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Pastoral Minister: Mary Sue Reutebuch

Office Hours: Most Tuesdays and Thursdays at the annex. Available for in-person meetings upon request. Please contact for scheduling.
(608) 271-8218

Director of Religious Exploration (DRE): Karen Deaton

Office hours: Monday and Wednesday, 12:00 to 4:00 pm. Almost always at Prairie on Sunday mornings. Available evenings and Saturdays by appointment.
email: Karen will get back to you during her next office hours.
Phone: (608) 271-8218 (be sure to say that your message is for Karen)

Office Administrator: Nancy Wunderlin

Office Hours: Sunday, Monday afternoon working on site in the Annex, Tuesday – Friday working remotely.
(608) 271-8218

Custodian: Raju Eliganti

In addition to our paid positions, Prairie has many volunteer opportunities. Prairie functions so well because volunteers plan and present programs and services, help with child care, teach children, help with potlucks, and more! There’s no better way to get to know us than to work with us. It’s easy to get involved in any of these activities.