Independence Day Picnic at Hoyt ParkIn
July 13Sarah Lord, Pat Watkins, Nancy Schraufnagel"Excited about the UUA"
July 20Fran Zell"First Fiction: the Joy, the Pain, the Terror"
July27Mary Somers"Raising Cain, Raising UUs," four congregation program in Sauk Citydes
August 3Judy Skog"Chakra 2: Emotions, water, fluidity, pleasure"
August 10John Imes"Wisconsin Environmental Initiative - Green Buildings"
August 17Dan Proud and Doleta Chapru"A Musical Celebration of Animals," Prairie MusiciansIn
August 24Susan Urban"A Day in the Life," a program on the Beatles and UUsoos
August 31 Canoes, kayaks, and picnic at Wingra ParkIn
Sep. 7Barbara Chatterton and Kristi Sprague-KlepzigIngathering and Sharing the Waters, welcoming the new church yearIn
Sep.21Rev. Nels Oas"Emerson is 200"
Sep.28 Potluck and 2 p.m. program at the Unitarian Congregation of Rock County, Janesville
Oct. 5Al Nettleton"The Living Tradition I", looking at the UU-HymnalL2
Oct.12Amy Owen"Beginning the Journey of Healing"L3 oos
Oct. 19Jerry Beuer"When Good Things Happen to Bad People"oos
Oct. 26Orange Schroeder"All Souls' Observance"oos
Nov. 2Jani Koester"Our Homeless Children"oos
Nov. 9Rose and Trevor Stephenson"Portrayal of Susan B. Anthony," with historical keyboard musicoos
Nov. 16Al Nettleton, Susan Hagstrom, Bob Durkin, Jack Jallings,Rick Ruecking"Justice in the Workplace" oos
Nov. 23Arthur Thexton"Death by Legislation"
Nov. 30Tyson Foods employees"Tyson Workers Explain the Strike: An Intergenerational Program on Social Justice" Thanksgiving Service and PotluckIn oos
Dec. 7Amy Owen"Choosing Transformation," second in her series on healingL3 oos
Dec. 14Warren Hagstrom"Mozart: Life and Music"Tr oos
Dec. 21Erin BoschSymbol Tree Intergenerational ServiceIn oos
Dec. 28Brian Kuzdas and Rachel LongIntergenerational Game DayIn
Jan. 4, 2004Robin Proud"Winter Reading"oos
Jan. 11Amy Owen"Deepening the Journey of Healing"L3 oos
Jan. 18Kathy Converse"UU Scientists-Rachel Carson and Eugene Odum"oos
Jan. 25Al Nettleton"The Living Tradition II"L2 oos
Feb. 1Rick Ruecking"Ancient Passions, Strange and High"oos
Feb. 8Sarah Lord"Criminal Injustice: A UU Approach to the Crisis"oos
Feb. 15RE Committee"Gifts from the Heart," Intergenerational ProgramIn
Feb. 22Cindy Haq"The Health of Women and Children in Afghanistan"f_ mp3 oos des
Feb. 29Al Nettleton"The Living Tradition III: Hymns of Carolyn McDade & Shelly Jackson Denham"L2 f_
March 7Richard Beilfuss"Reconstructing Eden: Hope for the Iraqi Marshland"oos
March 14Randy Converse (for Pat Cautley), Bob Reuschlein, and Warren Hagstrom"Strengthening the United Nations: Firsthand Stories from Prairie Members"oos
March 21Bob Lawrence"Is the World Threatened by Islam?"L4
March 28Marcia Johnson"A Celebration of Spring in Prose, Poetry, Music, and Art"
April 4Rev. Sarah Oelberg"Reasonable Religion"trn oos
April 11Judy Skog"Spring Renewal of Meditation"oos
April 18RE CommitteeIntergenerational Earth DayIn oos
April 25Robert Martin (former EPA Ombudsman)"Rollback of Environmental Laws: An Inside Story"f_ mp3
May 2Pat Watkins"Caged Bird: Slavery in the Modern World"oos
May 9Bob Lawrence"Is My World Threatened by Islam?"L4 oos
May 16Andy Somers"Give Me Your Tired... But Not Yet!"oos
May 23RE CommitteeTransitional Programf_
May 30 Memorial Day Picnic at the Briggsf_

In = intergenerational service or activity
L1 = lay ministry - John Lewis
L2 = lay ministry - Al Nettleton
L3 = lay ministry - Amy Owen
L4 = lay ministry - Bob Lawrence
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
oos = link to order of service
f_ = full service recording available on request
Tr = transcript available online
trn = link to online transcript

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2004 to May 2005

June 6, 2004Marty Drapkin"Pictures of Mothers and Daughters"oos
June 13, 2004Amanda White"Save Gas with Community Car"oos
June 20, 2004Judy Skog"Labyrinth Walking Meditation"oos
June 27, 2004Galen and Rose Smith"Favorite Books to Share for Summer Reading"oos
July 4, 2004 Independence Day Picnic at Hoyt ParkIn
July 11, 2004Susan Urban"Nothing Left to Lose: The Life and Times of Janis Joplin" 
July 18, 2004Rev. Sarah Oelberg"Pledging Allegiance"trn oos
July 25, 2004Mike and Norma Briggs"Same-sex marriage: a UU Perspective"oos
Aug. 1, 2004Mary Somers (for Prairie)"Social Concerns in an Election Year," four congregation service at Sauk Citydes
Aug. 8, 2004Kathy Converse and Sarah Lord"Looking Outward/Defining Our Strengths"oos
Aug. 15, 2004Dan Proud and Prairie musicians"Peace Like a River, Joy Like a Fountain"f_
Aug. 22, 2004Judy Skog"How Far Can Reach a Smile?" 
Aug. 29, 2004Rick Ruecking and Erin Bosch Intergenerational Game DayIn oos
Sept. 5, 2004 Canoe, kayaks, and picnic at Wingra ParkIn
Sept. 12, 2004Robin Proud and Barbara Chatterton"Ingathering and Sharing the Waters"oos
Sept. 19, 2004Annual Retreat At Bethel HorizonsIn
Sept. 26, 2004Rev. Sarah Oelberg"Coming Together"trn oos
Oct. 3, 2004Leona Balek"Church/State Issues in 2004"trn oos
Oct. 10, 2004Mike Briggs and Dan Proud"Woody Guthrie How Does He Speak to UUs?"oos
Oct. 17, 2004Rev. Nels Oas"Public Issues, Politics, and the Pulpit"oos
Oct. 24, 2004Bob Lawrence"Have There Ever Been Examples of Tolerant, Creative, or Progressive Islamic Civilizations?"L1
Oct. 31, 2004Orange SchroederAll Souls Day serviceoos
Nov. 7, 2004Susan Conant"Susan Conant and Friends: A Participatory Music Program"oos
Nov. 14, 2004Barb Park, panel"Prairie and Allied Partners"oos
Nov. 21, 2004Donna Murdoch and panel"Mental Illness: Stories of Recovery" 
Nov. 28, 2004Program Committee"Harvest Treasures: Thanksgiving Intergenerational Service"In
Dec. 5, 2004Bob Lawrence"Judaism and Islam: Commonalities and Conflict Resolution"L1 oos
Dec. 12, 2004Warren Hagstrom"What Can We Learn from the Jesus Myth?"Tr oos
Dec. 19, 2004Erin BoschSymbol Tree intergenerational serviceIn
Dec. 26, 2004The Converse family"A Morning of Games and Laughter" 
Jan. 2, 2005Mary Mullen and Patty Stockdale"Singing Out Our UU History"oos
Jan. 9, 2005Sarah Lord"Music, What Soothes the Soul"oos
Jan. 16, 2005Rev. Sarah Oelberg"Is Tolerance Always a Virtue?"oos
Jan. 23, 2005Linda Sheehy"Death as a Part of Life's Journey"oos
Jan. 30, 2005Mike Briggs, Dan Proud, and Maggie Siegfried"Pete: UU Themes in the Music of Pete Seeger"oos
Feb. 6, 2005Roger Bannerman"Building a Rain Garden"oos
Feb. 13, 2005RE committeeValentine's Day intergenerational serviceIn oos
Feb. 20, 2005Program Committee"Our Dynamic UU Principles"oos
Feb. 27, 2005Metje Butler"Creativity.. the Best Medicine"oos
March 6, 2005Dirk Herr-Hoyman"Libre Software: Issues on Intellectual Property" 
March 13, 2005Dan Proud"Let Justice Flow"oos
March 20, 2005Galen Smith and RE Committee Earth Day and Equinox Celebrationoos
March 27, 2005Rose Smith"Celebrating Easter in Poetry and Prose"oos
April 3, 2005Hana Jon Taylor, Susan Fox, and Orange Schroeder"The Role of Arts in Healing and Spiritual Growth"oos
April 10, 2005Richard Davidson"Science, Meditation, and Happiness"oos
April 17, 2005Mike McCabe"Rehabilitating Democracy in Wisconsin from the Grassroots"oos
April 24, 2005Elena Meyer"Latinos in Wisconsin"oos
May 1, 2005Norma Briggs and Barb Park"Gardening as Rejuvenation"oos
May 8, 2005Transition Sunday service with Erin Bosch"Ages and Stages"oos
May 15, 2005Rev. Jody Whelden"Standing Inside the Fire"oos
May 22, 2005Larry Nahlik"Tsunami Relief in Thailand"oos
May 29, 2005 Memorial Day Weekend Picnic at the Briggs'In

In = intergenerational service or activity
L1 = lay ministry - Bob Lawrence
oos = link to order of service
f_ = full service recording available on request
Tr = transcript available online
trn = link to online transcript

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2005 to May 2006

June 5, 2005Barbara ChattertonOh, No, You're a Moonie?oos
June 12Galen and Rose SmithIdeas for Summer Readingoos
June 19Dorothy KrauseSummer Solstice at Picnic Point 
June 26Peggy Haack and Cindy Rudd"And So, How Are the Children?"oos
July 3Galen and Rose SmithIndependence Day Picnic at the home of Galen and Rose SmithIn
July 10"UU Team Trivia" intergenerational serviceIn oos
July 17Rev. Sarah Oelberg"Spirituality Without God" 
July 24Sarah Lord, Patty Stockdale and Mary Mullen"Inspired by General Assembly"oos
July 31 Five congregation program in Sauk Citydes
August 7Dan Proud and Mike BriggsFolk Musicoos
August 14Susan Urban"Mist Around the Bend"f_
August 21Rev. Jody WheldenCitizenship, Politics, & Liberal ReligionTr oos
August 28Sarah Lord"The Crisis in Darfur: Through a UU Lens"oos
Sept. 4  Picnic at Wingra Park 
Sept. 11Barbara ChattertonIngatheringoos
Sept. 16-18 Annual Retreat at Bethel Horizons 
Sept. 25Penny Andrews"Being Called to Greater Intimacy with Our Earth"oos
Oct. 2Bob Reuschlein"Social Decay of Empire"oos
Oct. 9Mary Mullen"Gaylord Nelson, Not a Unitarian, But...."Tr oos
Oct. 16Rev. Jody Whelden"The Language and Practice of Reverence"Tr oos
Oct. 23Pat WatkinsUN Sunday: The Millenium Development Project oos
Oct. 30Ruth CaldenDay of the Deadoos
Nov. 6Thomas Hoeppner"The Ethical Humanist Society: A Passion for Life with a Blend of Reason, Compassion and Commitment"oos
Nov. 13Will WilliamsVietnam to Iraq - Veterans for Peaceoos
Nov. 20Rev. Jody Whelden"Our Blessings Apparent or Not"Tr oos
Nov. 27Mary Mullen, Galen Smith, Bob RadfordThanksgiving (Intergenerational)In oos
Dec. 4Bob Reuschlein"Jesus and Empire"Tr oos
Dec. 11Rev. Jody Whelden"Lighting Our Lives with Hope: The Christmas Message"Tr oos
Dec. 18Erin BoschSymbol Tree/Santa Luciaoos
Dec. 25Barbara ChattertonChristmas (Vesper Service) 
Jan. 1, 2006Prairie youthIntergenerational New Year's Day program
Jan. 8Steve Vorass"Evangelical Christian Casserole"oos
Jan. 15Rev. Jody Whelden"Religious Humanism: A UU Bloodline"oos
Jan. 22Rev. Margo Peterson"Christianity from a Lutheran Perspective"L1 f_ oos
Jan. 29Dr. Frank Morales"Introduction to Hinduism"L1 f_ oos
Feb. 5Steve Vorass"God's Shadow: The Archetypes of Antichrist and Apocalypse,"f_ oos
Feb. 12The RE programValentine's Day Intergenerational Serviceoos
Feb. 19Rev. Jody Whelden"The Choice to Love: The Journey of the Soul"oos
Feb. 26Pat Watkins"The History of a Black Family" 
March 5Lisa Glueck"Buddhism - Touching the Earth"L1 oos
March 12Cindy Haq"Spirituality and Health in Uganda"oos
March 19Rev. Jody Whelden"Building Your Own Theology: The UU's Journey"oos
March 26Rita Adair"Working in the Trenches" 
April 2Erin Bosch"I Gotta Crow"oos
April 9Rabbi Jonathan Biatch"God, Torah, and Israel"L1 f_ oos
April 16Rev. Jody Whelden"The Wilderness Requirement for Change: Easter, Passover and the State of the Congregation"
April 23
Earth Day Intergenerational Programoos
April 30Dr. Satwant Dhillon"Sikkhism: a Universal Religion"L1 oos
May 7Marina Drake"My Action Is My Refuge: Hurricane Animal Rescue Work"
May 14Rebecca Malke-Eligenti"UUism and the World's Big Religions"oos
May 21Erin Bosch and Rachel LongTransition Sundayoos
May 28Rev. Jody Whelden"A Century of Regime Change and What We Can Do About It"

