Annual Giving (Pledging)

What is Annual Giving and why is it important?
Annual giving (pledging) is how we sustain the work of Prairie on an annual ongoing basis. Each year, we renew our commitment to Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society — to care for our church, sustain its programs, and support the work we do outside our church. Your financial gift is crucial to our viability as a religious community. Click here for the pledge form that you can download and mail in or bring on Sunday morning.
How can I make my gifts?
By Cash or Check: You can bring your pledged gift to church to drop in the offering basket or mail it to 2006 Whenona Dr, Madison, WI 53711. Just note that it’s an annual gift. There are also envelopes in the foyer that you can use for recording cash payments.
By Auto Giving: If you prefer Auto Giving or electronic funds transfer, complete the banking information on the pledge form, and attach a voided check. Auto Giving is an easy way for you to give to the church and creates a predictable and smooth stream of income for Prairie.
By Stock Gifts: Stock gifts is another way to give to the church. Prairie’s broker is Benjamin Edwards & Co at 608-233-1000.
How can I see how much I’ve given this year?
Periodically, Prairie mails pledge statements to all congregants with a pledge. This statement is meant to inform you where you are with your payments and to hopefully allow us to correct any discrepancies between our records and yours. You can also call Prairie at 608-271-8218.
When does the fiscal year begin and end?
Our fiscal year begins January 1 and ends December 31.
Who do I contact if I have questions or need to make changes to my giving?
Please the Finance Committee Chair at finance[AT] with any questions or inquiries about giving.