In = intergenerational service or activity
L1=Rachel Long and Rebecca Malke-Eligenti's lay ministry - Religions in America - Know Your Neighbors
f_=full service recording available on request
Tr=online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2006 to May 2007

Order of Service
June 4, 2006Prairie's middle-school"Racism Today"oos
June 11Anne Lundin and Rose Smith"Beatrix Potter: Unitarian Extraordinaire"oos
June 18Rev. Jody Whelden"The Legacy of Thomas Paine"
June 25Karen Gross"Bringing the World Home (from Peace Corps rep. to Dominican Republic)"oos
July 2Rosemarie Lester"Oscar Howe, Artist of the Sioux and the Painting of the Truth"oos
July 9Matt Cockrum"How We Heal, How We Are Healed"
July 16Susan Urban"The Circle Within The Circle-On the Path of Humano-Paganism"oos
July 23Mike Briggs and Larry Nahlik"Renewal - Joint service of 5 area congregations at Prairie"oos
July 30Mary Mullen"Beyond Words"
August 6Rose Smith"Summer Reads"oos
August 13Doleta Chapru & Warren Hagstrom"Through All Kinds of Weather (Musicale)"oos
August 20Sonya, Erin Bosch, Mary Mullen"Making Memorials Meaningful"Tr oos
August 27Barbara Chatterton"Water Communion"oos
Sept. 3Tracy Surprise"How Relevant Are Unions Today?"oos
Sept. 10Andy Fraenkel"Sacred Story"oos
Sept. 17Mike Briggs"Key Log Ceremony at annual retreat"In
Sept. 24Pat Watkins, Nancy Schraufnagel, Barb Park, Sarah Lord."Report from General Assembly"oos
Oct. 1Celia Farran"Religious Freedom in the Military (pagan symbols)"
Oct. 8Mark Noel and the Proud Theater"Against the Amendment" (Fair Wisconsin speaker)oos
Oct. 15Russ Gardner"Peace Art (Epidemic Peace Imagery)"oos
Oct. 22Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Ministrone for Healthier Congregations"
Oct. 29Dorothy Krause"The Interwoven Web of Life"oos
Nov. 5Jim Reilly"Composing for UU's"
Nov. 12Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"A Gratitude by So Many to So Few"oos
Nov. 19Susan Herr-Hoyman, Sonya"Thanksgiving Intergenerational"In
Nov. 26Mary Mullen and Barb Park"The Road Not Taken" (panel)oos
Dec. 3Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton"
Dec. 10John & Rebecca Eligenti"Child Labor in India and Dalit (Untouchable) Rights"f_ oos
Dec.17 Dorothy Krause"Prairie's Winter Wonderland, a Celebration of a Magical Season"oos
Dec. 24Erin Bosch"Symbol Tree intergenerational service"In
Dec. 31Rev. Ralph TyksinskiService of songs & readings at 7 pm
Jan. 7, 2007Andy Somers"Propaganda - An Overview"f_ oos
Jan. 14Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Artist, Prophet, Dreamer"oos
Jan. 21Josh Freker"After the Amendment - What Now?"oos
Jan. 28Lea Zeldin"Propaganda, Corporations, and the Media"f_ oos
Feb. 4Warren Hagstrom"The Myth of Romantic Love, Yesterday and Today"f_
Feb. 11Sonya SidkyValentine's intergenerational serviceIn oos
Feb. 18Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Honoring Darwin"f_
Feb. 25
No service due to snow
March 4Brian Standing"History, Culture, Techniques of War Propaganda "
March 11Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Universalism 101"oos
March 18Kathy Converse"History of Evolution Theory"f_ oos
March 25Paula Pachciarz"Molly Ivins, a Heroine of our Time"f_ oos
April 1Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Feelings of the Heart or Open Hearts/Open Minds"f_ oos
April 8Mary Mullen/Anne Lundin"A Line of Poetry Strays Into Memory"f_ oos
April 15Kathy Converse"Evolution: How It Affects Your Daily Life"f_ oos
April 22Galen Smith"John Muir, Pioneer Conservationist"f_ oos
April 29UW Students for a Free Tibet"The Current State of Tibet"f_ oos
May 6Warren Hagstrom"The Genius of Irving Berlin"
May 13Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Memories, Meanings, and Mother's Day"oos
May 20Robert Weitzel"Creationsim in Public Schools: A Very (Very) Brief History"
May 27Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Giving 'the Last Full Measure of Devotion'"oos

In = intergenerational service
f_ = full service recording available on request
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2007 to May 2008

Order of Service
June 3, 2007RE CommitteeTransition ServiceIn oos
June 10Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Summertime Is Coming"oos
June 17Bonnie and Bob Block"Another View of Iran"oos
June 24Mary Somers"Venezuela: Condoms and the Constitution"oos
July 1Sarah Lord"The Immigration Problem: A Historical Perspective"f_
July 8Dr. Alfred McCoy"A Short History of Psychological Torture: Discovery, Propagation, Perfection and Legalization"f_
July 15Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Bring Many Questions (About UUism)"f_
July 22 Erin Bosch and Robin Proud"UU Humor"f_ oos
July 29Mary Mullen"Celebrating Malvina Reynolds, UU Singer-Songwriter"f_ oos
August 5Central Midwest District Young Adult Steering Committee (YASC) Worship Team"River in My Soul"f_ oos
August 12Rose Smith"How Can I Keep from Reading?"oos
August 19Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Where Is Our P. T. Barnum, Now That We Could Use Him?"f_
August 26Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Ingathering Water Ceremony"oos
Sept. 2Ruth Gundlach"Challenges Facing Today's Worker"f_
Sept. 9Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Revisioning Our Vision"oos
Sept. 16"Key-log ceremony"
Sept. 23Marion Nelson"Breaking Barriers Between Old and New"f_ oos
Sept. 30Mike & Norma Briggs and Barbara Park"G.A. Inspiration"f_ oos
Oct. 7Mary Mullen & Anne Lundin"There is Something in the Autumn... - A Program of Fall Poetry"oos
Oct. 14Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Association Sunday - Growing our Faith thru Growing Our Numbers"oos
Oct. 21Wendy Cooper"The United Nation's role in building a peaceful world: success or failure"f_ oos
Oct. 28Dorothy Krause"Day of the Dead"f_ oos
Nov. 4Dan Barker"Keeping Religion and Government Separate"oos
Nov. 11Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Deep Listening, Deep Lessons"oos
Nov. 18Rick Ruecking"Ways of Seeing" (1st of 2)f_ oos
Nov. 21Rev. Michael SchulerA Thanksgiving ServiceIn oos
Nov. 25Mary MullenThanksgiving IntergenerationalIn
Dec. 2Russell Gardner"Religion's Biology"oos
Dec. 9Rick Ruecking"Ways of Seeing - Between the Eyes" (2nd of 2)oos
Dec.16 Erin Bosch and Ralph TyksinskiSymbol Tree Sharing/td>In oos
Dec. 23Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Child's Christmas in Wales"oos
Dec. 30Rose Smith, Dorothy Krause, Rachel Long and Aileen Nettleton"Honoring the Days of Our Years: Going and Coming"oos
Jan. 6, 2008Anne Lundi, Barbara Chatterton, and Erin Bosch"This I Believe"Tr oos
Jan. 13Robin Proud"Behind Every Great Man: The Peabody Sisters "f_ mp3 oos
Jan. 20Susan Hagstrom"Yip Harburg: Lyricist/Poet/Activist"f_ oos
Jan. 27Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"The Transient and the Permanent Through Generational Eyes"f_ oos
Feb. 3Allison Eyring-Green - Trust for Natural Legacies"Another Option for Preserving Land: Conservation Cemeteries"f_ oos
Feb. 10Gladis Benavides"From Sensitivity to Inclusion: Living & Working Respectfully in a Multi-cultural Community"f_ oos
Feb. 17Service canceled due to weather
Feb. 24Mary Mullen, Jerry Simmons and Dan Proud"This I Believe"f_ oos
March 2Thomas Givnish"Evolution of Life on Islands"f_ oos
March 9John & Mary Frantz"Highlights from the American Association for the Advancement of Science Conference"f_ oos
March 16Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Carl Sandburg: A Prairie Universalist?"f_ oos
March 23Prairie members"Was Jesus a UU?"In f_ oos
March 30Erin Bosch"Class Conscious"oos
April 6Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Fannie Barrier Williams: The Race Game, Yesterday & Today"oos
April 13Marshall Onellion"Seeking Truth, Living with Doubt"oos
April 20Ken Skog"Earth Day: Reducing the Carbon Foof_rint"oos
April 27Judy Skog, Bob Cape, Rosemarie Lester"This I Believe"oos
May 4Christina Klock"The Music of What Happens"oos
May 11Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Our Moms, Other Moms, and Apple Pie"oos
May 18Rich Henderson"Ecology of Wisconsin Prairies"oos
May 25Aszani Kunkler"Birth Options in the Madison Area"oos

In = intergenerational service
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
f_ = full service recording available on request
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2008 to May 2009

Order of Service
June 1, 2008RE CommitteeTransition SundayIn oos
June 8, 2008Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Flower Communion and its Founder, Norbert Capek"In f_ oos
June 15, 2008Anne Urbanski "Getting to Know the DNR Website"
June 22, 2008Andy Somer"Sex, Religion, Politics and the Law"f_ oos
June 29, 2008Joe & Joann Elder and Mike Boehm"The 40th Anniversary of the My Lai Massacre"f_ oos
July 6, 2008Rose Smith"Summer Reads"oos
July 13, 2008Shawn Peters"Religious Convictions: Reflections on Faith Healing, Children, and the Law"oos
July 20, 2008Marcia Marino"Bioethics: Cases and Conundrums"f_ oos
July 27, 2008Multi-congregation joint service at the Free Congregation of Sauk County in Sauk Cityoos
Aug. 3, 2008Rev. Sarah Oelberg"The Prairie in My Soul"f_ oos
Aug. 10, 2008Dirk Herr-Hoyman, Robin Proud, and Heidi Hughes"This I Believe"f_ oos
Aug. 17, 2008Dave and Marcia Johnson"Eighteen Years in Asia and Latin America: Some Observations and Impressions"f_ oos
Aug. 24, 2008Jamie Kobishop-Herold"A Journey through Bilingual Education"f_ oos
Aug. 31, 2008Steve Blank"The American Worker - From Joe Hill to Joe Walmart"f_ Tr oos
Sept. 7, 2008Key Log Ceremonyoos
Sept. 14, 2008Rev. Ralph Tyksinski and Barbara ChattertonWater Ceremonyoos
Sept. 21, 2008Randy Converse"Practical Acts of Peace"f_ oos
Sept. 28, 2008Sarah Babcock, Jim Carpenter, Orange Schroeder"This I Believe"
Oct. 5, 2008Shaarei Shamayim members"The High Holidays: A Jewish Reconstructionist/Renewal approach"f_
Oct. 12, 2008Dr. Majid Sarmadi "Iran: Myth and Reality"f_ oos
Oct. 19, 2008Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Growing Our Spirit"f_ oos
Oct. 26, 2008Pat Watkins"The United Nations Charter of Human Rights"oos
Nov. 2, 2008Dorothy Krause"Remembering our Beloved Dead"oos
Nov. 9, 2008Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Mending Fences, Building Bridges"f_ oos
Nov. 16, 2008Jean Feraca"Facing Death"oos
Nov. 23, 2008RE CommitteeThanksgiving Intergenerational Service, "A Global Banquet"In oos
Nov. 30, 2008Ruth Calden, Warren Hagstrom, and AL Nettleton"Prairie Reflections"f_ oos
Dec. 7, 2008Marcia Johnson, Rick Ruecking, and Tom Lovett"This I Believe"Tr oos
Dec. 14, 2008Erin BoschSymbol TreeIn oos
Dec. 21, 2008Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"A Child's Christmas in Wales"f_ oos
Dec. 24, 2008members"A Service of.CaroIs and Candle Lighting"f_ oos
Dec. 28, 2008RE Committee"Moving Forward"oos
Jan. 4, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Your Resolutions for Prairie - 2009"oos
Jan. 11, 2009Rev. Darrel Richey"Journey to Selma"oos
Jan. 18, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Coincidence and Ambiguity"oos
Jan. 25, 2009Pat Watkins"The Pain of War; The Joy of Peace"f_ oos
Feb. 1, 2009Jane Shoup"Darwin and His Dangerous Idea"f_ Tr mp3 oos
Feb. 8, 2009RE Committee"Love Thy Neighbor"In oos
Feb. 15, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Nurturing Respect in Our Families: at Home and in Community"f_ oos
Feb. 22, 2009Amy Owen"Forgiveness and Justice"f_ oos
March 1, 2009Phyllis Long, Rachel Long, and Reuben Arnold"This I Believe"f_ Tr oos
March 8, 2009Vicki Berenson"Military Recruiting Abuse - What We Can Do"oos
March 15, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"From Principles and Purposes to Covenantal Relationships" Part Onef_ oos
March 22, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"From Principles and Purposes to Covenantal Relationships" Part Twof_ oos
March 29, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"From Principles and Purposes to Covenantal Relationships" Part Threef_ oos
April 5, 2009Andy Somers"First Amendment: Right or Slogan"oos
April 12, 2009Selena Fox"Easter Customs and Traditions: Old and New"In mp3 notes
April 19, 2009Florence Chenoweth"Feeding the hungry in the face of the global economic crisis" - for Earth Dayf_ oos
April 26, 2009Bob Mohelnitzky"Ending Hunger in Our Lifetime"f_ oos
May 3, 2009Sam Dennis"Curing Nature Deficit Disorder"f_ oos
May 10, 2009Jim Reilly"Women Composers or Who was Hilda Neupert?"f_ mp3 oos
May 17, 2009RE Committee"Transition Sunday"In oos
May 24, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Minding the Gaps in Our Lives"f_ oos
May 31, 2009Mary Mullen"The Zen of Gardens and Gardening - Prairie People Talk about the Spirituality of Gardening"f_ oos

In = intergenerational service
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
f_ = full service recording available on request
Tr = online transcript available
oos = link to order of service

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2009 to May 2010

Order of Service
June 7, 2009Kate Liu, Anne Lundin, Nancy Schraufnagel, and Dorothy Krause"Found: Nuggets of Wisdom from District Assembly" f_ oos
June 14, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Summer is Acomin' and the Flower Ceremony"f_ oos
June 21, 2009Randy Converse (moderator), Kurt Gutknecht, John Eliganti, and Andy Garst"The Changing Landscape of Fatherhood" f_ oos
June 28, 2009Rose Smith"Summer Reads"Bk f_ oos
July 5, 2009Rev. Jane Esbensen"One's Heart Is Enough"f_ mp3
July 12, 2009Art Shegonee"Earth Based Spirituality"f_ oos
July 19, 2009Sol Thea Kelley-Jones and Nathan Beck"When Breathing is Defiance: Stories from Occupied Palestine"f_ mp3 oos
July 26, 2009Multi-congregation program in Sauk City hosted by the Free Congregation of Sauk County"Simplicity"f_ mp3 des
Aug. 2, 2009Heidi Hughes and Mary Mullen"The Omnivore's Dilemma - All Prairie Read"f_ oos
Aug. 9, 2009Madeline and Reuben Arnold"A Passage to India"f_ oos
Aug. 16, 2009Ingrid West and Rachel Long"UU General Assembly 2009"f_ oos
Aug. 23, 2009Rev. Selena Fox"Elements of Nature"f_ oos
Aug. 30, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Ingathering and Water Ceremony"f_ oos
Sept. 6, 2009Prof. Frank Emspack"Our Challenge: Building Decent Jobs and a Just Society"f_ oos
Sept. 13, 2009Erin Bosch and Rebecca Malke-Eliganti"Honoring Your Elders: Celebrating Grandparent's Day"f_ oos
Sept. 20, 2009Erik David Carlson"How Gen X Ministers are changing Unitarian Universalism"f_ oos
Sept. 27, 2009Dawn Berney"Yom Kippur: Ritual, Repentance, Relationship"f_ oos
Oct. 4, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"The Rough and Tough Journey of Being-Becoming a Unitarian Universalist"f_ oos
Oct. 11, 2009Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"It Takes a Village to Raise a Child"f_
Oct. 18, 2009Long Range Planning committee"Exploring Visions of Ministry and Ministerial Relationships at Prairie"f_ mp3 oos
Oct. 25, 2009At Pine Lake Camp"Key Log Ceremony"In f_
Nov. 1, 2009Helen Bond"Transitions: The Rhythms of Our Lives"f_ oos
Nov. 8, 2009David Pyle"They Just Fade Away"f_ mp3 oos
Nov. 15, 2009John Powell, Leila Pine & Rosalind Woodward"Thinking About Immigration"f_ mp3 oos
Nov. 22, 2009Rebecca Malke"A Prairie Family Thanksgiving"In oos
Nov. 29, 2009Rev. Christopher Long"Generosity: Living Out Our Unitarian Universalist Tradition"f_ oos
Dec. 6, 2009Dr. Michael Kloess"Our Lady of Hope Clinic"f_ oos
Dec. 13, 2009Sami Rasouli"Iraq Today: A Peacemaker's Eyewitness Report"f_ mp3
Dec. 20, 2009Rev. Ralph TyksinskiSymbol Tree ServiceIn f_ oos
Dec. 27, 2009Nick Abts"Socially Responsible Investing"f_ mp3 oos
Jan. 3, 2010Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Looking forward to news stories in 2010"f_ oos
Jan. 10, 2010Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Prophetic Love"f_ mp3 oos
Jan. 17, 2010Chris Tackett"Friends of the Deaf - Giving Help and Hope to the Deaf in Guatemala"f_ oos
Jan. 24, 2010Rachel Long"Rev. Dr. Mary J. Harrington: A Lifetime Isn't Long Enough"f_ oos
Jan. 31, 2010Two Prairie members"On Not Worshipping the Teapot"f_ oos
Feb. 7, 2010Prof. John Hawks"Science education and the scientific public"f_ oos
Feb. 14, 2010Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Reimagining Valentine's Day - Standing on the Side of Love"f_ oos
Feb. 21, 2010Geoff Gilpin"The Maharishi Effect: A Personal Journey Through the Movement That Transformed American Spirituality"f_ oos
Feb. 28, 2010Cate and Mat Eddy; Blue Strom and Skye Zitkus; Beth Kazmar and Steve Pincus (CSA farmers)"Community Supported Agriculture: A Green Solution"f_ mp3 oos
March 7, 2010Prairie Religious Education Classes"Famous UU's You Must Know"f_ oos
March 14, 2010Robin Proud"Father and Daughter: Bronson and Louisa May Alcott"f_ oos
March 21, 2010Rachel Long"The Rev. Alison Cornish: What Can't You Eat?"f_
March 28, 2010 Ian Riddell"Commitment and the Spiritual Quest"f_ mp3
April 4, 2010Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Celebrating Renewal"f_ oos
April 11, 2010Jim Jaeger"Who Is My Neighbor? Morals and Ethics in Public Policy"f_ mp3
April 18, 2010Robert Pierce"Breaking Ground - Planting Seeds"f_ oos
April 25, 2010Prairie High Schoolers"Pilgrimage to Boston"f_ oos
May 2, 2010Andrew Kerr"Terratheism: A New Way to View Science and Religion"f_
May 9, 2010Jim Reilly "Women Composers, II"f_ mp3 oos
May 16, 2010RE Committee"Transition Sunday"In f_ oos
May 23, 2010Robin Proud"A Visit from Margaret Fuller"f_ mp3 oos
May 30, 2010Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Memorial Day: Meditation, Reflection, Memories"f_ oos

Bk = booklist online
In = intergenerational service
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
f_ = full service recording available on request

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2010 to May 2011

Order of Service
June 6, 2010Rachel Long"Reverend Abhi Janamanchi: Faith in the Borderland"f_ oos
June 13, 2010Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Capek's Gift"f_ oos
June 20, 2010Nick Abts"Society, Unitarian Universalism and Fatherhood"oos
June 27, 2010Nick Abts was unable to establish the intended live connection to GA via the Internet"General Assembly LIVE"
July 4, 2010Mary Mullen"Reclaiming the Flag: What We Love About Our Country"Tr oos
July 11, 2010Prairie study group"Menu for the Future"oos
July 18, 2010Jennifer Friedman"Singing Our Peace"oos
July 25, 2010Barbara Park"Faith of our Fathers (or Mothers)" (at multi-congregation gathering at the Free Congregation of Sauk County)des
Aug. 1, 2010Rose Smith"Summer Reads"Bk oos
Aug. 8, 2010Rachel & Phyllis Long, Dorothy Krause"Worth and Dignity of All People: UU's and Arizona Migrants"
Aug. 15, 2010Rev. Jane Esbensen"To Do Good is My Religion"Tr oos
Aug. 22, 2010Jim Carpenter"Testing and Teacher Accountability"mp3 Tr oos
Aug. 29, 2010Barbara Chatterton"Sharing the Water of Life"In oos
Sept. 5, 2010Rabbi Renee Bauer"Labor Day: Honoring Workers, Pursuing Justice"mp3 oos
Sept. 12, 2010Nick Abts and Ken Haydock."Law and Morality"mp3 oos
Sept. 19, 2010"Key Log Ceremony"In
Sept. 26, 2010John and Rebecca Eliganti."Immigration: A Broken System"oos
Oct. 3, 2010Rachel Long"Association Sunday: Celebrating 50 Years and the Future of Our Faith"oos
Oct. 10, 2010Rev. Jane Esbensen"Not Everything Under the Sun: What Does It Mean To Be UU?"oos
Oct. 17, 2010Doleta Chapru"Gay-Affirming Religious Groups: Good News for Human Rights"oos
Oct. 24, 2010Randy Converse"Tai Chi as a form of Spirituality"oos
Oct. 31, 2010Dorothy Krause"Day of the Dead"oos
Nov. 7, 2010Rev. Selena Fox"Respect for the Web of All Existence: How Wicca Affirms and Promotes Our 7th Principle"oos
Nov. 14, 2010Rev. Jane Esbensen"Words, Words, Words"mp3 oos
Nov. 21, 2010Robin Proud"Stone Soup"In oos
Nov. 28, 2010Panel of Prairie members"This I Believe"
Dec. 5, 2010Sister Mary David Walgenbach, and Mary Lynn Adams"How Benedictine Values Affirm and Promote the 7th Principle"
Dec. 12, 2010Winter storm day
Dec. 19, 2010Karen Deaton"A Very Prairie Holiday"In oos
Dec. 24, 2010members"Candlelight Carol Sing"In oos
Dec. 26, 2010All Society PotluckIn
Jan. 2, 2011Milele Chikesa Anana"Kwanzaa as an Everyday Occasion"mp3 oos
Jan. 9, 2011Michael Johnson"Raising the Next Generation of Productive Adults"oos
Jan. 16, 2011Rev. Jane Esbensen"In the Midst of Darkness"mp3 oos
Jan. 23, 2011Margaret Carpenter"Correctional Education"mp3 oos
Jan. 30, 2011Marty Drapkin"Educating the Jailers"mp3 oos
Feb. 6, 2011Amit Mangar"Hinduism and How it Affirms and Promotes the 7th Principle"mp3 oos
Feb. 13, 2011Rev. Jane Esbensen"Standing on the Side of Love"mp3 oos
Feb. 20, 2011Rev. Jane Esbensen"For the Love of God"mp3 oos
Feb. 27, 2011Peggy Wireman"Reframing the Conversation about Workers and Wealth: from Myth to Reality"mp3 oos
March 6, 2011Dr. Satwant Dhillon"Interrelationship of Sikhism and Nature"oos
March 13, 2011Rev. Jane Esbensen"Whatever Happened to the 60's?"mp3
March 20, 2011Sue Elias"The Occupaton: Non-Violent Peace and Justice Initiatives by Palestinians and Israelis"mp3 oos
March 27, 2011Jackie Millar"Heart to Heart: a Personal Journey Through Restorative Justice"oos
April 3, 2011Fred Edwords"A Humanist Look at Myth, Symbol, and Art"mp3 oos Tr
April 10, 2011RE students"Jesus and the Easter Bunny"In oos
April 17, 2011Rev. Jane Esbensen"The Ground of Our Being"mp3 oos
April 24, 2011Ruth Calden and Mary Mullen"A Freedom Seder: Celebration of the Exodus and Freedom Movements Throughout the World"oos
May 1, 2011Rev. Kalen Fristad"Universalism: Past, Present and Powerful"mp3 oos
May 8, 2011Rev. Dr. Bobbie Groth"Sown in Tears: Family Letters From Bleeding Kansas"oos
May 15, 2011Peter Anderson"Childhood's End"mp3 oos
May 22, 2011Barbara Park"Singing the First 100 Years of Universalist History"mp3 oos Tr
May 29, 2011David Giffey"Military Service and Religion: Should They Coexist?"mp3 oos

Bk = booklist online
In = intergenerational service
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
oos = link to order of service
f_ = full service recording available on request
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2011 to May 2012

June 5, 2011Peter Anderson"Spirituality in the conifers, holiness in the tall grass"
June 12, 2011Kathy Converse, Anne Pryor and Orange Schroeder"Hail Poetry: A Tribute to Barbara Rames"mp3 oos
June 19, 2011Howard Bellman"Collective Bargaining for Government Workers in Wisconsin: The Challenge of Democracy in the Workplace"mp3 oos
June 26, 2011Cheri Maples"Mindfulness & Social Justice in Our Daily Lives"mp3 oos
July 3, 2011Rose Smith"How Can I Keep from Reading"Bk oos
July 10, 2011Hannah Roth"The Rainbird Foundation: Ending Child Abuse"oos
July 17, 2011Gary Peterson"Church Life Cycles and Promoting Growth"mp3 oos
July 24, 2011"Humanism" (Joint service with the Free Congregation of Sauk County)oos
July 31, 2011Dave Johnson"Nuclear Energy and Current Events in Japan"mp3 oos
Aug. 7, 2011Rachel Long, Madeline Arnold, Barb Park & Ken Haydock"What Does It Mean to be Raised a Unitarian Universalist?"mp3 oos
Aug. 14, 2011Frank Siegle"Celtic Spirituality: The Celtic Cross, the Tree of Life, and the Eternal Circle"mp3 oos
Aug. 21, 2011Ian Riddell"Overwork, Work Addiction, and the Blessings of the Sabbath"mp3 oos
Aug. 28, 2011Penny Eiler"Water Ceremony"In oos
Sept. 4, 2011Craig Myrbo"Stand By Me"mp3 oos
Sept. 11, 2011Barbara Park"Ten Years Later: Fear, Fundamentalism and Unitarian Universalism"oos
Sept. 18, 2011Rosemarie Lester, Phyllis Long, Barb Park, Christina Klock, Marcia Johnson"Let's Agree to Disagree: Notes from the 2011 General Assembly"mp3 oos
Sept. 25, 2011Dennis Glover."21st Century African Youth Movement"
Oct. 2, 2011Drs. Lucille Marchand and Cynthia Haq"A History of How We Have Died in America and the Path of Hope to a Better Future"mp3 oos
Oct. 9, 2011Rachel Long"What Is Mental Illness?"mp3 Tr oos
Oct. 16, 2011Liz Allen"Death and Dying in America Part II: Hospice Care -- I Don't Know Why You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello."oos
Oct. 23, 2011Jim Jaeger"Death and Dying in America Part III: Who'll Decide for Mom?"mp3 oos
Oct. 30, 2011Dorothy Krause"Day of the Dead"oos
Nov. 6, 2011Tara Converse Rollins"Get Moving! An Introduction to Dance/Movement Therapy"mp3 oos
Nov. 13, 2011James Galasinski"John Coltrane and the Truly Religious Life"mp3 oos
Nov. 20, 2011Robin Proud"A Guest at Your Thanksgiving Table"oos
Nov. 27, 2011Carter Dary"We the People"mp3 oos
Dec. 4, 2011John Conowall"Worker Cooperatives - Worker Owned, Democratically Controlled Workplaces"oos
Dec. 11, 2011Penny Eiler"Karen Armstrong's TED Wish for the World"oos
Dec. 18, 2011Creating Meaning in Our Community: Decorating our Tree with Symbols of our LivesIn oos
Dec. 25, 2011No service on Christmas Day
Jan. 1, 2012"Jazz Funeral for the Old Year"oos
Jan. 8, 2012Phyllis Long"Karen Armstrong's 12 Steps to a Compassionate Life"mp3 Tr oos
Jan. 15, 2012Amy Bellmore"Bullies, Victims and Bystanders in Schools"mp3 oos
Jan. 22, 2012A Time to Share - From the Congregation: Fourth in a series on Death and Dying in Americaoos
Jan. 29, 2012Dr. Myra Marx Ferree"What the United States Can Learn About Improving the Status of Women from Other Countries"mp3 oos
Feb. 5, 2012Rachel Long"Striving for Sanity in a Crazy World"Tr oos
Feb. 12, 2012Patrick Farabaugh"Becoming an LGBT Advocate"mp3 oos
Feb. 19, 2012Pat Watkins"The Story of A Black Family"mp3 oos
Feb. 26, 2012Howard Katz"Inside Humanism Today"mp3 oos
March 4, 2012Saideh Jamshidi"Rumi's Invitation, 'Come, Come Whoever You Are'"mp3 oos
March 11, 2012Dean Hinmon"Our Oneness in Compassion: A Quantum Physics View"mp3 oos
March 18, 2012Rebecca Malke and VeeraRaju (John) Eliganti"Dalit Rights Are Human Rights: The Struggle of a Broken People"oos
March 25, 2012Oriol Mirosa"The Global Politics of Water: Managing Our Most Precious Resource in the 21st Century"mp3 oos
April 1, 2012Paula Pachciarz, Erin Bosch, Judy Skog and Peter Anderson"Putting Your Faith into Action"oos
April 8, 2012Reflections on Renewaloos
April 15, 2012Dean Hinmon"The Power of Letting Go - Making Life Easy 101"mp3 oos
April 22, 2012Robin Proud"The Cat in the UU Hat: Dr Seuss and the 7 Principles"oos
April 29, 2012"Keylog" ceremonyIn
May 6, 2012Nick Abts"Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is"oos
May 13, 2012Mary Mullen"Caroline Norton: Mothers & Women's Rights"mp3 oos
May 20, 2012Field Trip to Prairie Dock FarmIn
May 27, 2012Steve KrallisMemorial Day Servicemp3 oos

Bk = booklist online
In = intergenerational service
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
oos = link to order of service
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2012 to May 2013

June 3, 2012Rebecca Malke & Robin ProudTransition Servicemp3 oos
June 10, 2012Christine Johnson"Can Bullying be Stopped with Peer Mediation?"mp3 oos
June 17, 2012Bob Park and Dan Proud"Putting Your Faith in Action"mp3 oos
June 24, 2012Dr. Kevin Strang"How Alcohol Affects Teens' Brains" oos
July 1, 2012Peter Anderson"Jefferson Is In My Mirror"oos
July 8, 2012Dennis Merritt"The Dairy Farmer's Guide to the Universe"mp3 oos
July 15, 2012Rev. Sandra Ingham" Home"mp3 oos
July 22, 2012Barb ParkMusic
July 29, 2012Heidi Wegleitner"Searching for Alternatives to Homelessness"mp3 oos
Aug. 5, 2012Rose SmithSummer ReadsBk oos
Aug. 12, 2012Mary Somers"Putting Your Faith In Action"oos
Aug. 19, 2012Service Sunday at First Unitarian (no service at Prairie)
Aug. 26, 2012Claire Norelle."Gaviotas"mp3 oos
Sept. 2, 2012Gladis Benavidas"Latinos: Many cultures, many experiences"mp3 oos
Sept. 9, 2012Katherine PetersonWater CeremonyIn oos
Sept. 16, 2012Barbara Park"Michael Servetus: Unitarian Martyr"mp3 Tr oos
Sept. 23, 2012Rev. Sandra Ingham"Do You Really Need a Chicken?"mp3 oos
Sept. 30, 2012Rev. Sandra Ingham"Nothing Lasts Forever"mp3 oos
Oct. 7, 2012Paula Pachciarz"Carolyn McDade -- Trusting Her Truth Through Music"mp3 oos
Oct. 14, 2012Carin Bringelson"The 11x15 Campaign"mp3 oos
Oct. 21, 2012Sarah Wilcox"SERRV and Fair Trade: Providing Opportunity and Support to Artisans and Farmers Worldwide"mp3 oos
Oct. 28, 2012"Day of the Dead"oos
Nov. 4, 2012Maggie Felker & Michael Byrd"Living With Mystery"mp3 oos
Nov. 11, 2012Rev. Sandra Ingham"Five Days Later..."mp3 oos
Nov. 18, 2012Rebecca Malke & Robin Proud"Diwali: A Celebration of Light"oos
Nov. 25, 2012Don Ferber"Respecting Wisconsin's Environmental Heritage"mp3 oos
Dec. 2, 2012Robin Proud & Rebecca Malke"Chalica"mp3 oos
Dec. 9, 2012Penny Eiler"Watch Your Christmas Wasteline, Reducing Your Stress. Put Meaning Back In the Season"oos
Dec. 16, 2012Symbol TreeIn oos
Dec. 23, 2012Rosemarie Lester"Far and Near - A Joyful Noise"oos
Dec. 30, 2012Rev. Sandra Ingham"Somebody Bless Us...Please!"oos
Jan. 6, 2013Burning Bowl Ritual for the New Yearoos
Jan. 13, 2013Madeline Para"God Speaks to Me in Bookstores, or How I Learned to Love the Carbon Tax"mp3 oos
Jan. 20, 2013Karyn Riddle"How Media Violence Affects Children"mp3 oos
Jan. 27, 2013Rev. Sandra Ingham"Still Living in a Culture of Violence"mp3 oos
Feb. 3, 2013Rev. Eric Banner"What is the Spirit?"mp3 oos
Feb. 10, 2013Shawn Francis Peters"The Catonsville Nine"mp3 oos
Feb. 17, 2013Rev. Sandra Ingham"And Then There Were Five...Maybe"oos
Feb. 24, 2013Robin Proud"Harriet Martineau"mp3 oos
March 3, 2013Ken Haydock"The Secular Roots of Taoism"mp3 oos
March 10, 2013 Maggie Felker"Through Bereavement to Redemption: The Story of David's Educational Opportunity Fund"mp3 oos
March 17, 2013Rev. Sandra Ingham"Evil"mp3 oos
March 24, 2013Barbara Park"Singing, Shouting, Celebrating: The Second Century of Universalism"mp3 oos
March 31, 2013Anne Pryor"From the Other Side: Necedah and Champion"mp3 oos
April 7, 2013Morris Waxler"Empathy and Compassion as Pathways to Peace: Our Inner Apes - Evolution of Human Empathy, First in a Two Part Series"mp3
April 14, 2013Sandra Ingham"Dancing with the Divine"mp3 oos
April 21, 2013Rebecca Malke-Eliganti, Robin Proud"A Sound of Thunder"In oos
April 28, 2013Carolyn Zahn-Waxler"Empathy and Compassion as Pathways to Peace - The Nature and Nurture of Empathy and Compassion, Second in a Two Part Series"mp3 oos
May 5, 2013Key log service at annual spring retreat at Bethel Horizonsoos
May 12, 2013Panel of Prairie members"Remembering Our Mothers"mp3
May 19, 2013Rev. Sandra Ingham"Why We Do What We Do"mp3 oos
May 26, 2013Ryan Erisman"A Time to Heal - A Time to Plant"mp3 oos

Bk = booklist online
In = intergenerational service
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2013 to May 2014

June 2, 2013Ken Haydock"The Secular Roots of Buddhism"oos
June 9, 2013Transition ServiceIn
June 16, 2013Dan Proud and Prairie panelFather's Day Remembrancesmp3
June 23, 2013Rev. Sandra Ingham
June 30, 2013Christopher Krimmer"Stop, In the name of love: DOMA and Prop 8 - The Supreme's Rule"
July 7, 2013Sara Goodman"Abundance: Trusting Enough"oos
July 14, 2013Rose Smith"Summer Reads"Tr oos
July 21, 2013Rev. Sandra Ingham"Revolutionary Conversations"mp3 oos
July 28, 2013Madison Laughter Club"Laughter Yoga"mp3 oos
Aug. 4, 2013Shahla Werner"How Clean Energy Can Create a Brighter Future for Wisconsin"mp3 oos
Aug. 11, 2013Gary Peterson"Foreign Aid Best Practices"mp3 oos
Aug. 18, 2013Rev. Sandra Ingham"It's Easier Than You Think"mp3 oos
Aug. 25, 2013Megan Arzbaecher"SERRV In Bangladesh"mp3 oos
Sept. 1, 2013Prairie members"Multi-media, Work Inspired Art Extravaganza"oos
Sept. 8, 2013Anne PryorAnnual Water Ceremonyoos
Sept. 15, 2013Rev. Sandra Ingham"Building the Beloved Community"oos
Sept. 22, 2013Patty Lowe"Dances with Taconite: the Mine Threat to Bad River's Wild Rice Beds"mp3 oos
Sept. 29, 2013Steve Paulson"A Sense of Wonder"mp3 oos
Oct. 6, 2013Molly Plunkett"MOSES and the Incarceration Nation"mp3 oos
Oct. 13, 2013Rev. Sandra Ingham"UN, UUA, PVF, YOU"mp3 oos
Oct. 20, 2013Robin Proud"Lydia Maria Child"mp3 Tr oos
Oct. 27, 2013Patrick FarabaughUN Sunday: "Sex, Love, and Violence: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in a Globalized World"mp3 oos
Nov. 3, 2013Rev. Sandra InghamRemembering All Soulsmp3 oos
Nov. 10, 2013George Penn"Too Much Money in Politics, and How We Can Get Our Democracy Back"mp3 oos
Nov. 17, 2013Rev. John Mix"Art, Justice, and Jail Ministry"mp3 oos
Nov. 24, 2013REUnitarian Universalist Service Committee "Guest At Your Table"In oos
Dec. 1, 2013Will Green"Mentoring Positives"mp3 oos
Dec. 8, 2013Paul Rusk"Alzheimer’s Disease & dementia in Wisconsin: Learn about the warning signs as well as brain health tips" mp3 oos
Dec. 15, 2013The Symbol Treeoos
Dec. 22, 2013Service cancelled due to heavy snowoos
Dec. 29, 2013Rev. Sandra Ingham"Slaying Dragons"oos
Jan. 5, 2014"What 3 People Would You Like to Have Dinner With?"oos
Jan. 12, 2014Matt Tedesco"Our First Principle -- Some Philisophical Thoughts on Personhood" mp3 oos
Jan. 19, 2014Prairie readers"Martin Luther King, Jr. Remembered"oos
Jan. 26, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"Grappling with Grace"mp3 oos
Feb. 2, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"Letter to My Grandchildren"oos
Feb. 9, 2014Tracy Hames"What the Bad River Watershed Means to Me"mp3 oos
Feb. 16, 2014Kathy and Mei Lien Converse"People, Places or Things that Inspire Awe"Tr oos
Feb. 23, 2014Kate Liu, Rev. Sandy"When UUs Have Reunions: General Assembly at a Glance"mp3 oos
March 2, 2014Erica Nelson and Torry Winn"Race To Equity-A Baseline Report on the State of Racial Disparities in Dane County"mp3
March 9, 2014John Richards"Summer in Antarctica"mp3 oos
March 16, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"Wild Women of the West"mp3 oos
March 23, 2014Johanna Hatch"Pope Francis After One Year in Office"mp3 oos
March 30, 2014Linda Ketchum"Madison Urban Ministries on the Move"mp3 oos
April 6, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"Wild Women vs. Manly Men"mp3 oos
April 13, 2014Rev. Sara Goodman"Vulnerable Change"In mp3 oos
April 20, 2014DYI Hallelujah Chorus Lollapalooza and Karaokeoos
April 27, 2014Matt Tedesco"Environmental Ethics and the Interdependent Web"mp3 oos
May 4, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"I Forgive You. Please Forgive Me"mp3 oos
May 11, 2014Celia"Mother's Day Tribute: A Musical Celebration of Women & Motherhood"mp3 oos
May 18, 2014Robin Proud"The Secret Life of Julia Ward Howe"mp3 Tr oos
May 25, 2014William Elliott"Tying Rocks to Clouds" oos

In = intergenerational service
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
(mp3 file of entire service available on request)
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2014 to May 2015

June 1, 2014"The Transitions in Our Lives"In oos
June 8, 2014Anne Pryor at annual retreatKeylog ceremonyIn
June 8, 2014TED talk at Prairie"The Case for Collaborative Consumption"
June 15, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"Flower Power"oos
June 22, 2014Rose Smith"Summer Reads"Tr oos
June 29, 2014Greg Armstrong"What's New at Holy Wisdom"oos
July 6, 2014Mary Mullen"Patriotic Songs"oos
July 13, 2014James Galasinski"The Courage to Create"oos
July 20, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"Sustainability"mp3 oos
July 27, 2014Joint service with the Free Congregation of Sauk County"Telling Our Stories"oos
July 27, 2014At Prairie"General Assembly 2014 Ware Lecturer Video"
Aug. 3, 2014Emily Auerbach"University of Wisconsin Odyssey Project"mp3 oos
Aug. 10, 2014Gary Gates"Gary's UUA General Assembly Education: The Challenges of the Future"mp3 oos
Aug. 17, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"What CAN I Say"mp3 oos
Aug. 24, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"Come, Let Us Gather to...??"mp3 oos
Aug. 31, 2014Panel of Prairie members"What Sustains Me At Work"oos
Sept. 7, 2014Barb ParkWater Ceremonyoos
Sept. 14, 2014Nastasha Ostrom"Called to This Global Moment"oos
Sept. 21, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"Worthy of Worship?"mp3 oos
Sept. 28, 2014Domo Geshe Rinpoche"Happiness"oos
Oct. 5, 2014Jeff Burkhart"Improving Lives Through Literacy"mp3 oos
Oct. 12, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"Conflicted about Compassion"oos
Oct. 19, 2014Juliana Paradise Hunt"Why Mentor? Ancient Wisdom on Teaching and Learning"mp3 oos
Oct. 26, 2014Melinda Gustafson Gervasi"Middle Class Philanthropist: How Anyone Can Leave a Legacy"mp3 oos
Nov. 2, 2014Penny EilerAll Souls Day Ribbon Ceremonyoos
Nov. 9, 2014Edward Zapala"Veterans Court"mp3 oos
Nov. 16, 2014Christina Klock"The First Principle Project"mp3 oos
Nov. 23, 2014RE studentsGuest at Your Table Intergenerational ServiceIn oos
Nov. 30, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"The Gift of Nothing"mp3 oos
Dec. 7, 2014Ken Haydock"Quakers"mp3 oos
Dec. 14, 2014RE students"Following Yonder Star"In
Dec. 21, 2014Anne PryorSymbol tree celebrationoos
Dec. 28, 2014Rev. Sandra Ingham"Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up"mp3 oos
Jan. 4, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"In the Beginning"mp3 oos
Jan. 11, 2015Robin Proud"A Dose of Empathy"mp3 oos
Jan. 18, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Reverse Racism"oos
Jan. 25, 2015Kristin Rucinski"The Road Home"mp3 oos
Feb. 1, 2015Service cancelled due to snowmp3 oos
Feb. 8, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"What's Love Got To Do With It?"mp3 oos
Feb. 15, 2015John Wunderlin"Our Place in the Cosmos"mp3 Tr oos
Feb. 22, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Those Troubling Transcendentalists"mp3 oos
March 1, 2015Dr. Henry Steinberger"SMART Recovery"oos
March 8, 2015Johanna Hatch"Equal in Faith: Why Religious Discrimination Against Women Affects us All"mp3 oos
March 15, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Take Two"mp3 oos
March 22, 2015Rev. Penny Andrews"The Awakening Universe"
March 29, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Betrayal"mp3 oos
April 5, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Joyful, Joyful"oos
April 12, 2015RE 8-12 grade students"This We Believe - what?"Tr oos
April 19, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Tick...Tock"mp3 oos
April 26, 2015Millie Moffet and Mary Frantz"The Gift of Years"mp3 oos
May 3, 2015"Key Log Ceremony"
May 10, 2015Kathy and Mei-Lien Converse, Karen Deaton and Jessie Garst, Heidi and Rachel Hughes, Kate and Katherine Liu"Mothers and Daughters"oos
May 17, 2015Lorry Bond and Penny Eiler"A Personal Story and Report on Americans with Disabilities Act at 25 Years"mp3 oos
May 24, 2015Matt Tedesco."Ethics at the End of Life"mp3 oos
May 31, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham."Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?"oos

In = intergenerational service
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
(mp3 file of entire service available on request)
Tr = online transcript or PowerPoint slides available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2015 to May 2016

June 7, 2015RE"It Takes a Village"oos
June 14, 2015Rose SmithSummer ReadsTr oos
June 21, 2015"Make Music Madison"oos
June 28, 2015Rose Stephenson"A Talk with Rev. Olympia Brown"oos
July 5, 2015"Only in America"
July 12, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Wounds that Heal"mp3 oos
July 19, 2015Beth Gehred"Mondragon Cooperative Corporation"oos
July 26, 2015Joint service with the Free Congregation of Sauk Countyoos
Aug. 2, 2015Dean Hinmon"Choices"mp3 oos
Aug. 9, 2015Johanna Hatch"Women and Personhood"mp3 oos
Aug. 16, 2015Rev. Scott Gerard Prinster"Ever Changing Answers to Ever ChangingQuestions"mp3 oos
Aug. 23, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Coming Out"mp3 oos
Aug. 30, 2015Kaleem Caire"Justified Anger"mp3 oos
Sept. 6, 2015Rob Brink"Overcoming Confirmation Bias:Advice from an Ex-Pastor"mp3 oos
Sept. 13, 2015"Sharing Our Journeys: A Water Ceremony and Building Dedication"oos
Sept. 20, 2015"Visiting Days: A Sharing Service"oos
Sept. 27, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Humanism: Hubris and Humility"mp3 oos
Oct. 4, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Humanism, Hubris OR Humility"mp3 oos
Oct. 11, 2015Robin Proud"Maria Mitchell, Astronomer"oos
Oct. 18, 2015Kathy and Randy Converse"Religious Education: Guiding Our Children's Search for Truth and Meaning"oos
Oct. 25, 2015Captain Joe Balles"Restorative Justice"oos
Nov. 1, 2015All Souls Dayoos
Nov. 8, 2015Maxine Niel"Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Update"oos
Nov. 15, 2015Anne Urbanski"Transgender Day of Remembrance"oos
Nov. 22, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"Head in the Clouds"mp3 oos
Nov. 29, 2015Rev. Sandra Ingham"All I Want for Christmas...Is to Be MoreBuddhist"mp3 oos
Dec. 6, 2015Matt Tedesco"The Ethics of Assistance"mp3 oos
Dec. 13, 2015Kelly Herda and Khary Penebacker"Never Forget - Newtown"mp3 oos
Dec. 20, 2015The Symbol Treeoos
Dec. 27, 2015Rick Ruecking"Magi Among Us (UUs)"oos
Jan. 3, 2016All Sing Sundayoos
Jan. 10, 2016Kathy Converse"Seven Unitarian Universalist Principles:How They Define Our Community"mp3 oos
Jan. 17, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"Cloud Cover"oos
Jan. 24, 2016Randy Converse and Al Nettleton"A Tribute to Fred Rogers"mp3 oos
Jan. 31, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"Screen Saver"mp3 oos
Feb. 7, 2016Luci Chickowero"Rozaria Girls Club"mp3 oos
Feb. 14, 2016Gary Gates"Preamble to the Seven Principles and Prairie"mp3 oos
Feb. 21, 2016Faith Cholvin"Our Second Principle and Overcoming Racism"mp3 oos
Feb. 28, 2016Jackie Hunt"Yahara House: A Place for Recovery Through Relationships and Work"mp3 oos
March 6, 2016Service Auction
March 13, 2016Kathy Converse and Mary Mullen"Gardening: Body, Mind, and Soul"mp3 oos
March 20, 2016Robin Proud"Charles Dickens"mp3 oos
March 27, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"Revisiting Easter"mp3 oos
April 3, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"Screen Test"mp3 oos
April 10, 2016Rev. Jody Whelden"Embracing Chaos: What Is Going on in theWorld and How We Can Welcome It"mp3 oos
April 17, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"Universalist Design"mp3 oos
April 24, 2016Peter Anderson"Rendezvous With Destiny"mp3 oos
May 1, 2016"Intro to Paganism"oos
May 8, 2016Log service at Retreat
May 15, 2016Ron Frye"Acceptance"mp3 oos
May 22, 2016Holly Tellander"Transitions"In oos
May 29, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"Civil Society"mp3 oos

In = intergenerational service
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
(mp3 file of entire service available on request)
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2016 to May 2017

June 5, 2016Prof. David Drake"The UW Urban Canid Project: Promoting a peaceful co-existence between humans and urban canids"oos
June 12, 2016Rose and Nevenah Smith"Summer Reads"Tr oos
June 19, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"The Journey -- Jubilant and Joyful, Jolting and Jaded"oos
June 26, 2016Anne Urbanski"Fear is the path to the Dark Side: The inherent worth and dignity of every personversus fear of The Other"mp3 oos
July 3, 2016Ken Haydock"The Right of Conscience and the Democratic Process"mp3 oos
July 10, 2016Dr. Jennifer Pruitt"Islamic Art"oos
July 17, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"Good for Nothing"mp3 oos
July 24, 2016Joint service with the Free Congregation of Sauk County"In My Back Yard"oos
July 31, 2016"Let's Blow Our Horns: Prairie Composers"mp3 oos
Aug. 7, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"In Three-Part Harmony"mp3 oos
Aug. 14, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"A Space to Heal"mp3 oos
Aug. 21, 2016John Givens"Circle of Support"oos
Aug. 28, 2016Robin Proud"Out of this World: UUs and Science Fiction"mp3 oos
Sept. 4, 2016In-Gathering Serviceoos
Sept. 11, 2016Matt Tedesco"Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning"mp3 oos
Sept. 18, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"In the Beginning"mp3 oos
Sept. 25, 2016Jan Miyasaki"Respect"mp3 oos
Oct. 2, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"I'm Sorry." "I'm Sorry?" "I'm Sorry!"mp3 oos
Oct. 9, 2016Eric Severson"Mastery and Mystery"oos
Oct. 16, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time"oos
Oct. 23, 2016Randy Converse, Peter Anderson, Aileen Nettleton, and Penny Eiler"The Goal of World Community"oos
Oct. 30, 2016Ruth Calden"Ways of Remembering"oos
Nov. 6, 2016Mike McCabe"What Ails Our Democracy"mp3 oos
Nov. 13, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"Legitimizing Hate: A Story of Betrayal"mp3 oos
Nov. 20, 2016RE"Defying Hate"oos
Nov. 27, 2016Randy and Kathy Converse"Nonviolent Peaceforce"oos
Dec. 4, 2016Rev. Sandra Ingham"Sages, Seers, and Superheroes"mp3 oos
Dec. 11, 2016Ken Lonnquist et al."Old Befana"
Dec. 18, 2016Symbol Treeoos
Dec. 25, 2016Christmas at Prairieoos
Jan. 1, 2017Hymn Request and Singoos
Jan. 8, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"Loose Connections"mp3 oos
Jan. 15, 2017Tosumba Welch"Martin Luther King, Jr."mp3 oos
Jan. 22, 2017Dawn Hayslett"Do You Know the Principles?"mp3 oos
Jan. 29, 2017Rob Brink"The Ethics of Power: how one small idea makes every choice simpler"mp3 oos
Feb. 5, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"Mentor to the Stars"mp3 oos
Feb. 12, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"If Only..."mp3 oos
Feb. 19, 2017FUS’s MOSES Ministry Team"The Abuse of Revocation in Wisconsin"mp3 oos
Feb. 26, 2017Dr. Gayle Reed"The International Forgiveness Institute"mp3 oos
March 5, 2017Service Auction
March 12, 2017Robin Proud"Louisa Adams"mp3 oos
March 19, 2017Helen Avakian and Dave Irwin"As the Pendulum Swings"mp3 oos
March 26, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"You've Come a Long Way, Baby!?"mp3 oos
April 2, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"The Big Ten"mp3 oos
April 9, 2017Tammy Fleming"Friends of State Street Family"mp3 oos
April 16, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"Exuberance Unbounded"mp3 oos
April 23, 2017Abigail Swetz"Human Being: VERB"mp3 oos
April 30, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"I've Got Those Backlash Blues"mp3 oos
May 7, 2017"Music and the UU Principles"oos
May 14, 2017Key Log ceremony
May 21, 2017Rep. Chris Taylor"Corruption of Our Democracy"mp3 oos
May 28, 2017"Transitions Sunday"In oos

In = intergenerational service
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
(mp3 file of entire service available on request)
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2017 to May 2018

June 4, 2017The Prairie Players"Sidney and God"mp3 oos
June 11, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"The Power of a Flower"mp3 oos
June 18, 2017Summer ReadsTr oos
June 25, 2017Kathy Converse and Molly Plunkett"Prairie's Gift of Giving"oos
July 2, 2017Layla Kaiksow"Open Doors for Refugees"mp3 oos
July 9, 2017Robin Proud"It Can't Happen Here - Or Can It?"mp3 oos
July 16, 2017Johanna Hatch"My Source, Kurt Vonnegut"mp3 oos
July 23, 2017Joint service with the Free Congregation of Sauk Countyoos
July 30, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"Revolt, Resist, Rejoice"oos
Aug. 6, 2017Penny Eiler"My Source, Mark Twain"oos
Aug. 13, 2017Rev. Sandra ingham"How Many UUs Does It Take to Change the World?"mp3 oos
Aug. 20, 2017Kathy Converse"The Hidden Life of Trees"mp3 oos
Aug. 27, 2017Waldemar Schmeichel"My Fantasy Religion"oos
Sept. 3, 2017Karen Deaton"Ingathering of Waters"oos
Sept. 10, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"When Lizards do Push-Ups"mp3 oos
Sept. 17, 2017Aileen Nettleton, Marty Drapkin, Rachel Long, Robin Proud, Johanna Hatch"Fifty Years at Prairie: A Celebration of Every Decade"mp3 oos
Sept. 24, 2017Anne Urbanski"Milestones in LGBTQ History"mp3 oos
Oct. 1, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"Would Have, Could Have, Should Have"oos
Oct. 8, 2017Mary Beth O’Halloran"Humanism 101"oos
Oct. 15, 2017Robin Carré"From Guatemala to Madison and Back: An Adoption Story"mp3 oos
Oct. 22, 2017Sergio González"The Sanctuary Movement"mp3 oos
Oct. 29, 2017Katherine Liu"Day of the Dead"oos
Nov. 5, 2017Robin Proud"Free Speech vs. Hate Speech: Where Do We Draw the Line?"mp3 oos
Nov. 12, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"A Cold, Hard Look at Reality"mp3 oos
Nov. 19, 2017Peter Anderson"Giant Leaps and Baby Steps"oos
Nov. 26, 2017The Program Committee"You've Got to Be Carefully Taught"oos
Dec. 3, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"What Better Time?"mp3 oos
Dec. 10, 2017Robin Proud, Phoenix Wardell, Penny Eiler, and Gary Gates."A Fork in the Road"mp3 oos
Dec. 17, 2017"Symbol Tree"oos
Dec. 24, 2017Rev. Sandra Ingham"Rainbows and Tarantulas"mp3 oos
Dec. 31, 2017Margaret Carpenter"Kwanzaa"mp3 oos
Jan. 7, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"New Year's ReVolutions"mp3 oos
Jan. 14, 2018Rev. Kali Hayslett"Maybe I Don't Know but Maybe That's Okay"mp3 oos
Jan. 21, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"The Measure of Greatness"mp3 oos
Jan. 28, 2018Andy Garst"American Composer, John Cage"mp3 oos
Feb. 4, 2018"Hymn Sing"oos
Feb. 11, 2018Dawn Hayslett"A Look Back at the Sources"mp3 oos
Feb. 18, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Conversations with a Chalice"mp3 oos
Feb. 25, 2018Aaron Liu"Principles in Practice in Ultimate Frisbee"mp3 oos
March 4, 2018Service Auction
March 11, 2018Lena Vincent"Current Theories on the Origin and Early Evolution of Life on Earth"mp3 oos
March 18, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"The News Is Brought to You By ___?"mp3 oos
March 25, 2018Julio Garcia and Mary Maronek"Tenant Resource Center"mp3 oos
April 1, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"No Fooling!"mp3 oos
April 8, 2018John Mix and Rudy Bankston"Incarceration and Return to the Community"mp3 oos
April 22, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Alphabet Soup - or - How Do You Spell UUA?"mp3 oos
April 29, 2018"Louisa May Alcott"mp3 oos
May 6, 2018Katherine Liu"Growing Up UU"mp3 oos
May 13, 2018Robin Proud"Founding Mothers"mp3 oos
May 20, 2018Holly Tellander"RE-Visioned: Changing Trends at Prairie & in the Wider UU Community"mp3 oos
May 27, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Memories Are Made of This"mp3 oos

mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
(mp3 file of entire service available on request to
oos = link to order of service
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2018 to May 2019

June 3, 2018Holly Tellander"Celebrating Our Young People" oos
June 10, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Sea Change (See Change?)"mp3 oos
June 17, 2018Dawn Hayslett"Summer Reads 2018"Tr oos
June 24, 2018Kathy Converse"The Gifts We Gave" oos
July 1, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Flirting with Freedom"mp3 oos
July 8, 2018Molly Plunkett"Camino de Santiago de Compostela"mp3 oos
July 15, 2018Aileen Nettleton"Points of Progress"oos
July 22, 2018Robin ProudUU Joint service (with the Free Congregation of Sauk County)oos
July 29, 2018Jordan Ellenberg"A Mathematician's Take on Gerrymandering"mp3 oos
Aug. 5, 2018Mark Golbach"State Street Through the Camera Lens"mp3 oos
Aug. 12, 2018members"Bring a Lawn Chair" for backyard storytellingpic
Aug. 19, 2018Nancy Schraufnagel, Barbara Park, Rev. Sandra Ingham"Finding Wisdom in the Heartland"oos
Aug. 26, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Other Than What?"mp3 oos
Sept. 2, 2018membersWater Ceremonyoos
Sept. 9, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Why Are We Here?"mp3 oos
Sept. 16, 2018William Linton, Malynn Utzinger"Usona Institute"mp3 oos
Sept. 23, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Eating to Live...Living to Eat" oos
Sept. 30, 2018Holly Tellander"Religious Education Goes Green"oos
Oct. 7, 2018Layla Coleman"Restorative Justice Circles in Education"mp3 oos
Oct. 14, 2018Gloria Farr"Allied Wellness Center"mp3 oos
Oct. 21, 2018Key log ceremony
Oct. 28, 2018Robin Proud"Mary Shelley, Frankenstein and the Risks of Science"mp3 oos
Nov. 4, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Looking Backward, Looking Forward"mp3 oos
Nov. 11, 2018Robin Proud"The Hero's Journey"mp3 oos
Nov. 18, 2018Prairie Worship in the Next 50 Years oos
Nov. 25, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Thanks and Ever Thanks"mp3 oos
Dec. 2, 2018Ken Lonnquist and Friends"Old Befana"
Dec. 9, 2018Rev. Sandra Ingham"Their Gift to Us"mp3 oos
Dec. 16, 2018Cheryl Robinson"Who Cares? The Caring Committee Cares"mp3 oos
Dec. 23, 2018Symbol Tree oos
Dec. 30, 2018Rhiannon Rudisill"UU Paganism"mp3 oos
Jan. 6, 2019Jim Barnard"The Rich Tapestry of Gender"mp3 oos
Jan. 13, 2019"John Lewis -- Get in the Way" oos
Jan. 20, 2019Rev. Sandra Ingham"When You Wish Upon a Star"mp3 oos
Jan. 27, 2019Rev. Sandra Ingham"Wild Women of the West"mp3 oos
Feb. 3, 2019Pageen Small"Structural Justice"mp3 oos
Feb. 10, 2019Katrina Thompson"An inclusive perspective on islam"mp3 oos
Feb. 17, 2019Andrew Garst"Share the Love"mp3 oos
Feb. 24, 2019Rev. Sandra Ingham"Inquiring Humanists Want to Know"mp3 oos
March 3, 2019
Service Auctionmp3
March 10, 2019Ken Haydock"Democracy and the Electoral College"mp3 oos
March 17, 2019Penny Eiler"World Religions"mp3 oos
March 24, 2019Susan and Anna Donahoe"The Catalyst Project"mp3 oos
March 31, 2019Rev. Sandra Ingham"These Are A Few of My Favorite Things"oos
April 7, 2019Amber Bruns"Mary Oliver"oos
April 14, 2019Steve Hingle"Encountering the Divine: Part 1"mp3 oos
April 21, 2019Prairie RE"Outlawing Jellybeans & Other Injustices"oos
April 28, 2019Steve Hingle"Encountering the Divine: Part 2"oos
May 5, 2019Rob Brink"Journey from Pastor to Atheist"mp3 oos
May 12, 2019Jim Scott"Happy Mother's Day for Mother Earth"mp3 oos
May 19, 2019Jean Papalia"QPR? Glad You Asked"mp3 oos
May 26, 2019Penny Eiler, Barb Park, Randy Converse, Kathy Converse, Jessie Garst, Barb Chatterton"Walls Talking"mp3 oos

mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
(mp3 file of entire service available on request to
oos = link to order of service
pic = link to event photos
Tr = online transcript available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2019 to May 2020

June 2, 2019Holly Tellander"Transition Service"oos
June 9, 2019Karen Deaton"Summer Reads"Bk oos
June 16, 2019Penny Eiler"It Is Time to Wield Our Pens"oos
June 23, 2019Mary Somers"Giving First Aid to Migrants at the Border"mp3 oos
June 30, 2019Robin Proud"The Women's Journey"mp3 oos
July 7, 2019Annex picnic
July 14, 2019Alfred Akrofi Ocansey, Zaida Ibraham"The Mandela Washington Fellowship"mp3 oos
July 21, 2019Dick Wagner"The History of Pride in Madison"mp3 oos
July 28, 2019"On Freedom" (Joint service with the Free Congregation of Sauk County)mp3 oos
Aug. 4, 2019"Picture Book Principles" oos
Aug. 11, 2019Pageen Small"Ethics in the Hospital" oos
Aug. 18, 2019Abigail Swetz"Pronouns and How to Save a Life" oos
Aug. 25, 2019Holly Tellander"Backpacks & Bags: A Back to School Service"mp3 oos
Sept. 1, 2019Alexia Kulweic"Labor in the Pulpit"mp3 oos
Sept. 8, 2019Karen Deaton"Ingathering"oos
Sept. 15, 2019Renee Deschard"Fact or Fake: News in the Digital Era - Part 1"mp3 oos Tr
Sept. 22, 2019Renee Deschard"Fact or Fake: News in the Digital Era - Part 2"mp3 oos Tr
Sept. 29, 2019Sandra Adell"Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon"mp3 oos
Oct. 6, 2019Eric Roscoe"Native Wisconsin Reptiles and Amphibians!"mp3 oos
Oct. 13, 2019Claire Box"The Spectrum of Dementia"mp3 oos
Oct. 20, 2019Robin Proud"Abigail Adams and the Anger of Women"mp3 oos
Oct. 27, 2019Masood Akhtar"We Are Many - United Against Hate"mp3 oos
Nov. 10, 2019Aidan Small"Pine Ridge Reservation: Destigmatizing American Indians"mp3 oos
Nov. 17, 2019Jennifer Parker"Through the Looking Glass: Affirming and Living Our Values
in a Dominance-Obsessed World"
mp3 oos Tr
Nov. 24, 2019Deanna Rymaszewski"Grief and Self-Care"mp3 oos Tr
Dec. 1, 2019Rabbi Bonnie Margulis"The Jewish and UU Roots of Social Justice"mp3 oos
Dec. 8, 2019Dr. Steve Carpenter"The Yahara 2070 Project"mp3 oos
Dec. 15, 2019Symbol Treemp3? oos
Dec. 22, 2019"Singing Thru Our UU Principles"mp3? oos
Dec. 29, 2019"Meet the Guests at Your Table"mp3? oos
Jan. 5, 2020Erin Bosch"The Gospel According to...Me"mp3 oos
Jan. 12, 2020John Wunderlin"Who Saved the Electric Car"mp3 oos
Jan. 19, 2020Jacqueline Houtman"Bayard Rustin: Troublemaker for Justice"mp3 oos
Jan. 26, 2020Rachel Long"Why are we here?"mp3 oos
Feb. 2, 2020"The Return of Light - An Imbolc Celebration honoring Margot Adler"oos
Feb. 9, 2020Robin Proud, Renee Deschard"Five Love Languages"mp3 oos
Feb. 16, 2020Dr. Penny Andrews"What is Active Hope through the Lens of Joanna Macy - The Work that Reconnects"mp3 oos
Feb. 23, 2020Aileen Nettleton"2020 Complete Census - Counting Everyone"oos
March 1, 2020Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"There's an Auction Here Today!"mp3
March 8, 2020Brooke Norsted"Stories in Stone"mp3 oos
March 21, 2020"Prairie UU Check In"
March 28, 2020"Brilliant Small Things”"oos
April 5, 2020Dee J. Hall "Disinformation, Voter Suppression and What You Can Do About It"mp3 oos
April 22, 2020Peter Anderson"The Climate Action Movement Today: Is It Shooting Itself in the Foot or Reaching for the Moon?"mp3 oos
April 26, 2020Katrina Daly Thompson“Lessons in Inclusivity: What UUs Can Learn From Progressive Muslims"mp3 oos
May 3, 2020Karen Deaton"Great Reads & Little Libraries"Bk oos
May 9, 2020"Prairie Animal Blessing"oos
May 23, 2020Robin Proud"The Lost Art of Scripture: Karen Armstrong"mp3 oos
May 30, 2020Holly Tellander"Prairie Bridging Ceremony"oos

Bk = book lists available
mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
(mp3 file of entire service available on request to
oos = link to order of service
Tr = online transcript or PowerPoint slides available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2020 to May 2021

June 7, 2020Robert Streiffer"Ethics, CRISPR, and Human Genome Editing"mp3 oos
June 14, 2020Karla Thennes"Porchlight's Response to Pandemic”mp3 oos
June 21, 2020Kathy Converse"How PUU Members & Friends are Tending the Earth: With Reflections by Rachel Carson”mp3 oos
June 28, 2020"Building Our Future"oos
July 5, 2020"Prairie UU Got Talent"oos
July 12, 2020Rev. Karen Hutt"“Have You Ever Said White Trash?"mp3 oos
July 19, 2020Jake King"NAMI Dane County: Our Organization During COVID-19"mp3 oos
Aug. 2, 2020Prairie RE Committee"Prairie Religious Education: Gratitude for the Past, Hopes for the Future"oos
Aug. 9, 2020Renee Deschard, Rachel Long, Mary Mullen, Morris Sadicario, Nancy Schraufnagel, Patty Stockdale"Not for the Weak of Heart - Virtual General Assembly 2020"mp3 oos
Aug. 16, 2020Mylo Way"A Rose by Any Other Name?"oos
Aug. 23, 2020Robin Proud"Helen Hamilton Gardener, Free Thinker and Suffragist"mp3 oos
Aug. 30, 2020Holly Tellander"Educational Activism: Speaking Up for All Kids"oos Tr
Sept. 13, 2020"Ingathering"oos
Sept.20, 2020David Canon"Voting During the Pandemic"mp3 oos
Sept.27, 2020Carol Carter Walker and Amanda Schuber"Beyond Categorical Thinking"oos
Oct. 4, 2020Dane County Humane Society"Wild Animal Rescue"oos
Oct. 11, 2020Madeline Arnold"Another Way: My Journey on the Moving Walkway of Racism"mp3 oos
Oct. 18, 2020"Chameleons in Camouflage: Females on the Autism Spectrum"oos Tr
Oct. 25, 2020Anthony Cooper"What is Nehemiah & Focused Interruption Coalition"oos Tr
Nov. 1, 2020"All Souls’ Day"oos
Nov. 8, 2020Michael Eselun"What Matters"mp3 oos
Nov. 15, 2020Rachel Long"Day of Observance: Transgender Day of Remembrance"oos
Nov. 22, 2020UUSC"The Meaning of Home"oos
Dec. 6, 2020Naomi Takahashi"Addressing Bias in Healthcare"oos Tr
Dec. 13, 2020"Symbol Tree"oos
Dec. 20, 2020"Winter Watches"oos
Jan. 3, 2021"Release 2020 - Celebrate 2021"oos
Jan. 10, 2021Gail Waisman"One City Schools"mp3 oos
Jan. 17, 2021"Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”" oos
Jan. 24, 2021Robin Proud"The Invisible Stage of Life"mp3 oos
Jan. 31, 2021Rev. Doug Kraft"Listening Deeply: Befriending the Mind-Heart"mp3 oos
Feb. 7, 2021Robin Lowney Lankton"Raising Anti-Racist Kids (and Grandkids)" oos
Feb. 14, 2021Robert Enright"Forgiveness for Individual, Family, and Community Well-Being"mp3 oos
Feb. 21, 2021Pageen Manolis Small"'What Are You?' Multiculturalism, Latinidad, and the American Melting Pot" oos
Feb. 28, 2021Franciska Coleman"The Social Regulation of Speech"mp3 oos
March 7, 2021Zoe Heitzinger"Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence 101" oos
March 14, 2021Rob Brink"The Four Things That Matter Most" oos
March 21, 2021Renia Pruchnicki"Parvati Foundation and the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary" oos
March 28, 2021Michael Eselun"Restringing the Bead"mp3 oos
April 4, 2021Bill Katra"Searching for the Historical Jesus" oos
April 11, 2021Robin Proud"Elizabeth Blackwell" mp3 oos
April 18, 2021various"Side With Love Sunday" oos
April 25, 2021Laurel Ravelo, Valerie Showalter, Lailah Shima"What is Your Legacy?" mp3 oos
May 2, 2021Mitchell Hagopian"Disability Dissemination During the Pandemic?" mp3 oos
May 9, 2021Matt Aspin"What Do You See?" mp3 oos
May 16, 2021members"Summer Reads" oos
May 23, 2021"Spring Parish Meeting" oos
May 30, 2021Christine Milovani"A Year into the Pandemic: Reflecting on Loss, Healing and Resilience" mp3 oos

mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
(mp3 file of entire service available on request to
oos = link to order of service
Tr = online transcript or PowerPoint slides available

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2021 to May 2022

June 6, 2021Karen Deaton & Alice Mandt"2021 Bridging Ceremony" oos
June 13, 2021members"Prairie Poetry Share" oos
June 20, 2021members"Prairie Music Reunion" oos
June 27, 2021"Welcoming the Summer Solstice: A Litha Celebration" oos
July 4, 2021members"Looking Back, Looking Forward" oos
July 18, 2021Gwyneth Hughes"Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America - Madison” oos Tr
July 25, 2021Barb Park, Maria Hansa, Rachel Long, Nick Schweitzer"On Gratitude" (Joint service with the Free Congregation of Sauk County in Sauk City) oos
Aug. 8, 2021Robin Proud"Norbert Capek and Prairie’s Connection" oos
Aug. 15, 2021Prairie panel"Prairie Celebrates Pride" oos
Aug. 22, 2021Rev. Matt Aspin"Hopes and Fears” mp3 oos
Aug. 29, 2021Rev. Matt Aspin"Lessons Yet to Learn” mp3 oos
Sept. 5, 2021Rebecca Meier-Rao"Labor in the Pulpits / On the Bimah / In the Minbar" mp3 oos
Sept. 12, 2021members"Ingathering" oos
Sept. 19, 2021Rev. Matt Aspin"Healing Spaces” mp3 oos
Sept. 26, 2021Robin Proud"'Unitarian, Suffragist, and Black' by Frances E. W. Harper" mp3 oos
Oct. 3, 2021"Welcome New Members" oos
Oct. 10, 2021Rev. Matt Aspin"Question Box” mp3 oos
Oct. 17, 2021Ilene Haykus"Evoking Spiritual Experience in Our Lives” mp3 oos
Oct. 24, 2021Rev. Matt Aspin"UU, the UN, and U” mp3 oos
Oct. 31, 2021members"All Souls Day" oos
Nov. 7, 2021members"Service Auction" oos
Nov. 14, 2021Ankur Desai"What Can YOU Do About Climate Change?” mp3 oos
Nov. 21, 2021members"Parish Meeting" oos
Nov. 28, 2021UUSC"Now Is the Time for Courageous Change" oos
Dec. 5, 2021John Gernandt"Working With Families and Mental Illness” mp3 oos
Dec. 12, 2021members"Symbol Tree" oos
Dec. 19, 2021Rev. Matt Aspin"Long Night Reflections” mp3 oos
Dec. 26, 2021members"Winter Poetry Share" oos
Jan. 2, 2022members"Wishes for the New Year" oos
Jan. 9, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"Unbecoming” mp3 oos
Jan. 16, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"An Elephant in the Room?” mp3 oos
Jan. 23, 2022Lisa Glueck"Befriending Our Wounds: A Meditation” mp3 oos
Jan. 30, 2022Robin Proud"Rediscovered Transcendentalist: Caroline Healey Dall” mp3 oos
Feb. 6, 2022Holly Tellander"The Kids Scare You: And Other Uncomfortable Truths About Education in America" mp3 oos
Feb. 13, 2022UUA Side With Love"Reproductive Justice” oos
Feb. 20, 2022Rev Matt Aspin"E Pluribus Unum” mp3 oos
Feb. 27, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"Good Grief” oos
March 6, 2022Ajay Sethi"Imagining the Next Normal of the Coronavirus Pandemic” oos
March 13, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"Reconvening” mp3 oos
March 20, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"Beginner’s Mind” mp3 oos
March 27, 2022Matt Julian"Healthcare and Homelessness” mp3 oos
April 3, 2022members"Service Auction" oos
April 10, 2022Eugene Crisler ‘El"Meeting with MOSES” mp3 oos
April 17, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"Readying to Rise” mp3 oos
April 24, 2022Gary Gates"Earth Day - Walking The Talk” mp3 oos
May 1, 2022Key Log Ceremony at retreat
May 8, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin, Barbara Park"May Day” mp3 oos
May 15, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"Real Thoughts about Artificial Intelligence” mp3 oos
May 22, 2022"Parish Meeting Sunday”oos
May 29, 2022Dan Proud"Three Generations of Veterans” mp3 oos

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2022 to May 2023

June 5, 2022"Bridging/Transitions Service”oos
June 12, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"Does Prairie Need a Minister?” mp3 oos
June 19, 2022Anne Pryor"Laura M. Towne: Unitarian Abolitionist & Co-Founder of The Penn Center” mp3 oos
June 26, 2022Karen Deaton"Summer Reads"oos
July 3, 2022Barbara Park and Mary Mullen"Growing an International Village Through Community Gardening" mp3 oos
July 10, 2022Yoshiko Herrera"The War in Ukraine” mp3 oos
July 17, 2022Rev. Gretchen Haley"The Deal on Those Days"oos
July 24, 2022Joint Service with Free Congregation of Sauk County
July 31, 2022Matt Wise“The Dangers to Society of Social Media” mp3 oos
Aug. 7, 2022AJ Hardie"Willma's Fund: Working to Address Homelessness and Housing Insecurity
among LGBTQ+ people in Dane County”
mp3 oos
Aug. 14, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"Counting Our Blessings”mp3 oos
Aug. 21, 2022Al Nettleton"Thomas Wentworth Higginson: Unitarian Minister and The Civil War”mp3 oos
Aug. 28, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"The Discovered Why”mp3 oos
Sept. 4, 2022Frida Ballard"Why You Should Care About Workers”mp3 oos
Sept. 11, 2022"Ingathering/Water Communion”oos
Sept. 18, 2022Evelyn Kain, Katrina Thompson, and Pageen Small"Destigmatizing Reproductive Justice”oos
Sept. 25, 2022"Building Dedication"oos
Oct. 2, 2022"Animal Blessing"oos
Oct. 9, 2022Gene Kaine"Flashbacks”mp3 oos
Oct. 16, 2022Katrina Daly-Thompson and Pageen Small"Widening Prairie's Circle of Concern”oos
Oct. 23, 2022Rev. Mark Richards"Democracy Ain't Easy”oos
Oct. 30, 2022"All Souls' Day”oos
Nov. 6, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"Communal Salvation”mp3 oos
Nov. 13, 2022"Guest at Your Table”oos
Nov. 20, 2022"Mini Service and Parish Meeting”oos
Nov. 27, 2022Rev. Matt Aspin"The FUUture of our Faith”mp3 oos
Dec. 4, 2022"Widening the Circle of Concern, Part 2”oos
Dec. 11, 2022Ken Lonnquist"Old Befana”oos
Dec. 18, 2022"Symbol Tree”oos
Dec. 25, 2022"Cozy Winter Brunch”oos
Jan. 1, 2023"Wishes for the New Year”oos
Jan. 8, 2023Rev. Matt Aspin"Finding balance in the New Year”mp3 oos
Jan. 15, 2023Eddie and Mary Sue Short"A Small Town Rises”oos
Jan. 22, 2023Rev. Matt Aspin"Roe v. What's Next?”mp3 oos
Jan. 29, 2023Layla Coleman"Information and Misinformation Impacts on Youth"”oos
Feb. 5, 2023Robin Proud"Lucy Stone: An American Original”mp3 oos
Feb. 12, 2023Renee Deschard"Valentine's Day, Love & Chocolate"oos
Feb. 19, 2023"Listening to Marginalized Voices”oos
Feb. 26, 2023Rev. Matt Aspin"Tough Love"mp3 oos
March 5, 2023Rev. Matt Aspin"Perfectly Imperfect"mp3 oos
March 12, 2023Bruce Olsen, Meghan Salzwedel, Jennifer Torres Barrera, Mike Bruce"Heart Room: Opening Doors for All Families”oos
March 19, 2023"Annual Spring Auction”oos
March 26, 2023James Morgan"Transforming Our Community: Let's start with me”mp3 oos
April 2, 2023Tom Sinsky"Braver Angels on a mission to depolarize our nation”mp3 oos
April 9, 2023Ilene Haykus"Miracles of Spring"mp3 oos
April 16, 2023Rev. Matt Aspin, Kathy Converse, Ken Skog, Molly Plunkett, John Wunderlin"The Only Constant is Change"mp3 oos
April 23, 2023Kathryn Kuntz"Federal Funding Makes Clean Energy More Affordable for All”mp3 Tr oos
April 30, 2023Prairie RE"A Walk on the Wild Side"oos
May 7, 2023"Spring Parish Meeting"oos
May 14, 2023Ilene Haykus"Reclaiming the Feminine Divine"oos
May 21, 2023Ed Friedman"Will China Spark WWIII?"mp3 oos
May 28, 2023Rev. Matt Aspin"Moving Towards Peace"mp3 oos

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2023 to May 2024

June 4, 2023Prairie RE"Celebrating our Children"oos
June 11, 2023Rev. Matt Aspin"Moving Towards Balance"oos
June 18, 2023Randy Converse"Summer Reads"oos
June 25, 2023Johanna Hatch"Trust Pregnant People"oos
July 2, 2023Rev. Matt Aspin"Moving On"oos
July 9, 2023"Flower Ceremony 100th Anniversary"oos
July 16, 2023Nick Schweitzer"The Last Freie Gemeinde: The Free Congregation of Sauk County"oos
July 23, 2023Chelsey Larson, Nick Schweitzer, Kathy Converse, Mary Mullen"Communities of Gratitude"oos
July 30, 2023"Poetry Share"oos
Aug. 6, 2023Ilene Haykus"What Happens When We Die?oos
Aug. 13, 2023Rev. Karen Armina, Kathy Converse, Rev. Kelly Crocker, & Rev. Kelly Asprooth-Jackson"The Stories of Us"oos
Aug. 20, 2023Prairie Interweave"Rainbowland"oos
Aug. 27 2023 Robin Proud"The Heroine with 1001 Faces"oos
Sept. 3, 2023Daniela Jaime"The Power of a Coalition: Collective Worker Organizing & How Faith Allies Lend Strength & Witness"oos
Sept. 10, 2023"Ingathering"oos
Sept. 17, 2023 Ilene Haykus"Unitarian Universalism and the Belief in God"oos
Sept. 24, 2023 Susan Carpenter"Gardening Practices to Support Native Bees"oos
Oct. 8, 2023 Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Parliament of World's Religions: What, Who, When, Why"oos
Oct. 15, 2023 Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"'Emerson's Refulgent Religion' by Rev. Dr. Patrick T. O'Neill"oos
Oct. 22, 2023 Michele Clark"Killers of the Flower Moon"oos
Oct. 29, 2023 "All Souls' Day"oos
Nov. 5, 2023 Michael Wagner"Deciding What's True in a Polarized Society"oos
Nov. 12, 2023 Ilene Haykus"On Gratitude"oos
Nov. 19, 2023 Mini Service and Parish Meetingoos
Nov. 26, 2023Rev. Karen Armina "Gratitude, Generosity.and Unlearning Colonization"des
Dec. 3, 2023Rev. Dr. Michael A. Schuler"Humanism: In Command or in Crisis?"oos
Dec. 10, 2023Matt Wise"I Can Tolerate Anything Except The Outgroup"oos
Dec. 17, 2023"Symbol Tree"oos
Dec. 24, 2023Rev. Ralph Tyksinski, Jesse Garst, Matt Wise, Adam Tyksinski"The Christmas Truce"oos
Dec. 31, 2023Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Letting Go and New Beginnings"oos
Jan. 7, 2024Rev. Pamela Rumancik"Star Trekking Home: Welcoming Ourselves"oos
Jan. 14, 2024Bob Park, Aileen Nettleton, Mary Mullen and Ralph Tyksinski"Answering the Call for Civil Rights"oos
Jan. 21, 2024Rev. Anthony Wade"Love One Another: King James Holy Bible"oos
Jan. 28, 2024Anne Pryor"Searching for a Bird and Finding the Interdependent Web"oos
Feb 4, 2024Robin Proud"Catherine Spence: Australian Activist"oos
Feb 11, 2024Vicar Vica-Etta Henrietta Steel"Bible so Queer"oos
Feb 18, 2024Karla Thennes"Porchlight's Response to Homelessness in Dane County"oos
Feb 25, 2024Nadav Shelef"Political Dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"oos
March 3, 2024Nick Schweitzer"International Religious Connections and Organizations"oos
March 10, 2024Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Proposed changes to the UU Principles and Sources"oos
March 24, 2024Al Nettleton"Equanimity: A Meditation" by Jake Blascyzkoos
March 31, 2024Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"The Call of Easter: The Varied Ways UU's Find Meaning at Eastertide"oos
April 7, 2024Gary Gates"Earth Day - Walking The Talk" oos
April 14, 2024Robin Proud"If You Can't Stand the Heat - Suffrage in the Kitchen"oos
April 21, 2024Ken Lonnquist and Esperé Eckard-Lee"Songs Celebrating Earth Day" oos
April 28, 2024Rob Brink"Brighter Skies and Better Days" oos
May 5, 2024Katrina Daly Thompson"Muslims on the Margins: Creating Queer Religious Community in North America"oos
May 12, 2024"Flower Ceremony"oos
May 19, 2024Spring Parish Meetingoos
May 26, 2024Pastor Anthony Wade, Rev. Ralph A. Tyksinski"Coming Together In Unity On Memorial Day"oos

Prairie Sunday Programs June 2024 to May 2025

June 2, 2024Mai Zong Vue"Wisconsin Hmong 101"oos
June 9, 2024Prairie RE"Celebrating our Children"oos
June 16, 2024Karen Smith"A Summer Solstice Celebration"oos
June 23, 2024Rev. Jim Foti"Resisting Tyranny"oos
July 7, 2024Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Thomas Jefferson: His Religious Beliefs"oos
July 14, 2024Dirk Herr-Hoyman"Summer Reads"oos
July 21, 2024Randy Converse & Johanna Hatch"UUA General Assembly Debrief" oos
July 28, 2024Susie Tatone, Dave Siegfried, Ken Skog, Rev. Ralph Tyksinki"Making Love Visible"
Joint Service with Free Congregation of Sauk County
Aug. 4, 2024"Community of Communities"
A Collaboration of First Unitarian Society, Prairie Society, and James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Aug. 11, 2024John Gernandt"A Young Man's Odyssey Through Mexico"oos
Aug. 18, 2024"Poetry Share"oos
Aug. 25, 2024Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Christian Nationalism: What is it and how does it shape our religious and cultural landscape?"oos
Sept. 1, 2024Aaron Robert"The Past, Present, and Future Labor Movement"oos
Sept. 8, 2024"Ingathering""oos
Sept. 15, 2024Vicar Vica-Etta Henrietta Steel"Reading the Bible through New Eyes: Case Study; The Great Commission"oos
Sept. 22, 2024Daniel Hayden"What Can We Learn From Indigenous Farming?"oos
Sept. 29, 2024"Key Log Ceremony"
Oct. 6, 2024Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Autumnal Lessons Through Poets' Eyes"oos
Oct. 13, 2024Rev. Dr. Michael A. Schuler"Don't Light a Candle and Don't Curse the Darkness"oos
Oct. 20, 2024Tsela Barr"My Journey to Gaza"oos
Oct. 27, 2024"All Souls' Day"oos
Nov. 3, 2024Nandi (Sunita) Nandihalli"Decolonizing Spirituality"oos
Nov. 10, 2024Mary Sue Reutebuch"Active Hope: A Post-election Journey"oos
Nov. 17, 2024Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"A House Divided - Whither Thou Goest?"oos
Nov. 24, 2024Fall Parish Meetingoos
Dec. 1, 2024Ken Skog"Citizens' Climate Lobby's Strategy for Legislative Success"oos
Dec. 8, 2024Avalon Haykus"Embracing the Wealth of Our Religious Roots"oos
Dec. 15, 2024Karen Smith"A Winter Solstice Celebration"oos
Dec. 22, 2024"Symbol Tree"oos
Dec. 29, 2024Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Toast, Boast, and Oath"oos
Jan. 5, 2025Robin Proud"Elizabeth Cady Stanton: The Woman's Bible"oos
Jan. 12, 2025Rev. Mary Sue Reutebuch"Still Climbing the Justice Mountain: Lessons Not yet Learned from MLK"oos
Jan. 19, 2025Rev. Ralph Tyksinski"Martin Luther King, Jr., an Unwelcome Prophet"oos
Jan. 26, 2025Greg Juarez"Who We Are - Just Bakery"oos
Feb. 2, 2025Barb Park, Karen Deaton"Raging Grannies"oos

mp3 = online audio file of speaker portion of service available
(For recent years audio recordings of entire services are available on the Members' Page. Many older full service recordings are available on request to
oos = link to order of service
Tr = online transcript or PowerPoint slides available

Archives Portal
Updated February 5, 2025, by Archives Committee